Reviews from

in the past

Прекрасная игра, в которой сюжет не главное. Главное - месилово! Был далекий 2011-ый или 2012-ый, когда мои одноклассники рубились на переменах в God of War: Ghost of Sparta и God of War: Chains of Olympus. И только один из них поиграл чутка в "Росомаху". Мне безумно понравилось, и потому попросил папу скачать мне её в тот же день. И это, скажу вам, того стоило.
Тогда были золотые времена, когда мне было достаточно иметь PSP и эту игру, которую прошёл три раза, как минимум, для счастья. Возможно, я не смогу передать словами, почему мне она так нравится. Это как магическое "правило первой игры", суть в котором заключается в следующем: наша самая первая игра для нас лучшая в мире, и со временем мы поймём, что она мало для кого была шедевром (без сомнений, многие из нас знакомились с миром видеоигр с произведений искусства, но все же бывают описанные мной случаи). Просто заходишь в X-Men Origins: Wolverine и начинаешь долбить по кнопкам, наслаждаясь кат-сценами и добиваниями. Плюс ко всему, игра по фильму идёт, хоть и правильнее сказать "по мотивам".

Acho que se você pegar as piores coisas feitas pela humanidade e juntar elas em uma só, não vai dar o tamanho da maldade e da perversidade desse jogo. Eu não vejo motivos dessa aberração ter sido lançada se não ter o objetivo de mostrar que o ser humano é um aglomerado de ideias que tem o objetivo de prejudicar o seu semelhante, se Lucifer e o inferno existirem, eles provavelmente acham que esse jogo é um castigo exagerado pra humanidade, eu nunca vi tamanha afronta a Deus e qualquer tipo de moral, eu não sei explicar em qual crime esse jogo se encaixa, genocídio, crimes contra a natureza, assédio moral, talvez a forma certa de definir esse jogo seja, um crime contra a realidade, seja ela boa ou ruim, porque nada é pior que esse jogo. Eu gostaria de transcender para o 4D ou 2D, só pra não existir na mesma dimensão dessa desgraça. Literalmente a obra mais merda que eu já consumi nessa indústria e talvez de qualquer mídia em geral, não ironicamente esse jogo não tem uma qualidade, conseguiu errar em tudo.

A pretty overlooked version.

In many ways it is genuinely better than the flagship one. For example, IIRC, in the flagship version you could lunge at any enemy any time you wanted, which made the player spam this attack, and there were a lot of QTEs. Whereas here the QTEs are few and far between, and the lunge attack becomes available only at specific moments when the enemy is vulnerable. This makes this version a more traditional hack-n-slash that feels at home on the 6-th generation consoles.

And you can clearly tell there was a lot of love put into it. Very few corners were cut. This is a proper game with its own cutscenes, unique levels and enemies, and its own combat system.

However, you can tell that, as with many film adaptations, the devs didn't have enough time. While the every level in the game feels coherent, the actual content of those levels can get pretty repetitive and tedious. The game will often spawn the same enemies over and over again.

I was on the edge about whether to beat it or not, and then the game sent a boss at me that was a huge damage sponge, and coul kill me in two hits, between which there's like a millisecond to dodge after the stun effect disappears. I beat this boss on my second attempt, which involved a very long fight with constant dodging and careful approaches. And then the game sends 6 of these guys at me, two at a time. In this situation you can't even effectively utilize your rage effect, because you'll kill only two of them with it and have to face the next two without it. This was the moment I decided to give up.

I'm pretty sure I could beat those guys and complete the game, but it reminded me of my original playthrough of Ghost Rider on PS2 back in the late 2000s, which was another repetitive game with lots of enemies. I beat Ghost Rider, but I think a portion of my sanity died with that. For years afterwards I couldn't even look at that game without some sort of muscle memory PTSD.

Imagine capturing the psyche of Wolverine's lore on the go. Today I will be sinking my claws into X-Men Origins Wolverine for the PSP. For most, it is a memorable entrance into the handheld gaming world, offering players a chance to dive into one of Marvel’s iconic character’s past. As I review my reflections on X-Men Origins, it is important to also review all of its gameplay, narrative, and overall impact on the gaming landscape to understand why this game holds a special place in my heart.
X-Men Origins: Wolverine for PSP presented players with an action-packed experience, mixing components of hack-and-slash combat with platforming stages. One of the mechanics allows Wolverine to scale platforms with his claws. Players are also allowed to unleash Wolverine's trademark berserker rage. Rage can be gained by scuffling and tussling with enough opponents until the rage meter is full. Lasting long enough for 2-3 super-charged, satisfying attacks. The game also has various upgrades and abilities that players can unlock as they progress through the levels which enhances Wolverine's combat. It was enjoyable to see my character get stronger and stronger as the game progressed. Finally, let’s discuss what gives the game complexity: the platforming. The platforms feel like puzzle pieces. Requiring the player to navigate through obstacles, flooring, and buildings. It provided a new landscape and navigation route for each scene.
X-Men Origins Wolverine for PSP took direct inspiration from the earlier released film named... X-Men Origins: Wolverine, which I have yet to see, but my research indicates this movie explored Wolverine's past to how he became the Wolverine we know in the movies. As the player dives deeper into Wolverine's past, they meet and battle other iconic characters from Marvel, specifically the X-Men lore, such as Deadpool and Sabertooth. While the game's storyline reportedly followed close to the movie, I believe it also gave its own perspective by allowing players to experience memories from Wolverine's life firsthand by playing and choosing combat styles.
X-Men Origins: Wolverine for the Playstation Portable left a life-lasting impression on the handheld gaming crowd with a captivating narrative, gameplay, and cultural impact. This game contributed to the cultural significance of the X-Men franchise by allowing older fans to play their favorite character in new ways and giving newcomers a glance into some amazing X-Men lore, giving the potential to create a new interest in the franchise like the game did for me as a newcomer.
X-Men Origins Wolverine for PSP is a game distinct for its appearance in the handheld gaming world, by giving players an engaging experience set within the iconic X-Men world. With compelling gameplay mechanics, an amazing narrative, and an impact on the community, the game remains proof of the great appeal of Wolverine and the X-Men. As I look back on this title, I’m reminded of its significance in shaping the way I eulogize my favorite mutant and the entirety of the X-Men.

Un verdadero juegazo de acción que arregla la basura de película a la que toma de referencia

I played the PSP version and it's an ok game, the platforming sections are small and easy, the graphics are really good for a PSP game and the combat is fun but gets very repetitive after a while; unlike games like God of War there's nothing really interesting on screen aside from Wolverine himself and as said before the combat became a bit repetitive after a while so I stopped at the Sabretooth boss fight since he was a bit of a damage sponge, could kill me in about 2 hits and could regenerate health