Reviews from

in the past

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O segundo jogo da trilogia, que expande a ideia e aperfeiçoa a fórmula, apesar de não ser tão forte quanto o primeiro.

Nesse jogo você também conversa com uma Emily, que não é a mesma do primeiro mas elas compartilham algumas coisas, mas você agora conhece e interage com outra personagem: Evelyn, ou Eva para os mais chegados. A adição de uma outra personagem muda bastante a forma que esse jogo funciona, pois agora você tem que interagir com o dobro de personagens, sendo que eles te farão algumas perguntas no decorrer do jogo que, confie em mim, trate de ser sincero.

Eu amo a personalidade que as duas têm nesse jogo, pois no primeiro a Emily não tinha muita personalidade, já que nas palavras do próprio autor, ela "é todo mundo, ela é qualquer garoto, qualquer garota, qualquer pessoa que alguém já amou". Ela não tinha muita personalidade, sendo mais uma tela em branco para você imaginar quem você já amou ali, agora no segundo jogo, a Emily e a Evelyn são pessoas completamente distintas, uma sendo mais caseira, nerd e tranquila, enquanto a outra é mais arruaceira, punk e ousada.

Você realmente cria carinho pelas personagens desse jogo, querendo ajudar elas em seus perrengues e se sentindo, de certa forma, próximo delas, como se fossem suas amigas mesmo em uma sala de chat, e não personagens de um jogo.

Entrando agora nos spoilers, algo que eu amei nessa experiência foi o esquema de confiança e sinceridade, no começo do jogo elas não se conhecem, vocês se conhecem de lugares diferentes então o "você" que a Emily conhece e o "você" que a Evelyn conhece ainda são a mesma pessoa, agora, se no decorrer do jogo você der respostas diferentes para perguntas semelhantes, tentando agradar ambas as garotas ao mesmo tempo (por exemplo, dizendo a Emily que você não bebe, já que ela é mais casual e não bebe também, mas dizendo para a Evelyn que você bebe, tentando se tornar mais próximo dessa amiga mais festeira) você vai acabar sendo descoberto, pois coincidentemente a Emily e a Evelyn acabam se conhecendo na metade do jogo, e se o "você" que as garotas conhecem for diferente um do outro, sua personalidade manipuladora e, aparentemente, inexistente vai acabar sendo exposta, e ambas acabam se afastando de você.

Outra adição interessante pra esse jogo foi a de ter tempo para responder as mensagens, no capítulo 3 se não me falha a memória as duas garotas vão estar um caco, a Evelyn vai estar triste e muito frustrada, enquanto a Emily vai estar bêbada, "festejando" o fato de tudo estar uma merda. Como você vai estar ajudando ambas ao mesmo tempo, você vai ter um tempo curto para responder cada uma antes que elas fiquem impacientes e, espertamente, o Kyle Seeley colocou alternativas que não fazem sentindo, misturando as duas histórias, então se você não ler direito cada opção você vai mostrar pra garota em questão que tu realmente não estava prestando atenção no que ela tá falando, é algo genial.

No geral, apesar de uma narrativa um pouco mais fraca que o primero jogo, Emily is Away 2 ainda é um jogo fenomenal, mais completo e com mais personalidade que seu antecessor

Solid improvement on the first one, love the multiple endings and juggling the conversations in real time. Extra points for "downloading" files to my actual desktop and opening new tabs in my actual browser.

Nit as good as the first one, still very good

personagens incríveis e foi uma experiência sensacional

I was a bit older playing this one and It generally tries new things, but with that came some problems which made the game not so flawless anymore, even though I think it's still kinda better than the first one, I guess I just remember the game more fondly.

i cried when i played this game. it hurt me so bad and remembering how it happened just. makes me feel so desperate to rewind time. but, if i were to do that, it'd take away from the message, i think. very very good stuff

Se perde um pouco principalmente no final que é meio forçado, acho que o primeiro fazia um trabalho melhor das coisas serem memórias e um final 'agridoce', não é de todo mal tem seus momentos

A very good short and sweet game that fully fleshes out the original Emily is Away.

I liked the first one. But this one is kind of repetitive. Sometimes their conversations are really dumb and stupid.

