Reviews from

in the past

The worldbuilding makes me go insane

In the best way possible. Nobody is good in this universe, everyone wants to kill and eat each other.

Rough around the edges as far as gameplay and graphics goes, but the sound design and story is peak.

Прикольный мир, но очень хаотичный геймплей. Очень сильный snowball эффект, миссии короткие, карты сгенерированы рандомно, всё происходит быстро и хаотично. Почти прошёл кампанию, но как-то шото не то.

I haven't played the campaign yet but the multiplayer is really good

An impressive feat that lacks depth or at least a playerbase that makes it surface.

i've never adored a war criminal quite like the quartermaster. keep committing war crimes in the name of peace queen

great game and its severely underrated great soundtrack too