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in the past

This game is seriously so beautiful. its story and its foreshadowing is brilliant and the music only helps it. i cant get enough of its characters. Shulk is literally my husband idc.

Impossível tankar o bostil

A gameplay é lamentável com um combate repetitivo e sem graça onde você nem sente que tá acertando o inimigo, sua única indicação de impacto e o número aparecendo na tela

Exploração vergonhosa, o mapa, por mais que seja bonito, é praticamente vazio, o caminhar dos personagens é tão lerdo que você pode habilitar pro personagem andar numa linha reta sozinho. Os pontos de teleporte são colocados em locais MUITO distantes dos objetivos seja se side-quest ou main-quest, é torturante explorar o mapa, PRINCIPALMENTE PQ SÓ REPETE AS MESMAS 2 FUCKING MUSICAS, se você for jogar, mute o jogo, é sério.

Essa foi uma das piores experiências que eu tive com um jogo, cada vez que eu jogava um pouquinho eu saia exausto, querendo que acabasse logo.

Eu vou terminar a história pelo Youtube por respeito a um amigo meu que fala que a história é boa, mas até o ponto que eu joguei foi o suco do genérico.

Gotta be in the top 5 worst combat systems I've ever experienced in a JRPG.


People championing the first Xenoblade Chronicles maybe undersell just how much capital-V videogame happens over its dozens of hours. The grand scale is admirable, but there are still secret platforming challenges and dungeon mini-bosses breaking up an epic tale that seemingly wants its players more interested in human nature, free will and Xenoblade's cast's thoughts about both.

A secret about me, though, is that I like platforming challenges and dungeon mini-bosses. Slot that into a game that, despite never really maintaining a logical through line, keeps up an emotional through line told over days of game time blending high fantasy and science fiction with found families, actual hippies and a landscape that is, quite literally, two giant fighting robots, and I think you've got something special.

Se você ignorar a quantidade de caminhadas desnecessárias, sejam longas ou curtas, o último ato bem longo e meio chatinho, o Riki e o fato do jogo repetir as mesmas 5 musicas o tempo todo, sobra um video game bem daora.

Reclamei das caminhadas, mas até certo ponto ela são extremamente bem vindas. Principalmente na primeira metade do jogo, com as áreas massivas e cheias de cantinhos pra explorar. E a medida que novas mecânicas e novos personagens vão sendo adicionados, as grandes caminhadas se tornam bem prazerosas enquanto você tá experimentando as novidades e fazendo side quests.

E as tais mecânicas são bem legais. Nos primeiros minutos de gameplay, o jogo parece ter um ritmo de batalha bem maçante, mas quando mais você joga, mais interessante fica. Seja montando equipamentos, escolhendo a party ou combinando ataques, a gameplay fica bem divertida até o final. Contudo, depois das 20h de jogo já tava bem cansado e sem vontade de enfrentar mob, então fiquei evitando bastante eles e perdendo nível por conta disso. Faltou um estimulo maior pra enfrentar inimigos ou continuar interessado em fazer side quests.

Além do Shulk e do Alvis, o cast não é tão marcante não. Dão pro gasto, mas não me apeguei muito. Os diálogos entre eles são bem repetitivos ao ponto de parecer que nenhum desenvolvimento de personagem aconteceu nas 20h que você já botou no jogo. Poucos deles são cheios de charme ou mostram ter alguma verdadeira profundidade.

No final, já tava bem cansadinho e não via a hora de terminar. A história deu uma caída que se recuperou só nas cutscenes finais. Os plot twists meio esquisitos e aquelas respostas complicadas pros mistérios do jogo dignos de JRPG.

Enfim é um joguinho legal que carrega certo charme principalmente no seu vasto mundo. Ansioso pra pegar o 2 pra terminar de jogar que tá engavetado a 6 anos já.

While it doesn’t have a cast/ party nor soundtrack that quite measures up to other JRPG greats, it more than makes up for it with its incredibly interesting world, interesting combat system, and story that continues to get much better as the game went on

Note: Shelved for a good bit around ~10 hours in before picking it up again recently finally finishing it.

Mi JRPG favorito. Recomendado 100%

This is the game that truly showed me what was possible in an RPG. Incredible story, incredible sense of exploration and adventure. Never felt like it was too much. I enjoyed getting into its combat. Overall fantastic experience.

