Reviews from

in the past

Insane game, community is very hit or miss
But met some great people and i can safely say it's my favorite VR game so far! :)

A joy to show friends the shooting range, test out guns, and scare them in the hospital in the zombie mode.

Community needs to calm down. Gunplay feels nice though

The joy I get from joining random RP servers and shooting every person there with a deagle and then getting banned is simply unmatched

Bof c'est trop nul les jeux en VR

CSGO for TikTok Trolling Extroadinaires

TTT is awesome, S&D is awesome, just a fun VR FPS

This game is fucking amazing, I wish there was an official matchmaking system and dedicated servers. That's the only thing holding it back for me.

i love the guns in this game and also love playing ttt

vr's call of duty. except it has nothing to do except shoot people. Which is okay

y are there hackers on shack now

I played the scuffed quest 2 version and heard some unspeakable things during a game. Needless to say I stick more to solo vr games now

Guns are very fun. Friends help a lot but like lots of ftp vr games the community is not the best.

Absolute insanity. Garry's Mod and Counter Strike Source in VR is just as unhinged as you think it'll be

This game has immensely satisfying gunplay.

this shit was so fun to goof around in

One if not THE best VR FPS game of all time ! The gunplay is smooth and it takes no more than an hour in the range to master all the weapons !

One of the few games I played on the PSVR2 that truly feels like it couldn’t exist without it. From ducking under bullets to yanking your friends clip out of their gun, they let you really go as whacky as possible with it. Unfortunately outside of VR exclusive hijinx, the game is incredibly barebones.

probably the best VR shooter

I actually have this on the Quest, not the Quest 2 (modded). Definitley a fun game to jump into and mess around with buddies and randoms. I enjoyed gun game the most, along with the intricate details included with the weapons.

Only problem I had with it was that it liked to either crash or not work entirely for me. But besides that it was a great immersive shooter.

My favorite vr game of all time, made all my friends get vr to play this. TTT in 2020 was the best. 10/10

Gun mechanics are probably the best out there, but the game itself is super repetitive and slow. Really fun with friends but not so fun on your own.

Fun CS:GO-esque shooter in VR. Great gunplay, fun minigames, and creative minigames. Very good introduction to VR shooters.