Reviews from

in the past

This game nailed everything: funny dialogues, intuitive level design and great replay value with many different modes that highlight some of the more mysterious side characters
Leon is an epic protagonist, you cannot fathom how corny some scenes can be in what is supposed to be a horror game, love that guy

(Played HD Project on PC, not PS4, but it doesn't have the option lol)
Really great game. I played it as a kid because it was one of the favourite games of my brother but never managed to finish it because i thought it was scary as hell.
This entry as everyone knows it's more filled with action than it is with horror, but the ambience is very good and has its moments where it makes you feel vulnerable.
I really appreciate the attempt to give variety to the game in the different sections where the gameplay changes, such as the fight against the lake monster or that part with the minecart (honorable mention to the Verdugo fight, Krauser fight, and the helicopter section, those were neat)

The controls can be a bit awkward at first but you get used to it quickly. My only complain with this game it's the story (it's cheesy af, and Leon it's such a gary stu here lmao) from what i've heard, the Remake manage these things better, so it's understandable i guess.
Anyways, awesome game, and a must play if you're a fan of the PS2 era.

Eheheh Resident Evil is funny.

It is considered one of the pillars in the horror genre, a series able to scar and horror some of the toughest horror players around.
And it does that...... sometimes.....
SOmetimes it will present you a grim environment full of undead/almost undead enemies, where you never feel 100% safe; sometimes it limits your resources so much that your only options is to run away from an empending doom.... sometimes it lets you wander around for hours to solve a stupidly complicated puzzle (AM I STUPID OR THE CHIURCH PUZZLES ARE OVERLY COMPLICATED???)

But it is also an incredibly dumb game, full of over-exaggerated action, hilariously cheesy lines and one of the stupidest stories of any horror franchise.

It's a incredible mix which works surprisingly well, and Resident Evil 4 is the prefect ambassador of it. It a title that excludes anything that came before, presenting a mostly isolated setting, full of memorable sequenced sections full of variety and replayability, and the ability to control one of the most badass protagonists ever conceived.

It doesn't completely lack some jank, and none of the "chapters" are 100% enjoyable, but overall this game is a masterpiece that any fan of videogame should give a shot.

Able to stand out even after the stunning remake.

This is what a perfect game looks like.

This was actually the first way I got to experience Resident Evil 4. For a normal guy like me I consider it to be the definitive edition as far as ease of access goes. Not to say I know anything about this stuff (feel free to discard this next part) I feel like whatever upscaling that was done to quite a few of the textures in this game were not done correctly. With how fast paced the game can get (and how old its gotten at this point) I wont say that it was something I immediately clocked but it became very apparent throughout my playthrough. The PS4 version of RE4 seemed simultaneously sharp and soft. It got to a point where it was distracting, but I think thats just a me thing. Still, if this is the option thats most readily available to you, please give it a shot! RE4 looks the best to me on a big fuzzy crt on the PS2 so I imagine any normal person should be okay.

Replayed RE4, this time using the "real" version with controller rather than mouse and keyboard. The argument I had heard was that re4 wasn't properly balanced for mouselook, which makes the broken headshot + kick combo for crowd control a lot easier. And after playing it, yeah that's definitely the case, especially at first.This WAS my second playthrough though, and after getting used to the stiffness (and the added clunkiness of playing on a handheld switch with default joycons) I found it to not be that much harder than the PC version.

Its a credit to RE4 that even when I was playing horrendously, getting my ass handed to me by that initial village siege and even running out of ammo a few times in the beginning, I was still having a blast. Its also probably indicative of RE4's dynamic difficulty system, that I struggled the most with the early game, so I'm guessing it took pity on me. I admit I haven't played the other RE games other than a bit of Revelations 2, mainly because they seem more horror-y and less action-y.

I played through RE4 during a weeklong trip to london where I was away from my PC. Unfortunately that meant I had to interrupt my playthrough of Killer 7 (which does share some surface similarities to RE4, both part of the capcom 5, both made by mikami, both combine puzzles and shooting at slow enemies, etc) which due to my ADHD almost always murders my motivation/interest for a game. It proved to be the case here as well, I'll have to complete the second half of that game at some other point in the future.

I also attempted pro-mode for re4 but quite frankly, it's beyond my abilities. I made it to stage 3-2 or so and I just couldn't play well enough to not be stomped on by the onslaught of cultists. Supporting my theory that RE4's dynamic difficulty was going easy on me, as pro mode simply locks you to the highest difficulty the whole way through. Its a shame, because for the first few levels, it actually increased my enjoyment of RE4, by forcing me to play "better", exploiting every advantage and learning new strats to overcome the insane odds.

