Reviews from

in the past

Finally achieved Dead God. With 1,042 hours. If I have to fight Dogma one more time imma cry.

cool story, hard game but the mechanics are good

I have played this for over 8 years now and im still not done. i think thats a good enough review. dont buy the game on anything but steam tho

This one is special, I'm pretty sure it is the second game I've been playing the most my entire life (only losing to minecraft) ever since 2012.

There is no doubt that Repentance is the definitive version of Isaac, and it's definitely my favourite roguelike ever. It hits an amazing sweetspot in between rewarding the player for being skilfull and also for having a deep understanding of the hundreds of mechanics. It's feels so amazing to master and yet after thousands of hours I keep learning about this game.

Even though I have complains about many systems and mechanics you can say they are definitely not that bad if went throught and 100% completed it.

This one is not a must play. It's a will play, and once you're in you'll keep coming back to it.

second best roguelike ive played so far! the games too long ;-;

It's one of my favorite games of all time, and since I have a weak computer, I had a lot of fun with it. I love this game, and I'm still going to do 100% of it, just play it whenever you can, it might be difficult at first, but once you start to really understand the game, you'll fall in love.

This review is for all of rebirth: I despise it.

Starts another run
This but its also peak legal drug

terceiro melhor jogo que já joguei na vida, FODÃO

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Isaac has had its series of (mostly) ups and (a couple) downs over the last decade or so. Flash was a janky rng filled mess, but an excellent prototype and proof that the game was fun to play, even if it was a little bullshit. Rebirth was the next generation, everything coming together and moving forward to new platforms and audiences. It created and solidified a solid foundation for everything that was to come. Afterbirth was more of the good, a long list of improvements and additions (maybe except for greed mode). Afterbirth + unfortunately was more of a misstep. Lots of content that felt lazy or like it otherwise didn’t belong. Worse still the item pools had become so diluted that every run became a mad rush to the devil deals because they represented the only consistent way to get enjoyable runs. But for better or worse, all that is in the past now.

Repentance represents everything this game has been through, and everything it’s become, in the best way possible. One final expansion created in part by modders so passionate about the game that they were brought on to become development staff after spending nearly seven years on their project. Everything from the alt path, Ridiculon’s new music, the tainted roster, the game changing new items and massive number of reworks to older ones that would’ve otherwise become obsolete. All tied together by a final, climactic true ending, finally giving Isaac the peace he so desperately needed. The granddaddy of the modern roguelike coming back for one last time to show all the new guys on the block that he’s still top dog. It’s perfect, truly.

Brought Isaac back from the dead after afterbirth+. If you somehow haven't played Isaac at this point, you owe it to yourself to try it, with the DLCs. Its one of those games you could play for 600 hours and not get bored. Trust me, I did.

Basically doubled the amount of content Isaac is still amazing

finally, after 3 years we have 100% the game...

This game is fun and hard and learning the game is like learning how to ride a rocket ship while being blindfolded while being locked in a box while running out of air while fighting monsters that look like you or are made out of poop

its pretty good (has 100s of hours in it)

Really gives you insight about what it feels like to be a toddler who kills satan

Gameplay loop is fantastic. I always go back to this game occasionally. It's super easy and fun to break the game, and there are various characters to ensure the game doesn't feel bland.

unironically the one of the best games ever made and my favorite by far.

Definitely the kind of game you really need to dedicate a lot of time to fully get into it, but the grind of this game is genuinely addicting.

Great game with endless replayability

This review is for all of rebirth: I despise it.

Starts another run

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Mn eu iniciei a jogar o jogo com 7 anos de idade no meu switch pq o cara q me vendeu o switch achou uma boa ideia vender isaac afterbirth+ pra mim, mas cara eu agradeço imensamente a ele pois por causa dele eu joguei meu jogo favorito ate hj eu to quase pegando a semi platina o dead god mas eu pretendo pegar a platina real que se baseia em platinar os 3 saves do jogo eu amo esse jogo por varios motivos mas o principal e sua rejogabilidade esse jogo e sinceramente a minha maior relaçao de amor e odio, cara vc pega uma run mto foda e tu morre mas depois tu so esquece pq apareceu um item tier 4 na outra run, mn eu pensava q o jogo era muito pequeno mas a imensidao desse jogo e tao grande com tantos padroes tantos personagens e sinceramente mano so joga, eu literal com 9 anos de idade passei 200 horas tentando pegar um personagem mas quando eu peguei eu so larguei o jogo por dois anos inteiro e dps fui jogar denovo e percebi o quão foda o jogo realmente era pra mim the binding of isaac era um jogo normal mas nao essa porra vicia tu pode ta mto na merda no jogo mas tu fia pensando e se na proxima run der certo e assim ocorre de tu jgar pra krlh eu real so n peguei a semi platina do jogo ate agora porque eu realmente comecei a jogar o jogo a un 6 meses mas literal pra mim esse jogo so me da um conforto absurdo de jgar eu tenho mto a falar desse jogo mas eu escrevo depois mas sinceramente eu so tenho uma coisa a falar edmund mcmillen e um genio dos jogos indies

i see very much hentais of bethany

The best roguelike there is

quebrar esse jogo é muito divertido

Tons of content for the price, very good music. Lots of new bosses, areas, new enemies, and more

I think if you haven't logged hundreds of hours into this game you are not properly living life


Sou um fã antigo de Binding of Isaac, jogo desde a versão de flash e nunca deixei de jogar. Agora, já tenho mais de 400 horas no jogo e estou caminhando rumo ao Dead God. The Binding Of Isaac sempre terá um espaço especial no meu coração, mesmo com o jogo sendo bem filha da puta às vezes.