Reviews from

in the past

'Famicom Detective Club' is an outstanding series of too few games. It is ripe for a revival. I prefer the story of 'The GIrl Who Stands Behind' to 'The Missing Heir;' this the sequel game to 'Heir' but the prequel story. 'Stands Behind' is a good, creepy (suprisingly adult) horror story. It is a ghost mystery with an emotionally satisfying explanation that smartly doesn't strip away all of the supernatural intrigue that comes before it. I'd recommend this one for the Halloween season. My one gripe with 'Heir' applies here as well: the pattern of actions required to advance the story is not always intuitive. But just as in 'Heir,' there are never too many actions possible, so it's usually easy enough to brute force your way over the speed bumps along the way. Excellent game. I'll start praying now that Nintendo gives this same treatment to the Super Famicom Detective Club game, 'Lost Memories in the Snow.'

Way more interesting than the first one!

Pretty cool. The gameplay is a bit lacking. Mostly just clicking through a list of options until you hit on the right one. Story was alright. Glad there was a notebook and a 'story so far' thing every time you played. That was very helpful in keeping track of the plot and all the names flying around.

I liked The Girl Who Stands Behind quite a bit. It’s basically just a more refined version of The Missing Heir, but that isn’t a bad thing. (And for the record, you can play the games in any order. They don’t directly impact each other.) I appreciated the increased focus on sleuthing and testing my knowledge, as well as the more relatable cast of characters. The ghost story at the heart of this tale was also a lot more engaging than the previous game’s, despite the less interesting locations. Overall, if you like detective games, or enjoyed The Missing Heir, TGWSB is a solid title and one more peek into this genre’s past.

I played this one second after playing The Missing Heir first, and I gotta say, I'm quite happy with that choice. The Girl Who Stands Behind is the second game to release, the prequel, and also, MARKEDLY improved over The Missing Heir. A better story, a livelier cast, a look at the protagonist's employer Utsugi, and the introduction of his coworker Ayumi, and her origins in how she gets involved with the Utsugi Detective Agency.

I think the general mystery is more appealing and done better than The Missing Heir, with a much better mystery/paranormal slant of a haunted school, the murder of a young woman who was investigating the mystery, and the way things twist and turn.

I was actually a bit spooked by a few parts, surprised by a few twists, and suitably freaked out by the climax, it was done very well. Some of the writing is still basic, but the cast is fun enough that while this won't be one of the all-time greats, it was still pretty fun.

I played most of the game with the original Famicom music and wow, that Famicom music is pretty good! While the arranged music is good, I would definitely recommend playing it with the Famicom or Super Famicom music!

Most of the game is improved in terms of gameplay, in the sense that, for most of the game things don't feel like such a guess at what you have to do and what specific order you have to ask or do things in... until the end. Come chapter 9/10 (of 11), things start getting a lot more convoluted of what you have to do and when, and I had to break open a walkthrough to get it right, and as I was coming closer and closer to the truth and the big climax, it was pretty frustrating!

Overall, I like it. It's a fun game and if you're looking for something to scratch your mystery game itch, I'd definitely recommend it! I think the presentation in this game is even better than the last one, and it's a great, slick remake, even with its issues.

incredibly underrated. it's definitely not for everyone, but I loved this game so much.

last writeup was pretty long so i'm just gonna riff on this one
-finally got to play this remake of one of my favorite adv games of all time (Famicom Tantei Club II for the SFC), which itself is a remake of the original Famicom Tantei Club II for the Famicom Disk System
-Definitely a big nostalgia trip to relive the game again and all the stuff I love is more or less still there, however...
-It's hard to be objective in the remake of a game that is detective fiction when you know "whodunit" since that luster is lost but ultimately the biggest flaw for me is the presentation/atmosphere. I know this is the most base criticism ever for remakes of a game, especially adventure games, but it's true in this case.
-A lot of things just feel really sterile. The SFC Version of Famicom Tantei (Detective) Club II absolutely fucking nailed the atmosphere to the point where the idea a gruesome local murder casting a foreboding shroud on everyone's peaceful daily lives is communicated perfectly. Examples:
-There's just this incredible aesthetic that's not quite dreary because there's still a semblance of that cheerful world before the murder, but it's fractured somehow. If I had to use a word to describe it, it would be "wistful".
-This aesthetic honestly makes or breaks a lot of what the game wants to get across. The remake by MAGES opts for a more modern look; the artstyle feels like an imitation of the old-school aesthetic with modern digital art and rendering techniques, and the characters are expressive, but ultimately it just isn't the same. Everything's a bit too bright and cheery or certain scenes lack nuance or gravitas in comparison to the original (the reveal of the culprit is probably the worst case of this, in the version I played it's one of the greatest scenes in any adv or any game i've played period, but here it falls a bit flat, irrespective of me knowing that it was coming)
-It's hard to say if MAGES would want to reproduce the aesthetic of the SFC version in some form, or even if they could since it's tied to a certain time and a place, but I think everything just feels a bit lacking. It's not tense, it's not hard-boiled and there is no feeling of suspense or urgency. Returning to Utsugi's office at the end of every chapter gave a sense of respite when I played the SFC version, you just felt like you were safe when the killer was out there and you actually /needed/ to mull things over, but in this remake it just feels too routine.
-I think MAGES had fun with it and were probably psyched to get the chance to remake such a legendary game in the canon of japanese adventure games but it's just a bit unfortunate that a remake that is faithful in so many other areas misses the mark in arguably the most important one
-i'm strangely alright with the design choice to reproduce the admittedly very clunky investigation mechanics of the original games, which often amount to brute forcing dialogue options until you get a bread crumb of info. like the aesthetic of the first remake (but in the inverse) it's a product of a time and a place and i think you risk garnering a lot of bad will if you touch it at all, even if you nail it in a redesign, so i understand why it was kept. i think the core idea of needing to make inferences and interact with scenes, scenarios and characters is a good core concept even if the execution in these games (and in this remake) is not the greatest. i knew what i signed up for and i'm fine with it.
-Takeshi Abo's arrangements of the OST are superb and I'm glad a legend like him got the opportunity to be involved

Mantiene todas las fortalezas del remake de The Missing Heir (a saber: unos valores de producción sorprendentemente altos, personajes con carisma y bien diseñados), pero consigue que resulte una experiencia algo mas libre y menos encorsetada, integra mucho mejor el factor sobrenatural y la trama resulta más interesante y con un desarrollo muy solido hasta un final tal vez algo apresurado. Por otro lado, el entorno escolar sienta muy bien al tono naif de la historia, sintiéndose mucho más acorde que las intrigas políticas de la familia propietaria de una gran corporación multinacional.
Es una pena que Nintendo abandonara la saga en 1989, por que esta segunda parte demuestra que le habían tomado el pulso al género, y ojalá estos remakes sirvan para preparar el terreno para una tercera entrega.