Reviews from

in the past

Pretty cool, but the rest of the chapters were unavailable :(((((((((((((((((

When I was a kid I thought that this game was pretty good...
I was a kid that has a screw loose


In regular Telltale fashion, they turned Minecraft— one of the most creatively dense games with heaps of potential… into something that is only mildly entertaining. This episode establishes a cool premise, and introduces some likeable characters that I can see getting more nuanced as the story progresses; but it’s quite eye-opening as to how lifeless Minecraft felt before it received the numerous updates. It’s nothing new for Telltale, but the environments are made with a lack of detail and variety, despite being accurate to the base game— still unusual though, considering they took their own creative liberties incorporating the Wither Storm. They should’ve designed some of their own environments and blocks, adding some originality that I personally think would’ve made the experience a lot more memorable and timeless.

A thing I noticed with the choices is that some of them make no sense… There was a point in which I chose to steal from Ivor (who had robbed me), Petra (W Ashley Johnson) opposed this and said that she didn’t want to stoop to his level; a scene later… she steals a gold sword from his chest; basic inconsistencies like these are why I think Telltale’s games just absolutely fucking suck most of the time, they can’t even give characters proper characteristics and stick with them, it’s a mess.

Lastly, a lot of this episode felt very empty…? Sound-wise. There’s either no music playing in the strangest of scenes, or there is music playing but it’s sound-mixed terribly. A missed opportunity is not getting C418 back to be the composer (I’m assuming they tried but he declined maybe, who knows); because it’s a night-day difference between the two soundtracks, and I’m not getting that classic Minecraft vibe that I absolutely fucking adore.

Bridge scene was insane though, more of that please!

Playtime: 1.8 hours

Minecraft: Story Mode Episodes - Ranked
Telltale Episodes - Ranked

The wither storm is cool but is really missing Minecraft YouTubers

can't wait for this to get adapted into live action with Jason Mamoa playing the lead role