Reviews from

in the past

It has a good sense of speed and good controls and you can feel Yu Suzuki's fingerprints all over this. The attempt to add some texture to the tracks make the visuals feel a bit grainy and overbearing at times, and I could honestly do without the entire stage tilting when you take a turn.

The wipeout animation in Power Drift is just brutal, and I suspect unintentionally so. Take a wide turn on a raceway suspended 30 feet in the air and you'll spin off the edge like a drill, flying directly into a grain silo. Accidentally bump the side of a tree at 20kmph and your kart will scale to fill 80% of the screen while flipping around erratically, clipping through geometry, just a kaleidoscope of 3D objects and sprites. Where will you end up? Who the hell knows! I once crossed the finish line in such a state and this caused my racer to abruptly correct into his winning animation and drive off into the sky.

Power Drift rules. I love arcade racers and I think they're a great way to spend a lazy morning, and as far as the Sega Saturn goes, this might be my favorite one yet. It's goofy as hell and easy to jump into, and I just dig its style a whole lot. This never came out here and used copies can be pretty expensive, so if you do check this out you might want to consider emulation, a repro, or just burning a disc. Not worth the cost but definitely worth the effort.

Craziest part about Power Drift? It was made by Yu Suzuki. He did it! He finally did it! Yu made a good game!!