Reviews from

in the past

I first got to play both of these games on the PS1 through this collection. They both play well, but have predictable loading problems due to being on an PS1 disc. FF4 plays the same as the SNES version, and only features some extra FMV cutscenes. Chrono Trigger, however, got a lot of extra features: a music player, movie player, bestiary, and a move compendium.

Both games are timeless classics, but there are better ways to play FF4. The extras included in CT were eventually added in later versions, but I prefer the gradual unlocks in this version, rather than completing the game first.

Final Fantasy Origins is an impressive little collection that bundles the Wonderswan remakes of Final Fantasy I & II for the PlayStation, with a slew of quality-of-life improvements that make Final Fantasy's earliest entries more accessible to new audiences without cheapening their "old school" difficulty. About the only impressive thing Final Fantasy Chronicles does is introduce intrusive load times and slowdown to Super Nintendo games in the year 2001 and with the full space of dedicated CDs at Square's disposal. Astonishing.

I'm sure there's worse ways to play these games. I know my ears wouldn't be able to tolerate a full playthrough of Final Fantasy IV for the Game Boy Advance, at least, but Chronicles is still less than ideal. I didn't tear into the technical aspects of the game in my review of FFIV, but the amount of slowdown here is agonizing. Scroll through your inventory mid-battle and watch it tick by like molasses slowly pouring from the tap. I also encountered a somewhat frequent bug where Rydia's summons would appear for a couple of frames and then vanish, taking any ensuing effects or damage along with them. Granted, I have no (contemporary) frame of reference to say whether these problems are unique to Chronicles or simply part of the FFIV experience, but it definitely hampers the experience of playing this release regardless.

Chrono Trigger is a game I don't currently have the motivation to sit down and fully replay, but I did mess around in it for a while just to get a sense of what the Chronicles edition was like. Bad, it turns out! The load times are so disruptive to the pace of the game that I can't see myself bearing it for a full play in the same way I can FFIV. You do at least get a nicely animated FMV intro, but hear me out: you can just watch that on YouTube before starting an ill-gotten SNES ROM up in your emulator of choice.

Final Fantasy IV also gets an FMV intro, but uhh... uhhhhhh.... Square was respected for the quality of their CGI cutscenes during the PlayStation era, so what happened here? Was all their money tied up with Spirits Within?

There are simply better ways to play these games, and the only real value I see in Chronicles today is if you're trying to fill out a PlayStation 1 collection and are still in the "I don't want to spend a lot on old games" phase of what is sure to be a mounting problem that will ultimately lead you to financial ruin, like it has me. It starts with this and then the next thing you know you're eyeballing copies of Ehrgeiz and Xenogears and contemplating taking out a loan. I'm writing this review on a Chromebook from the back of my 2003 Toyota Avalon, which I live out of now because i bought too many video games, please donate to my patreon i need to eat i promise i won't spend it on Suikoden II thats not who i am anymore i've changed!!

I only played the Chrono Trigger part of this and my advice is to stick to the original snes version or try the ds version the load times are terrible and the added Anime scenes are not worth it I love Chrono Trigger but not this ps1 version.

A good collection of two amazing games. Just not the ideal way to play them in 2024.

A masterpiece, incredible step up from the NES games in the series. Love the characters and story, love the setting with multiple overworld maps, simple but satisfying character progression in combat. Challenging but way more forgiving than original FF3, thank god for the introduction of save points. Maybe my most replayed FF across the SNES, PS1, GBA, 3DS, and Pixel Remaster version. Probably the most beginner-friendly of the classics

An incredible, towering achievement from one of the best JRPG developer dream teams ever assembled. The time travel story is fascinating, the characters are incredibly strong, the music is phenomenal. The combat is pretty simple, satisfying ATB stuff, but I love that the characters have unique identities in combat and the variety of dual techs is fun to experiment with. I feel like I sometimes lose steam in a playthrough towards the back half, but I've played through it so many times anyway. Frog and Ayla are always my go-to team with Crono. The huge variety of endings was also incredibly novel for the time.