Reviews from

in the past

Didn't age too well but one of the best videogame maps of all time. Bosses are great, second half is somewhat unfinished

preciso terminar de zerar mas mt bom

Guys I'm really trying to like this game, but like, when do I have the Danny DeVito oh my god I get it moment?

Muito bom para um jogo com bastante conteúdo cortado, como um chefe excluído, uma linha de quest apagada e um chefe mal acabado (Bed of Chaos, um dos chefes principais).

I don't know, everytime I try to play it I just can't get into it, but the atmosphere is great.

A game that I truly loved the first half of, and then fell out of love by the middle of the second half only to fall back in love. It's truly a roller coaster of quality with how shockingly bad it can get in comparison to the terrific areas in the first half. But disregarding those issues I truly do feel thankful to this game for essentially putting challenge back in the zeitgeist of popular video games, not every game should be incredibly difficult of course, but it's fun to truly test your skills every once in a while.

realmente na segunda metade o jogo decai de mais, mas nao acho que fique tao ruim assim

Dark Souls is not just a game. It's an experience: an immersive, immensively difficult but rewarding experience offering endless possibilities in terms of play style and character building.

Many people are turned off by how difficult the game is. The game will punish you like no other. It will laugh in your face time and time again. It will make you question your life choices. But fellow gamer, THAT is what makes Dark Souls, well, Dark Souls.

Don't expect this game to hold your hand for you like every other rpg out there. There's no mini map or markers that tell you where to go. No journal or questbook to keep track of progress. It's up to you to figure it out and find your way. Listening to subtle "hints" in npc dialog, reading item descriptions, and reading messages left by other players are just a few ways to help. But many times you must simply venture into the unknown with no clues as to what you may find, what enemies you may face, what traps may lie on your path, or who may invade you at any second.

The level of difficulty and mastery of skills required in Dark Souls is what makes it such a rewarding experience. Finally defeating a boss on your 20th attempt, after you've memorized all their move sets and figured out all their weaknesses is a glorious feeling. The sense of accomplishment you get after a boss fight is the absolute most rewarding experience. You come out of each fight a better player, humbled, and ready for the next fight.

There's no other game I could recommend more than Dark Souls. Definitely one of the games every gamer should play at some point.

Hope this review was helpful. Be safe, friend. Don't you dare go hollow.

I just erase Bed of Chaos from my memory after each play-through so I can keep this at 5 stars.

Legendary game. My first souls title and my introduction to these incredible games. I'll never forget the rush I felt when I destroyed O&S on my second attempt. One of my favorites ever.

I bought this game back on the day it came out, getting it at the old Futureshop in my college town before those all closed. I had no clue what I was doing when I first started. It took me an insanely long time to understand how to play FromSoftware games. It took the pandemic hitting for me to finally beat the Duke's Archives and move forward until I beat it and sided with Kaathe.

Do anor londo jedna z lepszych gier w historii po londo niezła sraka

the world design is un effing real

4.5 Stars From David
I have not played

O paizao de todos. Melhor level design, e a história mais legal dos DS.

So far, this game is overrated as hell

até que é bom mas é superestimado

One of my favorite games of all time. Absolutely unmatched PvP system and Lore community. I could talk for hours about what sets this game apart from the rest.

Great game, until it isn't anymore. Absolutely brilliant first half, and everyone already knows what happens after that. Great game, done better with every game after it.

A game FromSoft has still yet to match the magic of. Nothing feels the same as taking the elevator from the Undead Parish back to Firelink and watching it all connect.

A good gameplay with a great lore Behind but i don´t like the final stretch with some bosses

thiiiiiis is a classic that i can drool over for awhile

- Some of its endgame locations feel rushed & unfinished
- Bosses get recycled both as regular enemies and just bosses again
- Stats do weird things, like dex increasing spellcasting speed, or resistance doing nothing
- Build variety leaves a lot to be desired
- A lot of crucial information is buried in item descriptions that are easy to miss, or NPCs that are hard to find
- Narrow corridors make certain weapons useless
- PvP is broken at 60FPS

- It's a really, really good game

I played it after finishing Bloodborne and ds3 so it was relatively easy and I got say it's not noob friendly at all

Great game, great bosses, great atmosphere.
But... It will never beat Demon's Souls.