Reviews from

in the past

worst video game i’ve played all year and the year hasn’t even started

Cool tool not really a game in the traditional sense but cool regardless

I’ll keep using this every night but i think i have a good enough sense of what it’s all about after 150 nights to finally log it

Good idea in concept and very playable without having to pay a cent (for a mobile game). However, at least on my phone it drains battery like nothing else and the requirement to have it on my bed keeps it just far enough from charging cables that it eventually grew too cumbersome to keep up.

fine idea, but i have better sleep putting my phone on some flat surface that isn't my bed and playing youtube videos in the background for better sleep instead of generic sleep music to try to make go to sleep. turns it into a chore tbh

Too many updates, why does it need internet to work?!

I saw someone on twitter a few months ago say something like Waking up and having to do laggy boring tasks is not a good way to start the day
and putting them off for later just gives me the dread all day of having to do it
Novel idea. Dont love the execution

eu achei bonitinho mas não gostei mt não...

I have been using the Pokemon Sleep app for 100 sleep sessions as of the time of me writing this review. It’s an updated version of a review I wrote after 30 sleep sessions. I feel that this game is better understood the longer it’s played and some of my thoughts on it have changed as a result.

Pokemon Sleep is a combination of a sleep tracker and a creature collecting game that doesn’t perform fully as either, but ends up inhabiting a unique place between fun and function. The gameplay loop fits itself neatly into a person’s natural daily milestones (sleeping and meals) and it feels nice to check in on my Pokemon throughout the day. Sleep’s 2D art style and the music is incredibly charming. I can tell a lot of love and imagination went into every aspect of this game’s presentation. The Pokemon on your team walk around the research site, react happily when you tap them, and perform tasks on timers throughout the day. It scratches the same itch that virtual pets do and that endeared me to the game immediately.

I am in love with the premise too: The Pokemon world’s dubious idea of research this time involves setting up camp on an island, cooking human food for a wild Snorlax according to its preferences, and then taking photos of the Pokemon that are drawn to its mysterious thrall overnight. You catch Pokemon like you do any wild animal (by feeding them) and in return they bring you berries and ingredients to give to Snorlax, some of which are packaged or processed foods that could not have been foraged. Nature is amazing.

Mechanically, the game has a lot more to it than one would expect. Some aspects are a little convoluted and it could probably stand to be streamlined, but navigating synergies between Pokemon and their Skills and Natures makes for genuinely interesting team building over time. Multiple zones means multiple teams that are always in need of updating if you’re the type of player who wants to engage with it. The RNG factors can be frustrating in the first few weeks of play (player experience can vary drastically for better or for worse) but it feels less punishing as time goes on and your Pokemon level up.

After 100 days with the game, the creature care and team building are what I’m primarily interested in. As a sleep tracker, I have found the novelty to fade. I like this app better as a game and at this point I kind of wish I didn’t have to deal with tracking sleep for it. Unfortunately, Pokemon Sleep requires me to interact with it during times I don’t want to look at my phone: bedtime and first thing in the morning. I was relieved to discover that putting my phone in Airplane Mode during sleep sessions was possible without compromising data (I sleep poorly with my phone next to my head), but I’d still prefer to put my phone anywhere but in the bed with me. This has grated on me over the course of 100 days, not the RNG factors in the game mechanics which was my primary complaint in my original review. This is ultimately why I think I will put this game aside at some point in the near future.

I commend the game for a lot of things, most notably its art/music, its low maintenance events, and the way it’s kept its monetization out of the way and completely optional for those familiar with the forward thinking and resource management required in free to play games. You can play Pokemon Sleep in peace, as it should be. If you’re against monetization on principle though, this game likely won’t be an exception. If you’re looking for a full featured Pokemon game or a full featured sleep tracking app, Pokemon Sleep isn’t any of these things either. If you can’t tolerate the slow no-binge pacing of games intended to be played daily, if you don’t enjoy idle mechanics, or if you are put off by multiple currencies and shops, this game probably won’t change your mind on any of that. Pokemon Sleep is a game that needs to be played as intended (casually, daily, and long term) to see and appreciate what it's really offering. It won’t be an app for every Pokemon fan.

This review contains spoilers

snort mimimi

Fun at first, but it quickly becomes repetitive. If you miss logging a night if sleep it punishes you so hard. The slection of pokemon in this is also very limited, only up to gen 3? Why? That's so weird.

Review EN/PTBR

I didn't feel motivated to go to bed earlier or sleep longer because of the game, it practically just wastes your time giving you more tasks to do throughout the day and it becomes very frustrating when you doesn't remember turning on before bed

And I still don't understand why something as simple as this game needs to be connected to the Internet all the time?

It's really hard to even say that this is a game other than just another sleep tracker with a pokemon skin.


Em momento algum me senti motivado a ir dormir mais cedo ou dormir mais pelo jogo, ele praticamente só gasta seu tempo te dando mais tarefas pra fazer ao decorrer do dia e se torna muito frustrante quando não bota pra funcionar antes de dormir

E eu ainda não entendi porque algo tão simples como esse jogo precisa ficar conectado à Internet o tempo todo?

É realmente difícil até de dizer que isso é um jogo além de só mais um tracker de sono com skin de pokemon.

