Reviews from

in the past

Fairly decent game with 100 different ending and one secret ending after you get all 100. Some of them are pretty comical, some are relatively easy to get to, and some are just a major pain in the ass to do.

The creativity carries this game, but it could have been a lot less annoying to get some of the endings.

A well made, and polished little game. I do not have anymore to say.

O jogo é excelente,um humor é bem divertido,uma gameplay plataforma também do mesmo nível,as músicas também são ótimas, só acho que deveriam haver mais variações, porque depois de um tempo,mais ou menos pra metade do jogo as músicas ficam massantes,eu particularmente não achei o jogo tão difícil assim, pelo menos os 100% o resto já é outra história, recomendo muito, ótimo jogo.

Ameno, divertido, ligero, tontísimo. Todos son adjetivos apropiados para este juego. Vaya hombre, esta reseña te hace perder el conocimiento de lo buena que es y mueres. Vuelve a empezar tu aventura

no idea why i ended up played this for 35 hours but that has to mean something
speedrunning this is surprisingly fun ill do 102% eventually

Reventure is a 2D platformer largely about finding various ways to die and unlock all available "endings". It's okay, but not mechanically that interesting and I just can't find the concept of trudging through areas looking for slightly different ways to end the game that interesting. It's a gimmick, and one that didn't have much of a shelf life for me.

There are 100 different endings in this game and you get achievements for every ending. Besides, You unlock something new in the world for your previous ending. Although some endings are super silly, you are guaranteed to have fun for a couple of hours.
Overall, this comedy game is worth trying. I applause the developers for trying something new.
Also, the game is very cheap.

The jokes of the game is excellent, but the game can be boring sometimes

Adorable little game that more people need to play. I enjoyed practically every minute of it.

Un juego con un ingenio desbordante, que plantea su mapeado como un puzzle gigantesco en el que puedes obtener 100 finales distintos. Todo ello adornado con buen humor absurdo, constantes referencias al género y una OST genial.

Got everything, this one is very fun, love seeing all the references, and it's pretty funny. I like figuring out which items you need (or don't) to go somewhere. It's just that the final final ending was kinda disappointing.

clássico jogo dos 100 finais, eu zerei reventure com meu primo e estavámos vendo andrézitos jogando, foi uma experiência mt foda o jogo é mt divertido

This one surprised me. Reventure is a very simple game, gameplay wise. Explore the kingdom to find all 100 endings to the story, picking up items each run to find interesting ways to bring the story to a close. There's a lot of humour that - at least in my eyes - misses the mark; lots of gore, unfitting jumpscares, long bits of text with huge pauses, and endless pop-culture references.

Still, I think this game is something special. There's a surprising sense of progression as endings you achieve unlock shortcuts and items for other endings, and by the end you really do have a good feel for how to explore the map. A tricky task at first since collecting items - while unlocking different paths for you to explore - directly impacts the height of your jump.

This is a game that plays to its strengths well. The world, gameplay and characters all reflect the endings you've collected. Spend enough time in it and that cringe-inducing humour can even grow on you. At least a little...

This was yet another game I became interested in due to it having unofficial Archipelago support. I think it'll be a great addition to my randomizer rotation, but even beyond that it was absolutely worth the vanilla playthrough.

Perfect for what it is. It won't change your life, it won't break any records, but it sure as hell stands as one of my favourite little games

Ideia muito interessante. O jogo é basicamente um plataformer puzzle para buscar cada final, eu não consegui todos, devo ter uns 60 dos 100. Mas gostei da experiência.

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o final secreto foi meio chatinho de pegar mas fora isso o joguinho é magnífico, boas horinhas de humor e piadocas pra quem gosta de sátiras sobre histórias de fantasia

A little funny game with some references and a good story with a cool ending

Made me laugh and had fun with it but my god this gets tedious

o jogo fica BEM maçante depois de um tempo do tanto que tu tem que fazer coisas repetidas, é legalzinho mas tipo, não vale a pena todos os finais, eu peguei todos menos o último porque o último é grind demais

This is a really fun metroidvania/rogue lite/puzzle/platformer game! I’d say it started to overstay its welcome about 3/4 of the way through, but it was still funny and clever enough to keep me reasonably engaged to the very end.

Played this for about an hour and the beginning became very repetitive.