Reviews from

in the past

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lacks content but is very pretty and immersive.

I wish they would have spent some of the same dedication to the online game as they did to the story mode of the game. While Red Dead Online has a large and detailed open world and a lot of potential content (and even some additional features that are not even in the story mode), there has been a huge loss of potential. In addition to annoying players who randomly kill you, if you don't have friends to play with, you should definitely stay away. The online story is divided according to the roles you can do online, and if you want to experience the whole story, you will have to grind very hard, because if you want to continue the story, you need to buy the necessary things for the role with gold, and it is EXTREMELY DIFFICULT to earn gold online. I mean, I bet Rockstar designed it this way on purpose, so you can access it easily by purchasing gold instead of having to bother online and save yourself hours of grinding. In conclusion, while Red Dead Online has some fun story missions, it has very limited content and can easily become boring. If you play with your friends, you can have fun in roles such as bounty hunting, which was the most fun and the role we spent the most time in compared to other roles. However, if you want to finish the story of the game alone or with your friends without paying for gold, a long grinding time awaits you.


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Great open-world and even funnier with friends!

it's the biggest piece of dog shit

Online morto giocato solo per i trofei.

Very fun game with friends but without friends it’s boring

Loved playing this. I wanted all my friends to play it and start a posse. Moonshining was a personal favorite role. Bounty hunting was fun. I also enjoyed getting drunk with my dog Russel at camp.

It is kinda grindy and a bit boring without friends. Oh well, was fun while it lasted.

Like GTA Online I have lost countless hours playing this game, however, unlike GTA Online I don’t really regret any of those hours, and given what happened to GTA Online I’m still unsure if it’s abandonment was a curse or blessing.

RDO, A game with amazing potential and even better gameplay yet just to be abandoned by Rockstar to focus on GTAO. Pick up this game if you have friends and already love RDR2 Gameplay.

rdo is so dissapointing. rdr2 brought so much potential to have the same level of freedom with your friends.
there's no robberies, train robberies, horse selling, worth while hunting. getting gold is an absolute ball ache. the story isn't even finished.
seeing some active members sometimes is heartwarming, and i do generally enjoy doing some stuff with my friends.
a huge shame rockstar left this behind, it has such potential to be amazing.

Estuvo guapo vaquerear hasta que te quedas sin contenido y el juego se bugea 5 veces en menos de 10 minutos.

Rockstar should be ashamed of the disregard they had for this game.

Abandonné, buggé a la mort, remplis de cheater et injouable.
Il n'y as pas vraiment de but, les missions sont très bof, mais le jeu en lui même est juste un gta online sans tout l'aspect fun que pouvais t'apporter le fait d'être un gros bonnet multimilionnaire.
Avec des milliards dans ce jeu tu achète Smulobert gagnant le cheval de merde et un flingue avec un deer dessus qui tire 2 mètres plus loins que le flingue de base.

Really let down that Rockstar didn’t really bother with this, maybe if they focused less on gta updates we could have got some

instead of modelling the 5 million poly horse cock veins for 500+ hours maybe you should've given the horse an actual brain. i have never been so fucking pissed off at a video game animal before

other than that it's a decent singleplayer experience. yes, singleplayer. that's how it's best enjoyed. get the private lobby mod. you'll be glad you did.

1200 hours later. This game mode carried me through the pandemic. Helped me get through some of the weirdest days of my life and gave me motivation to get out of bed on days I didnt want to. A gameplay loop that is, frankly, soulless yet bolstered by such an incredible world that it doesn't really matter. It's perfect to me.

אחלה אבל קהילה לא טובה ואני יסביר
אם היה לזה קהילה אחרת שמשחקת את זה יותר רולפליי ופחות כמו קומפאטאטיב המשחק היה הרבה יותר טוב

great when not ruined by griefers <3

Very Fun Played The Game online was amazing

Fucking shite, gta5 online is actually so much fuckinr better its actually really embarrassing

Oyunun içeriğinden felan ziyade ban problemi var. Oyunda her şeyden ban yiyebilirsiniz ama her şeyden. Hackerlardan sıkıldınız bireysel loby açtınız ban. Sandık açtınız modderlarin yaptığı sahte sandıktı ban. Hayvan vuldunuz koydunuz ban. Çok para kastınız rs bunu yapmazsın dedi ban. Biri sizi reportladi rasgele ban. Hileci olsanız ban yemessiniz. Kafanıza meteor atanlar oyuna devam eder ama siz ban yersiniz. Bir de bomboş bir dunya var ve her şey yanınızda birini istiyor. Gold almanız gerekliliği felan ayrı konu zaten.

Lack of stuff to buy is the problem here. Rockstar abandoned it but that might have been for the better, it could have turned out like GTA 5 Online.

Pales in comparison to the story mode. Riding along with a friend is the best part, any proper missions or fighting feel a little janky. Misses out on big opportunities such as train robberies too.

Ne rend pas vraiment honneur au mode histoire. Jeu sympa avec des potes pendant quelques heures mais devient vite redondant et ennuyeux.