Reviews from

in the past

I like the humor of the story, the artstyle is still very cute and charming, the character roster is actually HUGE!! and the Soundtrack is also pretty nice.

If you wanna have a fun time getting better at either of these games, give it a shot.

i mostly got dis for tetris but puyo puyo is really cute and fun even tho my mind cannot wrap around how to build combos agshdgvwebjfe

This game is solid, but a lot of the time I wish I was just playing one or the other. I feel like Puyo Puyo is significantly easier than Tetris and it's not fun to get stuck playing Tetris while the opponent is smoking my ass playing baby bitch Puyo Puyo.

I think the team building and battle mechanics are kind of lame too. I hate feeling like i have to grind to play a puzzle game.

I know a lot of people like the battle mechanics and they're fine. I love both Puyo Puyo and Tetris to death but together, I feel like I'm drinking a mixture of coke and orange juice.

it's tetris! but it's also puyo puyo.

i suck at this game but it's a ton of fun! a fun puzzle game with cute characters and artwork! also sonic :)))

I've been a Puyo Puyo fan since the Nintendo DS days and Tetris DS is other of my favorite games. I'm a huge puzzle game nerd. This match was made in heaven. So it's natural that I had a blast with this. The story wasn't that good but oh boy the gameplay....I think I'll keep playing the solo modes after finishing the main story.

Two perfect puzzle game systems combined, with awesome characters to boot? It's wonderful fun for anyone of any age.

not even here am I safe from the blue rat. :/

It's a puyo puyo and tetris game, you dont wait for a good story with deep lore, only an excuse to battle with mods

Reasonably fun until the AI in the story mode starts dropping blocks instantly and you simply can’t keep up with them.

I originally got this so I could play with a friend, but I actually played through the entire game. I’m not really good at the Puyo Puyo part of the game, but it was still fun. I feel that this game encouraged me to try out more puzzle games.

Not as fun tetris here as the first PPT game, allegedly this was to better balance the tetris and puyo players. If making tetris feel worse to play was the solution, IDK if it was worth it?
Still a solid game.

Was gifted this as a birthday present last year, very awesome if that person is reading this but probably not
I already love the original PuyoTet, put a good like 150 somethin hours into it, and I can't say it's sequel takes away too much from it. More characters, more modes, same fun puzzle gameplay mixed and mashed together, all at the cost of a slightly weaker story mode (in my opinion).
Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 is potentially the best puzzle game out there right now, and absolutely the best multiplayer puzzle experience.
9/10 game, big fan of the #LoveWins girl.

When you set the voices to japanese and clear a line as the Robot he will say something that sounds like "ÖSTERREICH" and I love that so much.

This is one of the best 4 Player games you can throw on on a Home Party. People go nuts for this game

Well Damn... that sure is two great puzzle games along with a country's worth of extra modes and content