Reviews from

in the past

Way harder and stupidly precise platformer. A little too big for its' britches and not as fun as the first one

I remember enjoying the original on the 3DS for what it was when it originally released and also remember a significant amount of hype for the game before it came out. However, it must have been a pretty slow period for the handheld because this feels way worse than I remember.

The movement is extremely stiff and the jetpack doesn't help out in that regard. I really enjoy tough platformers but the character has to feel good to control and the difficulty can't feel too unfair. Unfortunately, neither holds true here, and the gun promotes a pretty boring gameplay style of camping and shooting at enemies until the screen is cleared, then progressing.

Ends up feeling like a flash game that I would have had fun with for an afternoon and then forgotten soon after, not a premium eshop title for the 3DS.

Se quiser fazer 100% neste jogo, prepare-se: a dificuldade é alta propósito e a movimentação do personagem é porca.

This is to the original as The Lost Levels is to Super Mario Bros.

Barely anything new, no new ideas or gameplay mechanics. It's the same game, but harder. Of course, these are brand new levels, and the bosses are a new concept to the franchise (I seem to remember). However, beyond that, I was a little dissapointed in this.

The first one was a surprise banger when I tried it one or two years ago. Finally got around to play this one only to find the very same elements, all environments look the same, but thing took me almost 4 times to beat than the first one, just because they decided to ramp up the difficulty to eleven?

Yeah, I beat this game in 25 hours or so, the first one was around 7 for me. Both have roughly the same amount of levels.

I didn't even bother with finding the secret characters as they are the kind of secrets that aren't meant to be found, but looked up online.

However, this is still a good game. Mechanics are solid enough. There are no malfunctions to speak of. I liked the bosses, even if some of them are very hard, some others are real highlights.

This would have worked more as a DLC. I guess it's in the name.

First review here! I have a lot of nostalgia for the Mutant mudds games, being a kid from the 3DS/Wii U era. Never actually beat them, though, until now. Definitely a little frustrating at points but the experience was so tight that I could never call it unfair. Great, great underrated platformers