Mar 2024 Comment: This game is near peak to me, but around this year I've noticed that its not as perfect as I originally thought. The story while is my favorite, but unfortunately lacks in giving more substance to the side characters, while this is redeemed a bit for future connected, Fiora is a bit basic and Sharla had a lot of potential to delve more into her arc of how she lost her whole colony and her fiancé, but the game instead opts to focus on Shulk. Shulk is my favorite protagonist of all time, that isnt a bad thing, but this takes away from the game being perfect as it fully dosent flesh out everything. The game has bad frame drops at times but not as bad as 2's. The combat is objectively dated, but yet this makes me love it even more. Outside of some stat changes, they kept the moves the same as it did in the original , really makes me feel like im playing a remastered wii game and thats perfect, I like how different the combat feels compared to 2 and while I think the new games are better, I like its unique taste. The remixes for Definitive Edition are bless and overall the game is much better in many ways. They censored Dunban's blood spitting scene and Shulk having very bright anime hair thats full on yellow now is a small nitpick negative, but everything else is literally perfect to me. Overall my thoughts about XC1 are still the same. I love its world, its setting, not only is it fun to explore, but also play on and its good for story reasons too. I will always be biased toward this game as its undoubtedly my favorite, I think objectively its like a 4 or 4.5, but its a 5 in my eyes, and thats all that matters to me. I love its story, music, combat, exploration, I could gush for hours but why would I? I wont forget it so no need writing it all down.

This was a goliath of a game, but I really enjoyed every minute of it.

Finished my 100% run of the game; still the greatest game I have ever had the privilege of playing. Kinoblade still my all timer, I love every single character in this game with every fiber of my being, and when Riki said "Shulk real Heropon" I felt that in my soul.

Real talk though, I cannot advise finishing all side-quests in this game unless you are a masochist. I was using a spreadsheet to track my progress with 100%ing the game and let me tell you; even with that I was still walking on eggshells that I would accidentally trigger a timeout on a quest due to certain story progressions. I think some of the sidequest chains are absolutely fucking hysterical, and I am ashamed I had never done the Bana sidequests til this playthrough.

Great game, Shulk+Reyn+Dunban dogwalking the final boss with one chain attack is a new highlight of this series for me lmao

An amazing if slightly longwinded JRPG outing. Although it is spread thin, the gameplay and Adam Howden’s impressive voice work keeps the game entertaining constantly. An impossibly beautiful Switch game.

When I played this as a kid, holy shit it was insane. And I don't even like the other xenoblade games. But when I revisit this game, it'll likely end up in my favorites of all time

Every time I think about this game it gets better.

Perhaps the best game ever made? Just an absolute beauty of a game, in almost every way. Looks great, feels great, plays great, and even made me cry. That's really all I can ask for. This game has stuck with me for so long. Please play this game if you have the opportunity.

I wrote an April fools review for this where I just linked to a YouTube video relating to Kagurabachi (read that instead of this tbh). I think it’s fair I write an actual review on this. For starters what a 4/10 game this is. First problem is the world design and how it doesn’t really make you want to explore. In most cases your gonna to find what a rare enemy or a landmark that gives out exp which you can get while grinding. I’m no master at this game I will never argue that but it feels to me that at a certain point being underleved can make fights next to impossible. Doesn’t help that the main ways to get exp are through the fights, exportation, and side quests. All of them are not great with fights you get minimal amount of exp where you have to take on hoards of enemies to gain a single level. Exploration can also grant exp but it’s usually not too much unless it’s a hidden area. On the topic of exploration I just have to say why is climbing so slow and traversal in general makes it a bitch to get anywhere and it’s not like in God of War 2018 where Kratos and Arteus have a conversation whenever they are in the boat to distract you from the nothing gameplay going on. That leaves the side quest and holy pad most of them are fetch quests and add nothing. Sometimes you get an interesting reward like Monado armor but I never got it and I was fine. Alright so most of your exp is combat but that has to be good right uuuuuuuuh. I think near the start the combat is alright when you team is pretty limited on what you can do and you have to plan accordingly (even though you can’t control your teammates). However by late game every encounter just was topple locking the enemies gaining energy for a chain attack and doing it again. Which just stems from being punished for being in encounters for too long. It makes Sharla the healer awful since she is made to be low dps but keep you alive for longer but fighting longer just sucks. So in conclusion Light heal> Sharla. The only saving grace for combat is visions which show you when a big attack is coming and how to deal with it. A decent way to make people not spam chain attacks all the time since they are overpowered. Quick thing on chain attacks why is the chance of it ending random that makes no sense. Visuals: they look fine nothing groundbreaking but fine for what they are. Music: it’s fine gets the job done I’m not a huge music guy and it should be set dressing and not a major part of why you enjoy the game. Alright plot some yall call this peak? Let’s start with the obvious why do they always make it obvious there is something going to happen. Easy example is Dickson where he has his ever iconic line “I feel bad for manipulating those kids” and it’s supposed to be played for a big twist in the third act. This is like that one line in the DORA THE EXPLORER movie where the adult character kept saying he was a bad guy. I think a better idea would be a more sidelined manipulator like Makima where if you are paying attention you notice something is off but to the average person would not pick up on it. But that’s the easy answer they wouldn’t make it obvious that the character that was killed off is alive right. What do you mean they pretty clearly tease Fiora’s return. Blonde hair and and breasts it could be anyone especially not girl who had blond hair and moderately sized breasts but was “dead”. But favorite one was definitely that Gadolt is still alive. Like they don’t mention his ass for more then half the game but the moment they do a new robot is keeping an eye on them. Oh of course it’s Gadolt. Onto the actual plot two titans clashed but eventually brought forth different life biological in bionis and Mechanical in mechonis (very original names). They were bitter enemies for some unknown reason (we are keeping tally of every anime trope ) 1. This came to ahead with a battle that will deiced the fate of the bio vs mech life. Fuck this cliffnotes going to go full speed ahead. Shulk is just your average orphan 2 that lives a quiet life 3 with his friends. Till one day the enemy that hadn’t attacked in ages did 4 and Shulk finds out he is special 5 and can wield a special blade called the Monado. His journey is about growing and changing his perspective.He starts his adventure with pure revenge but develops into something more. He meets people from a variety of places 6. This all pulls ahead when his motivation is alive and that guy from the prologue is alive. He then learns that not all Mechon are bad 7. They travel to Mechonsis and learn that they attacked first 8. Shulk tries to make peace until he is interrupted by Dickson doing that evil thing and unleashing the true villain who was inside Shulk all along 9 and he can be considered a god 10. Shulk believes hard enough and comes back and defeat god in a quick enough recap. Anyways time to bitch about Zanza. First off they make it pretty obvious that he is the final boss just due to how the game is set up. You skip two major parts of bionis being most of prison island and inner bionis which had my head scratching till I realized that they were probably going to pull a the bad guys aren’t the actual villain. With making some of the people of mechonis good. Yeah I called Zanza being the final boss. Also his ass barley does anything he could took control at like any moment but didn’t that makes like 0 sense. This isn’t even a why didn’t Jotaro use Star finger. Since he is op on his own and could probably solo most of Mechonis since their god was stuck in Fiora for some reason (I don’t remember if it’s explained you I will not bitch). Also this is a more minor nitpick I wish he looked a little more different then his original human form since he is a god. Alright let’s wrap this up characters I won’t comment on since I used like the same 3 so I saw no heart to hearts. Shulk is a fine protagonist except he still has trouble telling his team about visions. What did I think of future connected? Didn’t play it. Will you play 2. Hell nah. In conclusion go read Kagurabachi for some good action adventure.

