Reviews from

in the past

Fun game on DS. Played that game on DS when I was 13 years old.

It was a lot of fun feeling like a hero.

*This is a repost because the page for the DS game would link back to a different game for a while so I couldn't post it here.

The second I saw this game, I knew I had to play it as it is instantly reminiscent of the incredible Shattered Dimensions DS version. Well, the bones are there, but ultimately this is a much more watered down version of that game. Instead of being a follow-up in terms of gameplay, it's more like they copied the other's homework but were a bit too far to see all the answers. Graphics, exploration, movement, and especially combat are all not up to snuff with Shattered Dimensions.

Does that surprise me? No. I could tell even from brief gameplay I had seen that this was not going to be as good as that game. Yet, it's also not different enough to judge it on its own merits.

I'd like to make it clear that I'm aware that these are the same developers as Spider-Man: Edge of Time DS, so it's probably a spiritual sequel to that more than anything. But I couldn't bare to spend more than ten minutes with that disappointment, so the gameplay didn't stick with me. This game as a whole is a step-up from that game, though nothing impressive. There are worse ways to spend an hour and a half than this game, just don't go out if your way for it.