Reviews from

in the past

I'm a simple man: I see plump cowgirls on the cover, and I finally decide to set up my Xbox Series X for emulation. $19 dollars and 2 hours of some downloads and Youtube tutorials later, and we're off. And sure, while it's true that I'm a sucker for some cute cover art and thicc anime girls, I had been itching to play a CAVE game for a while now, regardless. I'm sure there were better options for a first, but what I've heard about the difficulty in CAVE shmups still holds true here...

I was astounded. Dumbfounded. Flabbergasted, even. The fact that it's even somehow possible to 1cc a game like this just blows my mind. I know it could never be me, and I kept cursing under my breath at every single seemingly unavoidable death that came my way. Eventually, a strong sense of catharsis came over me and I realized that it doesn't even matter. This wasn't the arcade and I had unlimited continues, so to hell with skill-based disillusionment! I still blew shit up and had fun, but it did make me all the more curious for what sort of potential a good CAVE game could hold...

For pig lovers and the mildly excited: Muchi Muchi Pork!

Extremely energized and vibrant, Muchi Muchi Pork institutes many of Cave's modern standard mechanics like medal chains and utilizes a simple two-weapon swapping mechanic to keep things fast and fluid. It stands out instantly from its design and then keeps player attention with a perfectly short five stage runtime and uplifting music.

Also if you like LOVE pigs or something this game is your game of the year. They're everywhere.

If a woman is going to moan in my ear every time I graze a single danmaku bullet I'd at least prefer for her to be real. But I guess we shoot-em-up players gotta take whatever we can get