Reviews from

in the past

Really solid game, I especially love all the excitement of finding what that one specific evidence is the clue to debunk a witness's claims

phoenix wright and elle woods are bffs btw

Sendo o primeiro jogo da trilogia, tive ótimos momentos e impressões sobre Ace Attorney.

Todo humor que a série transmite me cativou em cada minuto de gameplay, pude me divertir muito em cada caso que foi me dado. Na minha opinião, gostei como o jogo faz com que fiquemos hypados com os casos, tanto que me causou grande interesse nas histórias que estavam sendo contadas.

Cada caso é único, e todos eles me deu aprendizado e, com certeza, muita emoção.

O jogo é rico em seu design, seja dos personagens, como dos backgrounds. A arte é tão linda e expressiva que foi apaixonante a primeira vista. Não posso deixar de citar a trilha sonora, que consegue transmitir a tensão e a excitação nos momentos de reviravolta nos casos.

Os personagens são únicos e memoráveis, amei poder passar um tempo ao lado deles<3 (se bem que tem uns que eu ache meio meeeh).

Eu lembro de um "problema" que vi em discussão um tempo atrás, da tradução que os fãs fizeram não ser 100% correta e ter MUITA piadinha brasileira envolvida. Mas, sinceramente não me importei tanto, pude aproveitar o jogo mesmo assim, e me diverti bem mais dessa forma.

É compreensivo o por que desse jogo ser tão influente pras Visual novels de investigação, é um jogo muito bom e marcante. (btw o jogo deveria ter acabado no capítulo 4 tmj).


The soundtrack has blasted this game past the moon into the eternal void of space where it will be discovered, studied, and envied by aliens that wish they could make consistently good banger soundtracks.

É muito bom, mas ainda acho que o Shu Takumi tava meio inexperiente escrevendo esse jogo, experimentando muita coisa nova.
Mas pra um começo, é ótimo.

Edgeworth my beloved.
The 4th and extra case are peak storytelling.

Every character is memorable and well-written, had a great time with this game.
Can't say the same about the fifth case, that was a struggle.

I finished this game after 40 hours, I might have slept more than once while playing Ace Attorney, but that might be because of my short attention span thanks to the brainrot I consume daily

Fun, silly and a little homosexual at times. This game was literally one of the main reasons why I decided to become an attorney, although in real life you can't use a parrot's testimony in court as evidence, which you can do in this game. Amazing.

tykkäsin siit kohdast ku edgeworth ja wright pani 2h ilman keskeytyst

I had always been curious about the Ace Attorney series, ever since I first watched all those ranchy parody animations on YouTube when I was a kid. I never expected to like these games as much as I did...But here we are.

Playing Ace Attorney is like playing a book. Everything is heavily scripted and your choices only serve to progress the story in the one and only path the game wants you to follow. But where it lacks in freedom, I believe it compensates in writing and presentation.

This world and characters they have created are so absolutely absurd, but I could not help but to fall in love with them. I can heavily relate with Phoenix, I love Mia like a mentor, I love Maya like my sister, I love Edgeworth like a gay lover, and I love Gumshoe like a good friend who just can't catch a break.

Whenever a new case starts, I don't really mind the repeating formula of Investigation > Trial and viceversa, since the game usually does manage to hook me soon enough, that all I want to do is to keep finding clues to find out how the story unfolds.

The trial system may be absolutely stupid and far removed from reality, but MAN is it the best part of the game. It is just so satisfying to point out contradictions and seeing the true culprit slowly crumble down, until they break out of desperation.

But by far, what makes everything work as well as it does, has to be the presentation. Seeing Phoenix slam the table and yell "OBJECTION!" feels too over the top but it never gets old. And the music....Hoooly shit THIS MUSIC! THE CORNERED THEME SLAPS SO HARD! I GET INCREDIBLY EXCITED EVERY TIME I HEAR IT! ....Even if all I am seeing is people standing in a courtroom and talking.

The only downsides to this game are the fact that the bonus case is maybe a bit...Way too long (Good, but too long). And I actually don't like how often Phoenix needs to be saved at the last minute by Mia (The way you win the second case is pretty...dumb), it kinda makes Phoenix look more incompetent than he actually is.

In conclusion. This game is fun, it's funny, it's compelling, it's endearing, I love these characters and the original last case is incredibly good. Uhh...I dunno what else to say...It's a step ladder.

I played a few of the games on the Switch as they came as a package. It was cool but it's simply just a ton of dialogue and point and click but there is nothing wrong with it. The characters and the cases are unique and fun. But I got bored and I didn't finish like the 3rd game I think.

miles is established as someone who will do anything to get a guilty verdict, possibly even sending innocent people to jail. yet throughout the series, we never experience this vicious implication and it basically goes away after this game. you might call this poor writing or poor foresight from the writers, but personally, miles is my meow meow and i absolve him of his past sins so he can take on the new role of being phoenix’s pillow princess. amen.

A very good adventure game with an extra, very big fifth case made for the DS version.

Que joguinho incrível, pelo amor de deus! Fui não esperando absolutamente nada e sai lendo uma das melhores visual novels da MINHA VIDA! Esse jogou caiu como uma luva na época que eu tava aprendendo inglês e certamente contribuiu muito no meu aprendizado, além de ter sido uma experiência incrível. Recomendo demais ele e os outros 2 da trilogia, são obras primas e tem uma das melhores localizações que eu já vi no mundo dos videogames!

