Reviews from

in the past

This classic edutainment game from 1994, holds a special place in the hearts of many who grew up with it. The game plays like an activity center, interactive encyclopedia, and multimedia player. All very relevant and forward-thinking concepts before the age of online encyclopedias like Wikipedia. It even contains a Wolfenstein 3D-like game where the player shoots viruses and cancer inside the body of a patient.

It's undeniably a blast from the past, offering fond memories of when edutainment games were all the rage. Back then I played this at school and at home (the fact that I willingly played edutainment games at home might say something about me).

I played one of the later releases for Windows 95 in Swedish with better music and some feature changes compared to the American DOS version. Just the upgrade in music enhanced the experience a lot for me.

Unfortunately though, despite the dear place this game has within my heart, I can't make myself give it a high rating. The activity center-style of the presentation feels unengaging and the simplistic games combined with clunky controls hardly warranted much gameplay time when I revisited this as an adult. Even the info was hard to trust since the facts might be outdated after 30 years.

This brings us to an important question; should reviews consider the context of a game's release? 3D Body Adventure had glowing reviews when it first hit the market. However today, where some older games manage to maintain their appeal, this one, unfortunately, shows its age.

3D Body Adventure is a testament to the edutainment genre's past, serving as a valuable learning tool for its original intended audience. That, along with its contemporary success can never be taken away from it. Its nostalgic charm can be a delightful trip down memory lane, but its limitations and outdated elements make it a less engaging choice for an adult audience seeking entertainment after 30 years of time has eroded its primary educational value.