Reviews from

in the past

I hate but love this game. This game makes me want to die but also gets me really addicted whenever I play it.

Extremely challenging and can be very frustrating. Guides can help a lot.

too brutal, too confusing mechanistically.

everyone keeps dying i hate this so much

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I tried to complete this game on three different occasions, playing it on Steam and Epic.

Run 1: First look.
This could have been one of the best roguelike RPGs out there, but they destroyed the game by failing at one key point: Balance. They gave the enemies a spiked sledgehammer that shoots lightning, fire, and ice, and asked you to fight them with a broken spoon while poisoned, cursed, low HP, and death is permanent because "let's add some artificial difficulty, this is a serious game", which could be nice if this was an action-focused game where you could dodge and chip away at the enemy, but it's a turn-based RPG, and the enemy will hit you no matter what. And they do hit you, a lot. The only thing this game has going for it is the art and the actual Darkest Dungeon, which I'll never reach without spending 100 hours grinding and hoping for a lucky run. Fuck this game.

Run 2: Copium.
Attempting to complete this again was a mistake. I only got very frustrated for nothing, wishing this was a better game, I want this game to be good, but it just isn't fun, it's just a huge tag bait.
People pretend that this is a good game because "it's difficult" and looks very Lovecraftian, but the game itself sucks. The developers are just some random edgelords that hired a good artist, and good for them, the game looks awesome, but that doesn't make a good game.
I also found that if you get on the Steam files, you can edit the game and balance it yourself, but why would I do that? That's their job as developers, and it would take hours to learn how to understand the code and hours to edit the files without breaking the game.
I gave it another try. This time I spoiled myself with some guides, hoping to complete this game within reasonable times. Huge mistake. I still can't put my finger on what's so wrong with this game other than balance, but I think it's fundamentally broken.

Run 3: I can fix it.
I should have stopped on run 2, but I couldn't. Months passed, and I learned how to edit the game files to balance it myself.
I made healing work overall, lowered debuff chances and/or effects (for both sides), fixed how the Stress meter works, changed a lot of skills to either be relevant or at least usable instead of having a character just to spam 1 skill and nothing else, and added proper item stacking amounts, stacking items on such low numbers with a very limited inventory space is just stupid. I also buffed certain aspects of the enemies, resistances, abilities, frecuency, rarity, and overall stats. I added balanced buffs for the enemies and debuffs for the player. There are many garbage enemies that I made relevant and entertaining to fight against. I spent weeks getting down to the details of each single aspect of this game to fix it. And at the end, I got a very well-balanced game, it's still hard as fuck, but now it's playable, and the combat is enjoyable instead of complete torture. You'll still get sick, still die, still get debuffs that hinder your characters, and still get random encounters against unfair enemies, but now you can plan ahead and fight back instead of playing a dice game with your time.
After removing the dozens of hours spent editing files, I spent over 30 hours playing to "complete" the game from start to finish. And I say "complete" because there are 120 impossible achievements that are as unbalanced as the base game, for example: "Have a character survive 5 attacks at Death's Door in a single combat", Death's Door, for those who don't know, is when your character reaches 0 HP but is still alive, and every hit can and will most probably kill them forever, just thinking about the chances gives triggers PTSD attacks. Adding to that, even if you are the luckiest man alive and manage to get all the achievements from the base game, there are many achievements locked behind a paywall, so you'll never complete the game unless you pay them even more money after they tortured you with the bait of a great game and gave you the worst roguelike RPG that the world has ever seen.

After all that nonsense, I started to look at the game in a different way. I completed the Darkest Dungeon, and there was nothing else to do. The game just ends very unceremoniously, and allows you to keep playing for no reason, as if there was something else to do. The last boss wasn't even that good, it was more unfair, unbalanced, torturing shit, it was not worth it at all.

So there is no story, no exploration, no mystery to uncover, no endgame, not even coop to have fun with your friends or any other online interaction, and no feeling of completion as the achievements exist but are literally impossible to get unlses you cheat your way to each one of them, probably spending over 200 more hours to get them all. And then it hits, the game is just empty, it's a souless turn-based combat simulator that baits you with good art and false promises.

This game is 100% about combat efficiency, anything else outside of that is irrelevant. This is about how good can you plan ahead and adapt your party to the situation. But they failed at creating balanced encounters, balanced enemies, and worst of all, balanced characters, they failed at the one thing this game is all about, which makes it one of the worst roguelike RPGs that I have ever played, if not the absolute worst.

