Reviews from

in the past

False advertising.

Spoilers: you can’t press alt + F4

In Press Any Button, the player interacts with an artificial intelligence named A-Eye. A-Eye will constantly improve the game the player is playing to make it more unique and fun. The gameplay is rather basic, but the game makes up for it with its story. Throughout the game, A-Eye will speak and ask about personal and philosophical topics, like why humans wage war. A-Eye was a character I genuinely liked, and he made me think more deeply about life and other subjects. With only about an hour of playtime, Press Any Button is an experience I won't forget about anytime soon, and I recommend this game to those who want a short but meaningful experience.

Guys don't try the restart button

"É muito importante dizer as pessoas o quão belas elas são, talvez elas precisem ouvir isso mais do que qualquer um possa imaginar."

Where do I start with this game...

Press Any Button holds its story dear.
And in my opinion, it's a story that is more than worth telling.
It's a fantastic exploration of what makes us human, and how an alienated AI (A-Eye) interprets complex ideas embedded into our very beings. It's surprisingly heartfelt and nuanced for what is a very simple and barebones game loop.

And that's where my problems start.
You'll probably find that the game isn't actually all that fun. In fact, at times, it's honestly frustrating.

You have three platforms, and you have to catch falling blocks and hold them on these platforms until they disappear.
As the game progresses, the mechanics change and sometimes you'll have different speeds or gimmicks to keep the gameplay more engaging.

It never really manages to make it in terms of gameplay, but the game knows that.
It's masked under the plot idea that the AI is the one creating the game, so it's supposed to be bad.
This is something that I can't quite make my mind up on, because on one hand, it makes sense, but on the other, it was sometimes tempting to drop Press Any Button and go play something else, as I felt my time was somewhat being wasted.

In the end, I feel that going through the hassle was worth it just to experience the story, but I know not everyone has the same level of patience. The levels are randomised each time you play so if you fail one time because there were too many blocks on screen at once, the next time you try it, there may be less and you may succeed.

Overall, I feel this game is flawed but I can't help but ultimately appreciate and enjoy it.
If you like games that make you think and feel, and have the patience, please give it a chance, it deserves it.