Reviews from

in the past

Reservoir Dogs stands out as an above-average movie-licensed game that offers a faithful and engaging experience. Its innovative gameplay mechanics, character variety, and adherence to the film's atmosphere make it a worthwhile play for fans of the movie and action games alike. It may not be a groundbreaking game, but it succeeds in capturing the essence of Tarantino's classic and providing a satisfying extension of the film's narrative. For those looking for a solid game that goes beyond the typical movie tie-in, Reservoir Dogs is definitely worth a try. I also would recommend Scarface: The World is Yours.

jogo muito bom pro tempo, fazia a maior carnificina matando os refens deixando o maior rastro de sangue, vale a pena demais se você gosta de uma matança

First game I've played where I've been met by a slur on the menu screen

Cannot support a game that glamorizes not tipping

I dont know why I keep doing this to myself

For what is a mid 2000s licensed game, i find it to be pretty decent. It sure has its flaws (as far as my knowledge goes, this game was rushed to meet the release date), but to be abandonware nowadays, you can at least have some fun with it.

It definitely isn't a great adaptation of the film nor the story and narrative are as good, just a fun game to complement the movie in any case.