Reviews from

in the past

This was a game I saw recommended on a few Playstation importing threads I looked at, so I got it on sale off of Play Asia thinking that it'd be a silly party game, and it didn't disappoint. Especially because, like Okami on PS3, it's completely in English if you have your system language set to English.

It's a collection of about 20 mini-games, some are single player and some are multiplayer, although I haven't tried it on multiplayer. They're all fun at least passably, and they're good fun for a quick laugh, mostly the ones that use the 6-axis motion controls and make you do really drastic actions in a coordinated but frantic fashion. They're not for everyone, but I enjoyed them. My favorite was the one where you've gotta use both arms to "cock your arm back" to pound Mochi for a moon-cat.

My favorite part of the game by far was just the sillyness and lighthearted (mostly) nature of the story itself. If you know stuff about Japan and tropes in its media, I think you'll have a similar enjoyment, but I was just constantly giggling to myself with all of the stupid situations that Kuro and Toro get themselves into, not to mention all of the ridiculous costumes that Toro wears X3. The story if also further enhanced by all of the great Engrish, because the last-half of the story chapters' translation AIN'T great XD

If you're just looking for a fun silly romp, it's good fun. I'll have to give some sort of update on the multiplayer component sometime (hopefully I can test it out this weekend).

Perhaps you too, can "BECOME A BOWLING!"

A super charming mini-game compendium featuring the super super charming and adorable Toro Inoue; Sony's abandoned Japanese mascot who is such a great character that he deserves the international spotlight. Let down by a really substandard translation though. I played the Chinese version of the game by the way, which includes English subtitles, but there are grammatical errors everywhere and it hurts the experience.