Very good story. As a child I thought the relationship between Phoenix and Edgeworth was very unique and cool to watch. Now I realize they're hella repressed and there's no hetero explanation for them. I hope the best for them

Amazing, wonderful game. Truly special. Epilogue kinda lost me for a bit since it wasn’t the gang I was used to in the beginning but still well done! Excited to play the next game!

When the autopsy report is outdated

Пройдено в рамках прохождения Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy, тут оценка именно первых 5-ти дел, которые образуют первую часть.

Довольно душные, затянутые и очень часто высосанные из пальца Дела. Игра слишком скриптовая, причём максимально плохим образом. В общем, это приятно читать, но тупость происходящего и излишняя скриптованность дают о себе знать

I think this game is going to take a replay to give proper thoughts on, as while I did see the credits roll at the end of Turnabout Goodbyes a couple of years ago, I found Rise from the Ashes to be such a slog, that I didn't get around to finishing it off until now (in other words, I wasn't sure how or when to quantify this game as 'complete' because I was hearing conflicting reports on if Rise from the Ashes was actually canon?). And from what I recall (because my memory from then is rather hazy), that's not independent of this games... let's call it 'structure' for now. Damn shame, too, because the first two cases of this game were so strong as an introduction to the series... and then 1-3 was ultimately filler, and 1-4... look, I'm not out here about to write some dissertation on why 'Von Karma did nothing wrong' (I'm no longer a Smogon player, after all... I seem to have fallen out with all their asses), but something about how the Defence 'wins' via an only vaguely related case just didn't sit "wright" with me (pun only slightly intended).

I think the big thing that made PWAA1 such molasses to get through is that it's not really a game... it's an interactive novel, in a generation where transcripts and LPs aren't hard to come by. So it's more like you're playing alongside these resources rather than in spite of them, unlike... I dunno, the rest of the medium? And I can't count how many times the game turns around and asserts 'absolute, singular pieces of evidence', when 2/3/4 other objects of the case are just as damming, meaning that this game doesn't feel as nuanced as it should do (even if the humour is pretty respectable).

Looks like I'll be doing my own investigating for a bit, I guess.

- Great plot, Great writing, Great music.
- VN style game where you play as a detective defending people, and then it gets crazy from there.

Three days is too long for a trial, and some of the witnesses/NPCs don't have the spark they ought to, but supreme storytelling and fun courtroom segments make up for it

A really fun concept of a courtroom, plus there's so much Edgeworth. I'm rating this without RFTA included though, it ruins the pacing.

Ok sooo, ace attorney!! been meaning to play this one for a while and finally got around to it
At first I will say that I, dare I say, liked this game quite a lot actually. But that was partly because I thought it was a different kind of game. let me explain myself.
The courtroom felt like a really novel concept. You had this series of proofs, you have to pierce the story yourself and use the right pieces of evidence to get through the case. Great! I even thought for a sec there my choices mattered!
Turns out I was just lucky enough to pick up the right evidences for my first 10 times or so
What did this meant? Well, for starters, I didn't even know I had 5 chances of failing, so it was actually really really tense, and exciting. I was EXCITED, I felt so smart and clever...!!! I was getting through it, it was difficult but with my observation skills I was winging it! It was, so fun!
And then it came. My first mistake.
"Oh, I can actually fail. 5 times, even. Wait, does that mean that this trial isn't developing itself organically based on my choices? (A silly hope to have, in retrospective)"
Turns out that was exactly it. The bs started shortly afterwards, sadly. There were lots of moments where I wanted to present something that was clearly related to the suspect, but the game just didn't let me. It was either cause I wasn't selecting the exact part of the testimony they wanted me to, or because it was too soon. Also, as stated before, you can lose the trial if you fuck up 5 times, so failing is heavily punished. Realizing key details of the case before the characters do only serves to throws you off, because proofs just won't work if not at the right place and time. If you don't save scum, you will also start from the beginning of the trial. I will now mention that I played this on an actual ds, so no fast forward for me, which sucks especially here because you cannot make text go faster if it's your first time reading it :/
I get why it's like that, but I'm a fast reader so it got a little bit cumbersome at times, especially after some unfortunate crashes by my R4

Because of all of these things, I actually took 4 months to finish the last trial. That's right. I completed the rest of the game in just two months, but that one was the one that broke me.
I also needed to use a guide at points for, again, knowing which exact phrase they wanted me to object, which made me felt miserably stupid for something that was out of my control. Hell, even without help, trying all evidences out of desperation made me feel unclever. It was mean :(
I get why people love this game. The music is very soothing, the "gotcha!" moments feel like an explosion of passion and I love more than half of the cast of characters and how well they are represented

But the gameplay makes me feel kinda sad, because I thought it was something way cooler than it actually is, and now that I know how the peak courtroom experience feels it's just kind of depressing ngl

Anyways, if someone read allat, thanks a lot! Wish ye a good one, reader :D/

ONLY visual novel i find "fun", and good... quite literally. I still believe that VN's are not game, still a fun ass time tho.