I still think the island is lame, as long as the castle goes on for, I think its the high point for the game. Its also insane to me that the Del Lago bossfight is the first bossfight in the game. First of all, because it sucks, the worst bossfight in the game imo, but also because you'd think the gimmick boss fight using different-ish mechanics to the core gameplay would be put in around the middle or something, to shake things up, but no. Its especially weird cause almost inmediately you have El Gigante which is both a better bossfight and would make a much better first boss.

I still had to laugh during the cutscene before Del Lago, when the castillian peasant says "andale". To those who don't know about spanish dialects, thats like making a game set in rural australia and seeing a random bogan say in his best Larry the Cable guy impression : git er dun! Or something along those lines. Its not even just that the NPCs sound mexican or whatever, cause some of them sound like spanish isn't their first language, others sound plausibly from mainland spain but their dialogue was seemingly machine translated from english? And okay, they kinda get the benefit of the doubt cause the location within spain is never specified, but their pronunciation of "imbecil" indicates they use "seseo" which would mean they are either in southern spain or the canary islands, neither of which sound likely. The real answer is "who gives a shit? They grabbed whomever around the office who knew some spanish and put em in the recording booth" and It doesn't actually bother me, hell, Ive heard the remake replaces the VO with more accurate, professional voices and that sounds lame as hell.

So yeah, RE4 is still good, and now I can say I beat it "properly".

I thought I preferred the remake over the original but it now feels like whichever one that I've played more recently is going to be my favourite. This playthrough reeducated me on why this is in my top 5

É muito bom, a jogabilidade é meio ruim mas as complicações da época não deixavam fazer muita coisa, história pica e ashley injustiçada

After numerous runs of the remake to finish off some trophies I decided to go back to the original. Sure, the remake irons some things out and streamlines some others, but I had more fun going back to this one. Maybe chalk it up to nostalgia, but this may always be my favorite version.

Giocato un po' tardi nella versione pc, mi ha introdotto per bene a Resident Evil.

one of the greatest games ever made... even the shitty story can be overlooked due to how fun it all was. Leon's one-liners are the jam tho

One of the best survival horror games but its controls are improved on in the remake

this shit was scary when I was a kid

Enjoyment - 10/10
Difficulty - 4/10

A classic video game. Without hyperbole, Resident Evil 4 is one of the best games ever made. If you want to play a video game, look no further.

"Prepare for your death Leon." - Krauser

I was absolutely terrified of achievement hunting for this game, since 100%-ing the range minigame and doing Professional Difficulty sounded impossible. But, with the help of some guides, I ended up loving this game even more than my first playthrough.

However, it is a very fatigue heavy game and after a while you get a little sick of the amount it throws at you. The castle has some pretty hard back-to-back areas, but the island is where the game gets kind of stupid. With the exception of the Regenerators which are hands down the best thing in the game, Chapter 5 is filled with some of the longest, hardest, and most headache-inducing areas. And having to do the "It" and Krauser bossfights back to back is enough to severely make you question whether you're even playing the same game where you were in a spooky village. I actually had to put the game down because after spending 20 minutes getting stuck on 5-4 I could feel a genuine head throbbing. Granted, I was on hard mode, but those damn turret guys...

I actually really like the QTEs in this game overall because they come out of nowhere and are insanely challenging compared to most games, so it feels more like actual gameplay than just flair for cutscenes. But the statue chase and any encounter with Krauser can feel really unfair because you have less than a second to react to QTE with random inputs. Apparently this remastered version increased the framerate without touching the QTEs so you actually have even less time to react then you're supposed to.

Unfortunately, because I feel the game kinda drags (16+ hours feels overly long for the type of game this is), and the fact it throws so much bullshit at you near the end, I am not bumping up my rating as I thought I would halfway through my replay. Although it's still a terrific game that holds up really well and is worth playing.

Can someone please DM me a nude mod for this game pretty please :3

for legal reasons I have to specify that was a joke please don't dm me nude mods for this game

Jogava esse aqui antes de ir pra escola vendo a série do Funky pq tinha medo do jogo (via meu pai jogar no PS2 e achava assustador), não tem muito oq falar, todos conhecem e sabem quão bom é esse jogo. Ponto fraco mesmo é a história toda KKKKKK

Gostei muito, joguei no PC com o mod HD remake, jogabilidade no começo muito difícil de se acostumar mais depois que se acostuma o jogo fica incrível

é bom mas um tanto superestimado

como español confirmo que Galicia es así