Reviews from

in the past

It's honestly a lot of fun with friends. that applies to nearly any mp game, but the division is just different

i want to play the game again and remember why i love it and get all the guns and armor in the game

recommended if you plan to play with friends

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An interesting game when released, with a very distinct interpretation of a destroyed and reeling NYC in the midst of the longest, coldest winter that feels unique in modern culture. A good looter shooter, and a guilty pleasure for me in terms of Ubisoft slop.

El gameplay era divertido y su UI muy chula. Me gustaba su sistema de progresión

jogo meio abandonado pela ubisoft

this really is the most game to be ever made

it's got a super detailed and gorgeous world, the music is pretty good, the ui design, visuals, etc are all well made and it's technically pretty sound so it's super confusing as to why everything about the game itself is just bad

the "loop" and grind is all horribly designed and borderline nonsensical, the gunplay is awful because all the bad guys have a billion health and the loot and the systems around it suck

ubisoft moment

Fue mi introducción al género y la verdad se me hizo disfrutable. Algunas decisiones de gameplay/progreso/crafteo vistas con retrospectiva se ve que no son de lo mejor, pero han sido arregladas en el nuevo juego.

Back in the day when this first dropped, my town was hit with a snowstorm. So I basically GRINDED this game with some friends for multiple days. Hella fun and I only have good memories of it


4 stars. For now.

This was my first ever console game I got with the Xbox one :3

Fun game but overshadowed by so many others

the dark zone was one of the coolest pvp game modes ive ever played.


Uma boa ideia que infelizmente caiu nas mãos da Ubisoft

I spent years being excited for this game and when I finally got to playing it, it sucked.

Man, this game is really something

TBH, I like ubisoft game. They are incredibly immersive for me. And the division is no exception.
I think the strongest Ubisoft trait is the world building. And damn, they hit the mark here. The lore of what happened is quite amazing and unique, and the snowy NY is stunning. So many details and so much environment storytelling, cheesus.

And not only the world building, but also the coherence of the game. From the ui, skills, echoes, everything just makes the world and setting whole.

And the gameplay is pretty fun as well. You just go from mission to mission, shoot bad guys and that's about it. You get new loot, upgrades and upgrade your base(which I love in videogames)

The story is okay, even though, I didn't finish it, so I can't say anything about the ending. The missions are fun, especially if you have a podcast or something in the background.

All the missions are more or less the same, but that's okay. That was actually the first game in years where I was clearing the map like crazy. I dunno, just mindless shooting works perfectly with this game.

However, game can be kinda challenging due to numbers. If you have lower gear, you will suffer in some of the missions(at least playing solo)

So, why am i abandoning this game? I think it just kinda started to feel boring for me(especially when I started to need to grind for the newer loot and craft new shit). The game is still amazing IMO, and I can see why a lot of people liked it a lot. Definitely doesn't deserve the hate that it's getting.

I'm gonna be honest I've played this game for 13.2 hours now and I thought I would never be the one to say this but I struggle finding any motivation to keep going. I love this game for the atmosphere and the environment but the gameplay starts getting old. It feels like I'm running 200 meters, encounter 3 enemies, continue cycle until arriving to my destination. Not the mention I start getting annoyed from hearing the same "entering safezone" "warning hostile nearby" operator voicelines. I also find myself not being able to do much in the game beside from free roaming and I just wish there were more missions in the game with a meaningful objective since I'm running out of them. It also doesn't make it better that I'm basically feeling like I'm wasting my time since all of this progress that I'm doing sooner or later will be erased since this is a live service game.