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in the past

Some strategy games worked great on xbox, EA made some really good ones, but supreme Commander just didn't work. Everything was too big there's too much going on just kind of crazy and hard to control.

in the grimdark future there are only three factions of humanity, the green man group, the red rebel scum, and the blue good guys. it is indeed a beloved high-quality and to some even "SupreeM" real-time strategy game for the PeeCee that nominally asks for an IQ that doesn't qualify one as the king of the hill i.e. bell curve, if the quantity of reviews and thorough essays it's received from all the Pikmin fans here over the years didn't give it away. thatsright Im a big dumdum that likes watching big amounts of big Made In China toys clash and blow each other up, at least my fellow simpletons and the savants of warfare logistics will be able to relate!!!!!!!

From an outsider's perspective, this seems similar to the other 500 RTS games I can't get into.

A game too ahead of its time. Even if it lacks the sort of precision and balance that popular RTS games like Starcraft have, it excels in capturing the feeling of large-scale warfare like nothing else, with the tactical zoom in particular being something I miss in every RTS I've played since.

It's not great. But it's not bad either. The worst part of the campaign is that it's slow and rather boring.

RTS interesante con 3 facciones similares, pero centrado en los Comandantes, titánicas unidades capaces de construir y de eliminar. Debes protegerlos, pero son muy útiles en batalla, por lo que querrás usarlos en el frente.

La campaña con los 3 grupos está interesante pero la batalla final sube de dificultad tanto que siempre se me hizo bola y fui incapaz de superarla, así que me tuve que ver el final por internet.
Yo creo que con un poco más de pulido puede ser mejor, pero está guay.
Tengo que probar el 2.

text by Carl Bohlin



Supreme Commander takes the RTS genre to its logical short-term conclusion. Want to build 100 amphibious tanks? Okay, just queue that stuff up and you’ll have them in a few minutes. Want to give them all orders at once? Sure, absolutely no problem. There is no upper limit to the amount of units you can have selected at any one time. Want to tell all of your warships with legs that maybe they should head over there for a while, even though they’re scattered all over the (motherhecking insanely gigantic) map? You just zoom out enough that you can see the entire map, which is terribly easy and rewarding, select every unit on the field, click on the warship icon, and there you go!

User empowerment through enhancements to the interface, though, is what this game is about: Taking away all the dumb limitations that hem the strategic thinking and innovation of the player in. The game is like comparing the tabbed, spell-checking, greasemonkey’d, fasterfox’d, adblocked Firefox to the rest of the genre’s Internet Explorer 3.0 for Palm and it’s incredible how easy, fun and rewarding it is to use the tools they’ve given you.

Supreme Commander is a game that really, truly wants to make the people who play RTS games ask themselves just what in the hell it is that they’ve been putting up with for all these years. The standard user interface for this particular genre is still trying to respect the limitations set down by games with a lower resolution than my cellphone. It is like intentionally making paper an inch thick because we used to write on stone tablets — which is kind of puzzling, and makes you wonder if these people actually understand what it they’re making. If they ever play their own creations, or just keep making them as some kind of weird tribute to the games that they liked when they were kids. Take Starcraft for one: The player can only select a tiny amount of units at once, he can only give them a single order, and if he wants to be competitive against even the dumbest AI, he will need to constantly micromanage them. The base-building is slow, inefficient, and needs constant looking after, even though it would be terrible easy to give the player more of an indirect, hands-off building tool. Think something more along the lines of planning the base, and then creating some engineers to do it for you, without needing constant input from you. Instead you are forced to both plan the base out in your mind, give tiny, stupid orders to your builders, and just generally micromanage everything to a terrible degree.

Clearly, this was something that shouldn’t, couldn’t last. Not in such a technophilic environment as game design.

Enter Gas-Powered Games, and let none who experience their creation tolerate anything less than what they have created from now on. And yet, I am afraid that it will be remembered as more of a Dragon Quarter than a Goldeneye. Something that could have shown the entire genre it was spawned from how to save itself: To become something that it should always have wanted to become, yet was ignored and cast away because not enough people bought it, or really got what it was trying to do. This game deserves better than that — but then again, so did Dragon Quarter, and, well, that didn’t mean nothing at all.

I could talk about the individual units, the way there are a million avenues of attack, the way everything plays off of everything else, and how you need to constantly balance your needs with your offensive wants — but that’s not really important here. What’s great about the game isn’t the balance, the units or how you actually play it. I mean, it IS really great, and it’s actually incredibly well done, but none of those things are as innovative and powerful as what the UI achieves. The interface is an amazing example of punctuated equilibrium in game design, how the evolution of a genre can stand still for a long time and then shoot forward at a huge speed with the release of a single game, just because of a few designers reinventing the steering wheel, so to speak. That’s exactly what the RTS genre needed at this point in time, and if their ideas and thoughts are heeded, we are going to see some really interesting things happen to it in the near future, as soon as the lessons of this pretty insanely great piece have been absorbed.

The super zoom functionality was pretty nifty, even if my PC could barely handle all the units at the time.