Had the opportunity to get the pokeball plus thing while I was in Japan, yet I didn't seize it. The Folly of man. If I get one, I might get back into it. For now, I'm gonna think about my already declining phone battery's health

Is this even a game? Idk, I finally realized after like 150 days that this isn’t really helping motivate me to sleep and it’s just giving me more things to keep track of throughout the day so I think I’m done. If the game started up faster or if Snorlax feeding was automatic maybe I’d keep up with it, but there’s no reason why a sleep tracking app should take up this much of my day. I enjoyed the excitement of waking up to see what pokemon appeared but I think it’s worn off at this point.

el único problema es que tu móvil explota y duermes como el culo

I still "play" this game, every day since it launched. It's genuinely good at getting me to sleep by a certain time every night, starting a sleep session too late one day can make you unable to get rewards for the next night. It definitely feels a little hollow though. Skills and cooking oddly make Pokemon Sleep into a game you're supposed to open 3 or more times a day. There's some fun in creating new dishes and finding new sleep styles, but most nights are just hitting the skip button because you've seen 35 igglybuffs. Definitely worth trying.

just a boring useless game at the end of the day. this game gets worse the more you care about it and everything takes SO LONGGGGG like i cant overstate how irritating it is to wake up and do like 5 long menial tasks. cash grab

my phone fucking combusted under my pillow and nearly burnt my home to the ground.

Yes, I've played this everyday since launch.

vivo solo y me la descargue y escuche voces murmurando en las grabaciones de cuando duermo

una mierda la app

unlocked the ouroboros difficulty where i worry about what the game will say about my sleep patterns and therefore losing sleep and getting poor results and worrying about those results as i go to sleep. thanks guys game works great

A proposta de ajudar com o sono é nobre e interessante. Além disso, o uso dos pokémons e as mecânicas de jogo enriquecem e tornam todo a experiência divertida até certo ponto.

Quando analisamos a execução da proposta, ela é uma desgraceira danada. É preciso deixar o telefone ligado, com o recurso de manter a tela sempre acesa para que ele não corte a conexão e pare de coletar dados. Isso drena a bateria e te deixa sem um celular funcional no dia seguinte, algo que precisamos no dia-a-dia. A solução BRILHANTE é deixar ele carregando a noite toda.

Essa ideia genial além de estúpida é perigosa. O uso do celular sem desligar a tela esquenta o aparelho e a conexão com uma fonte de alimentação contínua mantém ele drenando e carregando a noite inteira.

Isso gasta mais rapidamente os ciclos de recarga e junto da alta temperatura constante vai desnaturando e deteriorando a bateria do seu aparelho. As recomendações de segurança não recomendam ficar carregando o celular o tempo todo na tomada, pois isso pode provocar um incêndio, ESPECIALMENTE porque o aplicativo pede que você mantenha o celular em contato com o seu colchão, um objeto inflamável.

Além disso, o microfone registra barulhos que ocorrem durante o sono, como roncos mas....e se você não mora/dorme sozinho?

No meu caso, ele registrou roncos da minha esposa, não meus, por exemplo. Quem tem criança pequena ou companheiro que se vira bastante, ou mesmo pets mais curiosos ou que dormem com você, o app irá registrar flutuações no colchão como perturbações do sono e classificar sua noite de sono como ruim.

O ideal é que, pra atingir seu objetivo como gamificação do monitoramento de sono, se use uma pulseira como as smartbands que estão no mercado, ou que haja coleta de dados destes. A TPC pensou nisso também. Se você tiver o Pokemon GO Plus, ele faz a coleta dos dados para você, o que elimina todo esse ponto negativo. Mas somente a pulseira do Go+ vai funcionar, outras marcas não.

A solução para coleta de dados sem o acessório é extremamente sujeita a interferências, acabando com o propósito do app. Mas não é só isso que o jogo é ruim.

No tocante ao game design, a dependência de tipos específicos de sono para atrair pokémons específicos é uma péssima ideia. Não se muda seu perfil de sono facilmente, e o aplicativo não explica bem o que são os tipos que ele usa como base para o gameplay. Talvez exista uma espécie de compensação para contrabalancear que costuma ter um tipo específico de sono, mas não cheguei a notar, só pesquisando em fóruns dedicados pra descobrir.

E pra terminar de tornar tudo uma grande ideia ruim, o jogo conta com um design totalmente voltado para microtransações e aplica esse tipo de monetização para viabilizar a compleição das tarefas e coleções propostas. É parecido com o Pokémon GO e seus itens, mas como você precisa gastar itens que aparecem em pouca quantidade para amigar os pokémons que dormem perto de você, em pouco tempo eles vão todos embora e são necessários muitos itens (salvo engano são doces) para amigar os bichinhos e completar as coleções. Esse tipo de design é feito pra te incentivar a gastar dinheiro, já que o jogo/app é gratuito.

É justo para que a empresa consiga monetizar, mas eu não acho isso nem um pouco divertido e, sinceramente? Enorme decepção e impressionado com a The Pokemon Company em projetar algo tão absurdamente caça-níquel, inadequado e potencialmente perigoso.

I gave it a try it's just like a lot of busy work for when I wake up honestly I am not enough of a Pokemon nerd to put up with this

They expect me to fall asleep without using my phone? I have tinnitus besties that's not happening