Reviews from

in the past

Brutal, me lo pasé con mi hermanito miles de veces

As I am here hanging with my brother for the past week we decided to play some classic retro Co-op games from our younger days and this was such a nostalgic one. Still hard as I remember it, but man its a weird one because with a few changes it could of been an incredible game. The ability to level up your characters and unlock new moves is great and deflecting laser bolts back at enemies is pretty damn cool. Some of the most tedious platforming though. Every level is trial and error and to learn from your mistakes with some shitty missions thrown in like “finding all the pilots/civilians” Some bosses are quite dirty and to anyone who has beaten this without cheats you are a better man than me! We were gonna see those credits by any means necessary! Kinda wish they would of made sequels to this with episode 2 and 3. Its a fun coop game just don’t expect to get to far and be prepared to hear Yoda’s little “HmmHmm!!” in your head constantly.

Lembro até do cheiro do CD, achava mega difícil quando era criança.

It’s amazing how impactful the Star Wars laser sound effects are. Doesn’t really matter what the game is if you have those twhips and thwangs ricocheting and deflecting all around you.

"There they are...get them!"

It's time to Deflect, Defeat, and Destroy!
Star Wars Jedi Power Battles on PSX was the first ever game I managed to beat Co-Op with my Father. I have very fond memories of this game and frustrations that happened as a kid certainly came back after playing it solo as a adult. Looking back this era of Star Wars is still unmatched due to how much Lucas arts were very experimental from here on out with the Prequel video games.

This game is very challenging on the Jedi Mode, Considering this game only has a Jedi and Easy mode; I wanted to beat it on the "normal" difficulty. Comparing to both the Dreamcast version and the PSX version, I went ahead and beat it on Dreamcast. Although the PSX Version did come out first, I would say that game has aged very poorly graphically and even the control scheme and camera were mediocre playing the first few missions and the platforming was oh so frustrating. I would certainly recommend the Dreamcast version although that version has some weird design choices (Main Menu, UI, etc).

Gameplay is pretty straight forward, it reminded me of a beat em up with lots of platforming and I mean LOTS of it. In order to become a jedi master you must be patient with the polygon edges this game has. One mistake and BOOM back to the beginning of the level or checkpoint. Don't make me get started on the Coruscant level. That is the level where boys became men after accomplishing it. It was still the most challenging level yet besides the final stage. Gives me PTSD just thinking about it. Even harder on Co-op as you do share lives. AHHH!

I really love how this game introduced other Jedi besides Qui Gon and Obi Wan. Being able to play as Plo Koon was honestly the highlight of it all especially with his Yellow Lightsaber. It was honestly this game where my love for Plo Koon was started and eventually was sadden when I saw episode 3. All Jedi's apart from their basic moves are unique in terms of their force abilities so there is some replay value there. You have Jedi Master Mace Windu (with a blue lightsaber), Adi Gallia, and only available in the Dreamcast Version, Ki-Adi-Mundi (with a purple lightsaber for some apart from those I mentioned earlier with secret characters like Padme, Darth Maul, Battle Droid just to name a few

Music is straight out of the movie which is excellent as always from the legendary John Williams. Never missed a beat.

Coming back I would reiterate that I would seriously avoid the PSX version and just play the Dreamcast version as it has better controls and "easier" platforming albeit some weird aesthetic choices. It is still a frustrating game do not get me wrong but its pretty fun all things considered. If you want a refreshed take I would recommended it but if you want to keep your fond childhood memories of this game, I would avoid and just keep it in your head.

World-opening, if otherwise unimpressive

Great for its time but so dated now.

The hardest game I have ever played in my life, and it was a Star Wars game with fucking Jar Jar in it.

na minha cabeça quando eu era criança isso era um jogaço... hoje vejo que é bem meh

kid me beating Darth Maul on the highest difficulty as Plo Koon felt like I finally earned the rank of Jedi Master

This was a fun PS1 title that my older brother and I played as kids with co op. We recently revisited it again and realized the game is very challenging, but anytime you survive and make it to the next level is satisfying. Haven’t beat it yet.