Reviews from

in the past

eh, its cool, a little forced sometimes

this game makes people mad so i played it

nothing special feels like a wattpad fanfic

I like em younger... as young as possible

Genuinelly a good game, don't know what to tell ya

Big words don't fit in your mouth

Actually a very solid story.
Very edgy, yes. Very disgusting sometimes, yes. But it is very good.

I think the story and development is really good, I think one ending is definitely “questionable” as we all know but I think it shows just how co-dependent the characters are. I had fun playing.

Well, I guess someone read The Cement Garden and went "y'know, I bet I can make something even more fucked up than that!".

Honestly, this was better than I expected. Given all the memes and online popularity, I was expecting another horror rpgmaker game that relied on sheer shock value with no substance to speak of, but this was actually an entertaining story with a great character dynamic. And that's usually what I look for in these games.

It works well by not taking itself so seriously, but not so much that the more dramatic parts become weightless and a parody of itself. It exists in its own little bizarre and dumb universe, and never betrays that tone by straying too far into one or the other. Due to that, the game never really feels that disturbing or unsettling no matter what fucked up thing is happening on screen, nor that it was written by a 14yo. That, and the fact it's not really as bad as everyone makes it out to be.

I'm probably never touching the fandom even with a 20 meters stick though.

Finished with episodes 1 and 2.

Edit: yup, as expected the subreddit is already way more disturbing than anything in the game...why did I even try.

Acredite em mim, este não é SÓ o "jogo do incesto", tem uma história para além disto.

O incesto é só UMA das rotas.

everything i've heard on this game was bad things, and actually playing the game was really surprising because of this! I got so surprised on how the game is actually really good!
Their story it's just so interesting and both get really strong personalities, that with all the other basic quality aspects it's all it gets for me to like it!

OSTs really good as well btw


They ate their parents, that's crazy dude.

Incesto nunca foi tão engraçado.

É sério, que roteiro esdrúxulo que não tem medo de burlar convenções sociais, e não de um jeito forçado como um adolescente viciado em Linkin Park escreveria, é uma paródia. Uma sátira.

O jogo não é sobre canibalismo, nem sobre o culto satânico que persegue os protagonistas, não é sobre a pandemia (bem, tem seus paralelos), não é sobre incesto ou o paternicidio estilo Suzane Rishtoff.

É sobre saúde mental e pessoas tóxicas, só quem vivenciou ou conhece alguém como Andy e Leyley enxerga o tema por trás de todas as atrocidades edgys do jogo, e todo o retardo mental que leva o comportamento dos irmãos, são só a camada, pra um interior que sabe muito bem sobre o comportamento de pessoas tóxicas.

Talvez eu achasse repulsivo ou doentio se eu já não conhecesse pessoas que se comportam dessa exata mesma maneira na vida real (de maneira menos exagerada claro...). Talvez por ser um arquétipo menos comum, muitos não devem notar que é uma paródia, e não os culpo. Talvez sejam apenas sortudos que não tiveram a oportunidade de conhecer pessoas assim, e eu te garanto, elas existem.

7/10 (no aguardo pela parte final)

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I tried hard to give this a fair chance, but this game has way too many flaws to ignore. It is written so, so poorly.

The plot feels like it is on the back burner more than half the time and is outright ignored for furthering the relationship between the two characters, who absolutely do not act as if they are in a serious, life or death situation at any point. It feels as if they are out of place within their own story, not even they seem to grasp what is going on at any moment, or have any awareness of the danger that seems to be just around the corner. There is no suspense, and there is not what I would call "a heartfelt moment" until the very end of chapter 2.

The art style is somewhat interesting, but is also sort of really awkward and bothered me at times; there is a quality to it that I just can not place that always feels vaguely off and is somewhat uncomfortable as a result.

The "ermm she's right behind me, isn't she?" humor mixed with the "dank memes lmao" feels like it's dated itself for a time it isn't even from, especially since the plot seems to take place within the last five years.

I think the concept of this game could be interesting, but none of the interesting aspects are explored further. If the writer could step away from the dismissive, overly lighthearted tone to actually write this game's plot and dialogue, it would greatly benefit. I do not need an full length novel, I want... anything to chew on. Everything is handed to you so straight, it is hard for me to not feel bored whilst playing through this game.

I wanted to like this game and push through it, I've completed everything there is to do currently and plan to play it to completion to further develop my views, but I was just not a fan and it is hard to see myself ever enjoying this game. I will try to return to this with an open mind, but as of now, this is just a mess.

If you like this you're either 14 or need to be blacklisted from every family gathering possible

chapter 1 was interesting and really good but holy crap the rest is just sloppy shock value for the sake of shock value, it is unfortunate how so many devs and writers just fall into "just write a bunch of shock content, that'll get them interested" lie

história sem sentido, é apenas uma desculpa pra ter 6º entre os personagens

its funny as fuck to act like this game is good

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Best game about incestous cannibal demon-worshipping siblings I've played, 10/10.

In all seriousness, it's actually an extremely well-written dynamic. It's kinda sad it gets dismissed as shock or gooner bait.

It has an interesting story and a unique art style, can't wait for chapter 3

My biggest criticism is that everyone in this game is SO EVIL and EXTREMELY cruel, they almost sound like Israelies

15$ to beat the game btw