Reviews from

in the past

Great game with so many flaws, after playing through it so many times it's a serious struggle to play past the lord vessel. Don't get me wrong I think this game's a classic, but demon souls is better at creating atmosphere and has better class and weapon balancing.

Mi primerito juego de los souls, le tengo mucho cariño u ha envejecido genial


oyun güzel aslında ama pc portu rezalet ve Elden Ring açan pcde 60 fps değildi o yüzden 2,5

another art piece this one is really good simply because it has so much charm to it you can tell the devs loved making this game every bit of the way even during the aids areas, they should add swimming in the next dark souls

I can't play it because i pirated it but the only controller that works is my roommate's but this game is actually fun and not even boring

The game that kickstarted it all. FROMSOFT's Dark Souls 1 is a janky classic and was my first experience with FROMSOFT's "soulsborne" genre. My first attempted playthrough ended in undead burg, and it wasn't until 2 years later that I finally picked it up again and fell deeply in love. Once familiarized and trying to master the mechanics, I was deeply grabbed by the setting and overarching narrative, aesthetics, and symbolism of the game in a way that few other games can. To date, FROMSOFT's unique take on telling a story is unmatched and has inspired countless games in such a style, with few succeeding. This was my favorite game of the series at one point, later being succeeded by Sekiro and Elden Ring, but it's nonetheless my subjective brutal masterpiece.

bosses drop off during 2nd half

a game where all i could think about when i was away was wanting to play it when i got back home

This original has a special place in my heart

You know what? I'm not going to force myself to play a game that I do not find fun. Abandoning it after three hours is fine, it still sucks that I dropped 20 bucks on it that I can't get back since I surpassed the Steam refund window but I've spent more money on dumber things so who cares. Unfortunately, the "git gud" mentality seems to have done irreparable damage to the general public's ability to actually have sane conversations about this genre, which kind of sucks because it makes me afraid to speak my mind about Dark Souls because I'm pretty sensitive to being rejected.

To be clear, difficulty is absolutely not a bad thing in a video game. Some of my favorite games of all time are absolutely brutal, and I'm 100 percent on board with spending my free time bashing my head into a wall as long as I can get some form of enjoyment out of it. Dark Souls' problem is that it does not know what the fuck it is doing with its difficulty and overall feels like some people who KNOW how to make a good and fun and rewarding and well designed video game just decided to throw all of that knowledge out the window for shits and giggles. It's just completely exhausting to have to play the same part of the game over and over again and it doesn't really feel like you're making progress or improving at all. You just don't want to be in this situation anymore after a few failed attempts to get through... it just wears you out so quickly and probably doesn't even feel rewarding when you beat the stupid fucking guy on the bridge I don't know I'm not revisiting this any time soon.

Also, it turns out that for like an hour I was going in the wrong direction that I was not supposed to go in and getting frustrated because of how much I kept dying. Then I actually tried going in the right direction for once and... guess what it still sucks ass lmao Persona 4 Golden just got promoted I'm gonna add a half star to my review of it

this game sucks, and i hate it. 4 stars,

My first consul game on my own consul and my comfort game

Por muito tempo me mantive longe de Souls Like por dificuldade de jogar, o jogo era muito difícil e eu desistia fácil. Algum tempo depois resolvi dar uma chance novamente e me forçar a aprender o game e isso me apresentou o meu gênero de jogos favorito.

O que me fez apaixonar pelo game foi é claro o combate, rápido (mesmo o DS1 tendo hoje em dia um combate mais travado), sempre tentativa e erro, aprendendo os padrões de ataques dos inimigos e chefes e quando enfim derrotava aquele chefe extremamente apelão vinha o sentimento de recompensa, isso junto a exploração do game trazia simplesmente um jogo incrível, aquele jogo em que você simplesmente esquece da vida e se afunda naquele mundo tão mágico que tez querer explorar novos lugares, cada cantinho atrás de itens e inimigos.

Simplesmente uma obra prima!

I have no idea how someone can go through this game blindly.

Decent 8

insanely solid and amazing deep combat and lore. curse zelda for distracting me but ill get back to it.

edit: i have now finished and what a sexy game this is

Put simply, art. Just art. Some shit game design at places but I think that's intentional??? It kinda makes the game better idk.

I love this game, and was my first foray into the souls series, so I may be a little biased. It's areas are compelling, but bosses struggle and miss the mark at times [there are 3 copy paste bosses, and bed of chaos exists]. Game would honestly be better without lost izalith, but the atmosphere and storytelling, with challenging gameplay and [mostly] interesting bosses make it worth it.
PC Release is notoriously bad, even though as I'm writing this, the remaster has already been released and PTDE has been de-listed off of steam, if you ever play it with PTDE, just make sure to install DSFix.

It's my first soulsborne and therefore must also be my favourite. That magical first experience where I was thrust into this entirely new world with some of the most impressive level designs I've ever played in a game and a combat system that forced me to slow down and think was nothing short of wondrous.

My first attempt to play this game saw me forcing my way through the Catacombs early on and giving up when I got stuck. I didn’t love this game until my second attempt, where I created a new character and got a rare sword drop from the first black knight which carried me through the entire game.

Solo me he pasado al primer boss y he acabado sudando

8/10, Changed how I play games truly iconic. Some bosses and area's were bad tho

if it were better it wouldn't be as good

Es Dark Souls, todo lo que se pueda decir ya se ha dicho.
A mí me encantó, aunque el último tramo... No es tan bueno como el principio

if you dont like the words peak gaming you wont like this game