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in the past

A weird combination of genres that feels like you're playing two different games that only sometimes interact with each other. The gameplay loop is a lot of fun, enough that when I beat a world I immediately went back to start up another world.

I can't say this game will be everyone's cup of tea, but I've enjoyed my time with it. I do wish it pushed back a little harder on the player. Even on medium difficulty, there wasn't any major demolishing I had to do in the city nor did anything catastrophically collapse in the mine.
I'll still be playing this for a while.

I like combining Anno and Dungeon Keeper but the game is way too simplistic and I wish both play styles would intertwine more.
The game's probably a good way of introducing people to the genre of city builders and management games though.

I am surprisingly addicted to this little, casual city builder! The story isn't great, but the gameplay had me playing later than I wanted to just saying, "okay, I'll just do this next thing and head to bed." only to find it had been another hour.

I'm a Steamworld fan, I've liked every game in the series, except maybe the RPG (and that's just because I'm not the biggest fan of turn based RPG's, especially with cards...). So I was already looking forward to checking this one out. However, I wasn't expecting to finish within the week it came out. I figured I would chip away at it every now and then, but I found myself not wanting to stop and see what was next on the build list!

You're building a town of robots trying to unearth "ancient" rocket tech to escape the planet. The story is presented in such a way that it wasn't very exciting. Little characters pop up to talk to each other, or they use still frames to voice overs. The voice overs range from good to kind of awful and while I have always loved the Steamworld art style, being presented several still shots of the robots talking is pretty boring.

However, the gameplay I found I couldn't put down. You start building your town with workers and off you go harvest resources of all types to make them happy. If they're not happy, then they will not work and your towns progress will slow to a crawl, so you need to keep up on it.

Then you also end up finding the local mine where you find more resources and the gameplay becomes more of a light RTS game. Yes, enemies form the depths will attack your miners and you have to keep tabs. I thought it was super cool that they were able to combine these genres together.

I won't spoil it here, but everything keeps evolving and tiering up and you eventually are able to automate certain things but getting to that point is the fun. The ability to say "Wow, I started with nothing and look what I have now. And it only took a few hours!" I love that.

All I can say is after finishing my first town, I immediately started another town in a new environment to build and see how fast I could tier up my new town.

If you're looking for a good city builder game to get your feet wet in the genre, this is the one. I hope this one gets some DLC with some new towns and achievements to grab!

Anno + Dungeon Keeper with some tower defense sprinkled on.

I think it's more fun the second time around because the first playthrough is more about learning and you end up with a messy city slapped together. But on the second playthrough, you can plan how to build because you know what you need later.

Şehir kurma oyunları her zaman bana amaçsız gelmiştir. City skyline, sims city her zaman bir noktada: "eee şimdi?" Sorusunu sormama neden oluyor. Belli bir noktada şehir artık doygunluğa ulaşıyor. Ekleyebileceğiniz veya yapabileceğiniz bir şey kalmıyor. Bu oyun da bunu hikâye ekleyerek aşmaya çalışmış. Bir amacınız var onu yapıyorsunuz ve oyun bitiyor.
Oyunda bir yeri olduğu için hikâyeden başlarsak: önceki oyunlarla ilişkili bir hikâye var mı yok mu açıkçası bilmiyorum. Ben sadece steamdig world 1 i bitirdim onun da hikâyesini hatırlamıyorum. Hikâyenin kendisi ise var amaç veriyor, o kadar. İyi değil başında sonunu anlayabiliyorsunuz, iyi olmasına da gerek yok diyorsunuz.
Oynanış: iki kısımdan oluşuyor. Birincisi şehir kurma ikincisi dungeon kısmı. Bu iki kısım arasındaki uyum çok iyi. Birini yapmazsanız ötekini yapamazsınız. Nüfus arttırmak geliştirmek eğlenceli. Dungeon da gelişmek güzel ve eğlenceli bir çok şeyi oyun söylemiyor bir şekilde çözüyorsunuz ama bu içerik çok bir anda bitiyor. Oyunu kavrıyorsunuz ve oyun bitiyor. Endgame content çok yetersiz kalıyor. Devamını istiyorsunuz veya devamının olması gerekiyormuş gibi geliyor. İçerik azlığı demek de tam doğru mu bilmiyorum çünkü oyun 10 saat sürdü ve bitti. Yeterli bir süre mi değil mi bilmiyorum.
Sonuç: çıtır cerez bir oyun oynamak istiyorsanız oynayabilirsiniz.

