Reviews from

in the past

One of the best multiplayer games of its generation. Smooth, varied gameplay, great performance on a PS3, and active community servers on weekends. The game also has one of the best implementations of split screen that I've ever seen (ex. Buying a new copy is also dirt cheap nowadays.
Having no offline offerings is a obvious minus, though.

Multiplayer info here:

This is just kind of disappointing. I was looking forward to starting this game that had been sitting around on my shelf a while that was presented as some sort of big AAA aerial combat title from Sony and Santa Monica Studio, but in reality it's just an online only pvp game with questionable polish. It's a shame because there are some cool ideas such as being able to switch from jet to vehicle to foot in combat, and the scale of its massive multiplayer battles, but it's really ruined by the fact that it's online only. Now that the PS3 is pretty much dead there's not really anything left to play here

The multiplayer GOAT for me, community ran servers still going strong on weekends.

The game has aged beautifully and id highly recommend anyone to pick it up.

No battle pass, no weekly goals, just pure fragging fun.

When I bought a PS3 from a friend my girlfriend said she couldn't remember a game she used to play with her brother and other friends, turned out to be this. She had the nostalgia for it, but I from day one vehemently reject online-only games, this was entertaining tho

Everything about this game is so cool. The settings, the gameplay, the world, the soundtrack, the vehicles, and the really big knives. My biggest complaint is that it's multi-player only and has no story or other single player mode. All the makings of a great story are there, almost as though they wanted to make a story and just didn't have time.

I have a hard time sticking with multiplayer games, but this one was pretty fun for the time I played it. The netcode and internet latency made a lot of 1-on-1 knife fights end with both players dying at the same time.