Reviews from

in the past

Eu literal não lembro quando eu comecei a jogar esse jogo, quantas horas eu tenho nele, quantos celulares e tablet onde eu joguei. Meu nível atual é +170, sendo que eu perdi um save antigo uns anos atrás que tinha uma cidade bem completa.

Dito isto, é um bom jogo de celular de loop infinito. Não tem como fugir disso não. Hoje em dia eu jogo todo o dia, entro a cada 4 horas, recolho a grana, faço as missões da temporada, coloco ações de 4 horas e repito o loop.

Não sei se recomendo alguém começar do zero, tem seu charme, principalmente se você curte o desenho. É uma dinâmica legal de cidadezinha que me lembra os velhos jogos de Orkut. E só. É um pay to win dos grandes, requer muita paciência, tipo assim, MUITA mesma. Mas se jogar com a mentalidade de que não tem que fazer speedrun e sim ir jogando aos pouquinhos a cada X horas, pode ser acabar se divertindo.

Escrevi isso pra completar esse game aqui no site, e não ter que fica log no jornal todo o que eu to jogando, afinal, todo o dia eu ESTOU jogando.

It has a lot of love for og fans but is boring as fuck

It’s not much of a game, but I extracted a little dopamine from it.

It's been 12 years, add Al Sneed and Chuck already you COWARDS

Had too many hours in this game and then I lost my backup

Un idle game oficial de los Simpsons que lleva ya muchos años entre nosotros y al que no se le termina el contenido. No es demasiado invasivo con sus microtransacciones, siendo uno de estos F2P en que puedes, realmente, conseguir todo el contenido sin pagar un duro (aunque te lleve años). La moneda premium se puede conseguir, en pequeñas cantidades, dentro del juego

I played it when it came out, I was all about the series so spent a lot of time with it but no money (thank God).
Nowadays I think I'd get bored of it

as an actual game it fucking sucks but i cant stop logging in every day to check on my town. im addicted. ive spent so much money on this game. help.

Gonna get as good as mobile world builder games are gonna get

I played this game when I was a kid, long before I was even able to watch the Simpsons due to it's mature content. I remember enjoying it, but as a "Pay-2-Progress" mobile city builder I still can't give it more than 2 stars

This game was like a fever dream, i have no recognition of it at all, but i do remember it being fun to play..

Totalmente P2W, queria ter jogado mais soq nao tenho paciência pra esperar

I almost forgot this game existed before.

This is a very simple game: you make characters do something for a period amount of time and return much later to collect the rewards. After that, you can purchase more houses to add more characters or simply just beautify your town.

Sounds like your average mobile town building experience? Exactly, this is just that but with Simpson characters. There are also microtransactions like all mobile games pretty much do. It is not much of a game and I only remembered I played it because I was trying to search up Hit & Run.

Forgettable schloop of a game. Not really worth my time.

Reached level 60, last game level that you unlock some stuff, it is called "the last level", so i count it as completed.

The sign is a subtle joke. The shop is called "Sneed's Feed and Seed",

Pretty much as good as the newer Simpsons seasons. So not really.

Por que eu tanta coisa custa rosquinha nesse jogo????

I would play this at work a lot..
If you spent a dime on this game you lost.

Clash of Clans with jaundice

Game was fun but i honestly can't stand microtransactions

EU ADORAVA ESSA MERDA NO MEU TABLET EM 2014! É bem legal criar uma nova Springfield, depois fica super chato ter que esperar as coisas serem construídas.

These games only work when it is something you like and/or liked. I liked The Simpsons a few years ago so this worked.

lembro que era um c pra baixar esse jogo jdjskeonddn ele sempre sempre dava erro de conexão, nunca joguei direito de fato

i liked the way this game looked i did not like like the way the game felt especially in the wallet department

I've been playing this game actively since 2013, took a break around 2019 and started again at the beginning of 2022. I never really put money into the game and only play it on the side when I'm bored. Activity varies by event. It used to be really awesome the events were creative and had interaction and now it's just "give your certain 5 characters 4h tasks and be happy" events. Still a nice game

LA DE VECES QUE ME HE INSTALADO ESTE JUEGO. Una pena el pay2win de mierda