Divertido, um dia inteiro para concluir o jogo e ver os números subindo

Steamworld Build is beautiful and charming, but couldn't quite hook me. The gameplay loop seems to consist of building and harvesting resources so you can build better buildings and harvest better resources. The problem is that there isn't much strategy to building and harvesting. You build where it seems obvious to do so, then do it again. There isn't that sense of long term thinking or engine generation. I didn't feel like I was carefully engineering a well-oiled machine; rather, I was adding on to an agglutinative monstrosity. This isn't a genre I often gravitate to, but I was hoping that Steamworld could make that leap for me.

This review contains spoilers

This game was engaging to play through the first time. The way that the overworld and the underground relate to each other is interesting, allowing you to always have something to do instead of just waiting around for resources to build up. None of the systems are deep, but they mesh together enjoyably.

The game is fairly straightforward. The goals are always clear and there is one thing to be working towards at any one time: go deeper. The basic drive of the game held my attention for hours when I was playing through the first time. I beat it in short order and was taken to the title screen.

When you beat the first map, the game leaves open new maps to play, with each completed map giving you a boon on future playthroughs. The problem is the game is never that hard and once you play the first map, you have seen everything the game has to offer. Maybe there is something I don't know about in later maps, but I got halfway through the second map and felt like there was nothing else to see. My advice is to play one map, then put the game down and move on.

Sencillo y asequible, pero tampoco aspira a mas, Steamworld Build lleva al jugador muy de la mano en su parte de city builder, pero la gestión de la mina y un estupendo ritmo de progresión le ayuda muchisimo a mantener al jugador enganchado.

Hard to say if I completed this or not. I played all the way through one map on story mode, but started a second run on a new map.

Gameplay - A nice mix of city builder and dungeon keeper, though both halves feel a little light. On normal difficulty, I didn't really run into anything all that challenging. The only real gripe I have though is that it's really hard to do anything intelligent once you need to start building turrets. Your guards will run in guns blazing no matter what, so it's nearly impossible to do anything better than spam turrets.

Story - The story is pretty basic. No real issues, and it ties in nicely to the SteamWorld Dig stories if you've played those, but it's not why you'll be sticking around.

Aesthetics - It's a SteamWorld game. You know what you're getting, not that that's a bad thing. It's fun to watch your little robots tromp around town, but it's hard to tell if they're doing anything meaningful. (I think they do actually carry resources around.)

Omg du tower defence dans un city builder, trop bonne idee

The first SteamWorld game in the post-Image & Form era is a lovingly crafted albeit simple city builder, made by a new team but maintaining the same adventurous spirit of a series that started as a tower defense game but has dabbled in platforming, turn-based strategy and card-based RPG.

The city builder itself is very low stakes and decidedly one note. Any problem is quickly solved by plopping more residents down, adding a new resource building (or using some of the production cards if you're later in the game) and moving things around so everyone stays happy. The game scales up nicely with a variety of resources and industries but doesn't really do much with them aside from just them existing in a pretty world. And don't get me wrong the game is beautiful, the art team knocked it out of the park and really gave the game a SteamWorld feel. There's just very little personal expression to the world you're making. It will very much look the same regardless of playthrough.

The mining sections feel great and I suspect them being procedurally generated has something to do with this. You're constantly expanding and managing everything in a more fun way than you do above ground, and deeper section of the mines adds a lite-rts/tower defense element that makes it so you can't just set it and forget it. Managing multiple floors of the mine against hostile forces is probably the best thing the game has going for it.

But it's frustrating that the game often times feels like a disjointed push/pull between the city building sections above ground and the mining underneath. The entire game feels unbalanced because of this and any progress made underground often comes to a halt by the need to add more resources and money above ground. My first playthrough was longer than normal just because I play these games at a slower tempo but I can see places where I'll breeze through in future scenarios (which don't look all that different).

Overall I enjoyed my time with the game, and while the story wasn't something to write home about I'm at least glad it stayed grounded to what the series has been since the start. I wasn't expecting much in those terms from a city builder but I'm glad it felt nice. I will say not defaulting to steambot voices was a jarring decision. The game has done well with their own unique language.

TL;DR it's a fine game, but fairly one note and simplistic for many people who love city builder primarily.

Potentially the most simplistic city builder I've ever played. There are no problems that need solving, you just slap down whatever the next thing you have been asked to develop is, go down to the mines and continue digging until you are missing tech, then back up top to build more houses. Loop until it ends.
The split between mines and topside is an idea with a lot of potential but its not explored in any interesting way.
The storyline doesn't feel congruous with the low stakes gameplay, especially the genocidal ending.
The game looks nice but the individual building mostly melt into the background such that there is no real sense of what it is you have build.