Reviews from

in the past

En iyi Monster Hunter oyunu.

God please give me a pc so I can play this

i'm sorry but even though nearly all the frontier mon designs are fantastic a decent chunk of them are really bad to fight with constant dashing around the map making it a nightmare to actually fight them, hitboxes are worse than ever, and the general design of "hehe everything oneshots you and has ungodly stats" is not fun at all in a Monster Hunter game and usually gets endless shit in other entries, but i guess MHF players are built different.
I also have a problem with the rain server for keeping daily rewards, gacha cringe, and a small handful of the basegame's more atrocious grinds (and it apparently gets much worse from G rank onwards) alive and well, maybe I'll revisit if that fist rebalancing project is ever finished because there's some insane potential here

MH but all the monsters and weapons took a shit ton amounts of drugs

Dead mmo deteriation of the prefrontal cortex method


This game is starting to really impress me with its content....