Overall, a lazy attempt.

Review EN/PTBR

This game really made me feel the frustration of dating in the final chapter

I really liked the extra details that differ from the first game


Esse jogo realmente me fez sentir a frustração de um namoro com o capítulo final

Gostei bastante dos detalhes extra que diferem do primeiro jogo

Simulador de Friendzone que você pode não ficar na Friendzone

Loved it. Great pacing, decent dialogue, really tasteful use of multimedia in the way the experience extends past the game window. The ending I got was honestly bewildering, but I think that's what it was going for. It ends up being a story about how fragile relationships can feel as you grow up, how fragmented your sense of self can get when you grow up on the Internet, and how isolating it can feel being the ad-hoc therapist for other kids who don't take the time to understand you back. It doesn't play fair with your emotions and it interprets your choices in bad-faith, reflecting how after everything these characters go through, they truly have no clue how to trust themselves, let alone each other. Too real...

Shit writing. Like, actually ass. Apparently I'm "manipulative" for:
- telling one character I didn't drink (a "I only drink occasionally" option was NOT available in the conversation with them) and telling another that, sure enough, I only drink occasionally - why was that not an option in the other convo???? But it was in this one??? Wha.... why?????
- giving my honest opinions about the music the characters sent me, and basically just having diverse music tastes... I guess???
- telling one character that I could see myself MAYBE wanting to settle down and start a family one day way in the future, E V E N T U A L L Y, and telling another that I don't see myself settling down IMMEDIATELY RIGHT after college (I personally don't see how these two things necessarily contradict each other, since most ppl at least within my own age group wouldn't want to start a family RIGHT after secondary education let alone tertiary, but that usually means something along the lines of "i wanna see what life throws at me. if i do settle down, it'll be when I am good and ready" rather than a hard "never". but go off sis)

If I wanted to get yelled at, gaslit and accused of being "manipulative" for things that make zero logical sense to a sane person, I could just hit up my ex that I haven't spoken to in two years. I don't need to be lectured by pixels that wouldn't know what the concept of nuance or competent writing was if it hit them over the head with a brick.

Oh you wanna talk toxic yuri? Let's talk toxic yuri.

Having multiple interests and websites were great expansions on the first game. Although I don't remember a lot of it. But I remember it hit my emotions really hard so it had to have been doing some stuff right.

I lost my girlfriend in real life and then lost my girlfriend in this game I'm so indescribably upset its so relatable

A fun expansion of the original idea, but a bit too obvious with where it was going.

ah... why do they make these characters all so frustrating

Great experience. It's pretty much just the first game but like 90 minutes longer and that's great!

Having the links the characters send actually lead you to your browser or download stuff onto your desktop is really cool, but just a little annoying if you're trying to stream because you'd have to switch tabs

Deff deserves at least one other playthrough to get another one of the endings :peace_sign:

Meio forçado, mas dá pra usar Black Parade como foto de perfil então é o melhor jogo já feito.

I am a big fan of games where you go through your fictional computer and social media accounts. In this game, however, I couldn't tolerate any of the characters. I'm just too old for irrational teenage drama I guess.

Really cool as a sequel to the first game. It expands on basically everything and introduces a lot. Really enjoyed it

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I unfortunately have a very specific bone to pick with this game - Chapter 3. The oh so infamous Chapter 3, in which the player needs to juggle the attention of their two friends in their time of need.

Running up to that moment, I was relatively enjoying the game, even despite its romantic undertones - I was still hoping to be able to act as the main characters' close gay friend, talking through their relationships and helping them vent and navigate this turbulent period of their lives.

Then the game throws up a timer out of nowhere, and without giving any option to state the reasonable thing ("hey, sorry, can we continue this conversation later? I promise I want to help you, but something came up", or something along these lines), the game instead forces the player to essentially lie to both of them and predictably make one of them upset for not actually listening to them.

I just, I don't know. This felt so gamey, so out of reality. I'm not angry that Evelyn got upset, I'm just disappointed that the game didn't give me the options to try to approach the situation the way I envisioned. I really dislike lying to people like that, and being forced in that situation just took me out of the narrative completely.

Friendzone Simulator that you can end up beating the Friendzone

Way better than the first one