But there was something charming about it, one thing that the developers did not intend: This game is like buying a broken car just to fix it. I managed to do it, and it felt good after reaching a good balance, I had a lot more fun balancing the game than playing it.


I didn't finished it, have in mind that you will die a lot

Hard game with good enviroment and setting.

A game about making the best of a bad situation. It's an emotional rollercoaster. You will really be immersed in it's world and atmosphere. You will bond with your characters only to watch them get deathblows because of your greed or overconfidence. It also has an amazing modding community and a multiplayer which is fun.

What started as a wonderfully atmospheric and grimdark fantasy adventure with eldritch tones rapidly turned into a gruelling death spiral. I love the premise of the game and I really like most of the execution, it was just frustrating to end up at a dead end hours into the run and realising I'd have to start over again, but it didn't feel unfair that I ended up where I did - it was entirely the result of my choices.

The idea is that you inherit a town that borders a land infested with eldritch horrors and you need to hire heroes to clear them out and reclaim the land. The heroes plunder the depths, go crazy and get injured, you have to nurse them back to health and in the meantime send out an alternate set of heroes.

While this loop is very fun as you go on expeditions and micro manage your different teams of adventurers, the problem is that there's a limited number of times you can run a given dungeon because the dungeon itself levels up. Combine this with heroes that can perma-die and you can end up with a bunch of level 1 heroes that can't explore anything and not enough high level heroes to be of use.

If you go into the game knowing that you can play yourself into a corner lets you set your expectations accordingly. Having that sprung on me made me feel like I wasted a lot of time playing the game the 'wrong way'. I look forward to giving this another try now I'm over the salt.

This game is fun... for about a third of its duration, then you realize it's not.
I get the game difficulty premise, but it doesn't respect your time as a player. After a dozen of hours, the slow progression only adds to the unnecessary repetition of dungeons to get resources and xp to level up your characters, this got me really tired, the game becomes pure monotonous and tedious grind, and it only gets worse in the endgame, especially if some character dies. But I accepted the challenge, and boy, it was a slog to finish.

This Game with mods is good content, When Guts (Berserk) or Sven (Dota 2) Crit for like 100 it just felt good

Just goes unreasonably hard. Intense, brutal, so fucking cool. In time you will know the tragic extent of your failings (all of your heroes died because you didn't bring an extra shovel).

got this on early access and played a lot of it, intense gameplay loop, fun times

hard and unforgiving (pause)

I'm going to get some hate for this, but this game is really not for me. I love a good challenge in any game but I hate a lack of forgiveness. For a while it compelled me to play better but there is nothing worse than seeing an ally you have spent countless hours working on die PERMANENTLY to something you could never have possibly predicted. For some this is the best part of the experience and adds to the macabre atmosphere they're going for, which in fairness they totally achieve.
For me personally, the soundtrack is dreary monotonous, generic and repetitive throughout.
If you are a sadist (which is an actual de-buff in this game) I can see why you'd praise it. But I have less depressing things to play.

Very punishing game. I don't play it to aim to finish it. I just play it for the gorgeous art style, sound design and excellent narrator's voice.

It's very hard but it has some crazy mechanics like light or afflictions like madness that really create a sense of dread, it's super cool in that regard. I think the hubworld was a little bit confusing at first.

The best lovecrat themed game where every single choice you make could lead it all to a gruesome end.

Played it a little bit, can't get into it much. It's alright

Enorme banger, la DA, les voix off, le game play

To enjoy I had to become a bit of a masochist.
Starting this game is like your first sparring partner for boxing being Mike Tyson at his prime.
You will wipe, loose good heros, and stress out for even on the easy dungeons, but the unforgivingness forces you to learn quickly.

Honestly it was a very mediocre game. If not for the installation of titty mods from nexus I would've refunded it.

An exercise in tedium. Super repetitive and extremely grindy, and not in a fun way either.

It's an awesome game with a cool atmosphere and art style for the first 10-20 hours, but after that you realize that you've been killing the exact same enemies over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again just to farm some gold/xp and you haven't even gotten that far, and uninstall this boring grindfest.

tentei muito jogar o jogo,gosto muito da ambientacao mas a gameplay simplesmente nao teclou comigo

A good waste of time, but far too difficult for my enjoyment. Spent most of my time with this game trying to understand its systems.