This review contains spoilers

Finally finished this game after three months since I started falling into Xenoblade series, I completed the main story a week ago and I just have completed the DLC (Future Connected) today, it was such a nice experience to be able to play Xenoblade game for the first time. This game has a good story and so much potential, there are so many unexpected plot twists. However, the characters' writing is quite bad and almost all of them have no strong personalities in the main story, especially Sharla and Melia because they rarely talked and they never took any important role after their arcs finished. About the mechanics, I had a hard time to understand how it works in the beginning but I'm glad I became so used by it.

A beautiful game. Wonderful characters and story, love how everyone can really emote in the Definitive Edition, and the world is a fantastic character in itself. It really grabs that old JRPG feel, that promise, of losing yourself in an immense, vivid world packed with colorful characters, societies, and sights to see. The crazy plot was a lot of fun, and the nonstop hype train ride of the third act was legendary among JRPGs I've played.

I have a few gripes that mar this game from getting the extra half star or so. While the towns were impressive in how vivid they were, I just couldn't get into how drab the NPC dialogue presentation felt. It's a little better with bigger text boxes in XB2, at least. Building on that, the sidequests. On one hand, they were fine as brain-off, I-just-want-to-grind-while-listening-to-three-hour-long-youtube-videos activities, but on the other hand, there were... simply too many of them, and not many had much narrative pleasure to them.

Another gripe is a bigger one - the combat. I found it okay to bad for much of my play. I think it works for the game Xenoblade Chronicles is - the lack of a loud transition to a seperate screen into menu-based turn based combat, opting instead for a seamless, cooldown-based real time system is a boon to the exploration. The game would be much worse off with a system like, say, Final Fantasy 10's-and I think FFX's battle system is fantastic.

Unfortunately, the game's battle system (and that's not even getting into the crazy level scaling, or how I had to grind for a few hours just to beat a miniboss that was incredibly easy but unhittable because I was 5 levels below it) discouraged me from really wanting to bite into the side content of the game. I missed out on a lot of bond talks, a lot of the later bosses, a lot of the post-game areas... but, I was satisfied with my time. So, so satisfied. When the changed title screen came up after the post-credits cutscene, I teared up a bit. I'm tearing up a bit writing this sentence now. What a journey. Just... man.

-Amazing soundtrack
-Addictive battle system
-Beautiful and fun environments to explore

-Underdeveloped characters outside of optional dialogues
-Battle quotes can get annoying
-Plot progression can feel repetitive and drawn-out

A wild ride from beginning to end. Many twists and turns with great gameplay and amazing soundtrack.

Amazing game I loved every second of it the story was engaging all the way through

Peak it might be. Finally, played it in full a year ago after playing in bits and pieces after getting it as a gift. I mean hey the combat may be frustrating sometimes in certain battles but the story and music makes up for all of that. It started my under year long journey of Xenoblade and I'm so glad what a great series. Shulk the goat.