Reviews from

in the past

heartbreaking getting back into this series so late and not being able to get the exports, still fun, just wanna play PDA tho

Truly a bummer that DLC for RB4 is actually finally be coming to a close. The end of an era, really. I'm not as big a fan of the background videos/animations that play during songs in this game as I am of the ones from RB2, but there's still way too many good memories I have with this one. Shoutouts to my Ma for being the one who played these games with me the most ---- you rock, literally.

os jogos de guitarrinha ainda são muito bons

Sad excuse for a Rock Band game. This didn't launch with the most basic of modes (freakin' practice mode and online didn't exist). The Rivals update saved this disaster. Always plays this game with that update. Setlist is fine. It has some outright great songs and artists, while it also has the most forgettable songs out of the whole franchise

characters look like shit but its fine

The game is missing features from some previous iterations, still runs into some annoying perfrmance issues to this day, and it seems unlikely we'll get another game update in the near future. The game's main setlist is also mostly obscure bands or deeper cuts/newer songs from known bands, but I don't think it's a weak setlist. It just had a very strong legacy to live up to.

However, the game is still getting DLC every week 8 years out, and I still play it constantly. Not the best Rock Band, but the longest lasting and i think that counts for something. Glad the game is still going, even if it's at a much slower pace than the series' heyday.

Rock Band 4 lacks a lot of the customization features previous entries had, but the DLC support and Rockumentary make this an easy 4. My friends and I have been playing this for 5 years now!

I play this almost every weekend and I have my gripes with it (the weak setlist, the crummier customisation, the uninvolved career mode) but honestly I just think it’s cool that this game is still going. RB4’s DLC run has lasted longer than RB1-RB3 by two whole years and I don’t know how or why this is the case but it’s admirable nonetheless.

I can’t really recommend it in current year due to instrument prices being insane - get yourself a guitar or drum set and jump into Clone Hero or YARG instead - but for those who still have their instruments lying around, and don’t have the ultimately superior Rock Band 3, I think it’s still worth a go every now and then.

Un juego con buena rejugabilidad y que la verdad en su epoca valia la pena ya que podias comprar los intrumentos, no lo recomendaria ahora simplemente por el hecho que debe estar desactualizado

The base game selection is ass. The DLCs are as vast as they are pricy.

What a shame

honestly feels a bit shallow but there's just so much content on offer it's hard to hold anything against it. as fun as it ever was

Got into drums because of this game

Rock Band is one of those games that you don't ever finish I guess but with the announcement of the end of DLC releases, it got me nostalgic and I dusted off the plastic guitar to rock out. I hadn't finished the two career modes one of which was a funny satire of VH1 Behind the Music type shows in between songs. I'll always remember the entire days where friends and I would play until our hands hurt. Amazing series.

When I started my 25 games challenge, I had this set list of games that I intended to play, with the big denoter being all of them were on PC. However, through insane generosity and dumb luck, I've gotten my hands on an Xbox One. This opens up the gates to a ton of stuff, but the main reason was to check out a game I've had eyes on for the better part of a decade: Rock band. And... i'm both disappointed and pleasantly surprised.

Playing this 9 year old game for the first time definitely felt odd, and the fact that it's a relic of a long bygone era really shows. Half the features, like the rivals mode and online multiplayer, are completely inaccessible seeing that u need connection to a server that seems to not be running anymore. All the songs are rock-n-roll guitar squealers that completely fly over my head as I did not recognize anything that isn't popular from guitar hero 3 or centuries by fall out boy. The gameplay itself is pretty fun, though, being your standard 5-fret stuff. The controller feels pretty alright, though the only issue that isn't brought on by it's age is the strum bar having these mushy rubber pads that make it hard to tell when you've actually hit the note. Plus the timing window is infamously way tighter than on guitar hero, and while i lack much of a reference frame, i definitely agree that it could chill just a little bit. difficulties are pretty good, catering to a pretty big audience, but I wish the difficulties besides expert didn't feel like just a dramatically watered down version of the original song. Maybe once I get good enough for expert I can double check this.

Surprisingly, though, my favaroute part is actually the story mode; rockudrama. It's a mode where you and your bandmates get a biopic written about them. The gameplay itself consists of you playing certain "sets" that are just songs you either vote for from a list or just pick yourself which feels a bit lazy. There is the fame points system that lets you wager how many stars you get for more points, and a few challenges and extra bits thrown in, but on the whole it feels very much like a side mode. What saves it for me however is the cutscenes in between, showing the actual rockudrama itself. and like... the writing is surprisingly really good? The dry humor is spot on, parodying these types of documentaries and taking ur imaginary bands ridiculous endeavors completely seriously. From playing your first show at an abandoned fun house with a singular attendee, to doing a show for a charity that ends up being about donating endangered whale meat to prisoners. The writing is charming in a way I would've never expected. I think my favaroute part is the interviews, where they brought on a combination of classic rock trope characters (Jealous would've-been member, obsessed fan, ect) and the members of actual real life rock bands, talking about my group of 3 blue-haired xbox avatars and a mushroom creature as seriously as possible. For what's ultimately a mode most people won't see, they clearly put a lot of love into making it. I just think they could've gone a bit more the route of gutair hero campaigns, actual set songs and a more fleshed out story and whatnot.

I think the one thing that i genuinely really dislike, and what's likely gonna stop me from playing it too long, is the lack of support and the microtransactions. This game technically has about 3000 songs, sure. But most of them are locked in the store and can be bought for just under $3 each. I don't like in-game purchases like this at the best of times, but those best of times are in a free game that only charges cosmetic items, or even a big DLC bundle of some kind. This is a full-price game that you already have to by a guitar, drums, and a microphone for, and each song is sold seperately. and without it, the selection you do have is frankly piss-poor for what you're paying. Plenty of games have DLC, but this is way too much and a complete pain in the ass.

Ah well, this game is clearly a relic of its time, and i'll enjoy what I have anyway. When i get bored, there's always YARG and clone hero so i can play more songs without spending my life savings.

Got the Rock Band bug this year and picked up a cheapo xbox and a not so cheapo xbox guitar to finally try the "new" Rock Band 4. And it's fine... the gameplay is still as good as usual but everything else feels like a massive step back from RB3 and even RB2. Song list is bizarre, customization took a huge hit, and no more keyboard is a huge bummer that kind of ruins a ton of Rock Band 3 dlc songs. Happy to see that DLC has been pretty active since though even though the vast majority of releases this year seem like tiktok pop punk songs. Not a bad game if you want to play rock band on a current platform but RB3 with the mods and custom songs is a way better choice.

Ya know, if the game didn't randomly freeze up for 5 full seconds every time I'm playing I might hold this entry in higher regard

Super fun game that is always fun to replay. I prefer playing expert bass on almost all the songs and is always so much fun. One of my favorite casual games I own.