Reviews from

in the past

e não é que o safado do Afton ta vivo ainda

Pretty great atmosphere, jokes and voice acting. But the gameplay has too many boring segments and it’s overall not that scary. The levels are hit or Miss. Some good like night 4 and some bad like night 3. Overall it’s just ok.

sister location really feels like an odd one this time it basically took the entire premise of fnaf as a whole crushed it and yeeted it right through the window at the funtime auditorium for kids and adults to enjoy

this time around youre an engineer for an amusement park ? actually I'm really unsure if this is an amusement park to be honest maybe it's just a theatre ok whatever and you're gonna go through some menial tasks here and there to ensure that the animatronics are ready for a new day at this thing

I was honestly surprised to acknowledge the fact that this is actually MORE story heavy than I would've accounted for and the amount of voice acting and cutscenes were jarring at first but I guess they really did a good job both with the storytelling aspect and the voice acting making for a really gripping and immersive experience throughout ALTHOUGH if I'm being really honest the game was damaged by the 5 nights structure this time . right when it was getting good the game ends at probably under an hour (not counting the endless retries in those shit minigames) making the experience go too fast to even digest what the fuck happened and thats a shame because I really got deep into the atmosphere with this one

also the game has some pretty tongue in cheek humor that I was definitely not expecting making for some fun punchlines here and there my fav part is the angsty teen narrator ffs

gameplay wise oooooh boy so gone is the "force the animatronics OUT of your room" formula and instead this time you're the one whos gonna move in each beasts den trying to be sneaky sneaky about it and this part is kinda interesting cause each animatronic has its own gimmick like ballora is motion sensitive and funtime foxy gets triggered by the flashlight (the thing used to shine a light not the sec toy where you put your dick in) and these are probably the best segments because you're gonna be immersed into the darkness listening to audio cues trying not to fuck that shit up or else buagauaaaahguaaa jumpscare you're dead

unfortunately the parts I actually have a issue with are the minigames which can range from …interesting to absolutely fucking bad annoying and infuriating and I'm not even joking here some of them are really bad and most of my playtime was actually spent retrying minigames now I do understand that they couldn't make them too easy or else you wouldn't get too many jumpscares but the problem is that they don't even register as scary after 10 retries they're just annoying as fuck and a signal that you fucked that shit up . at first they were amusing but the more you progressed the more they got absolutely unbearable the bonnie puppet ? the face mask one ? the pad entering numbers ? bitch why the fuck would you make me purposely annoyed when I'm trying to get scared I can either be boiling of rage or shitting my pants and you chose the worst answer for the dilemma

there's definitely less animatronics than other installments but in this one you will be confronting face to face with each one many times so that you can counter their scares one on one and get accustomed to how they work and zap those fuckers

the designs are also interesting and I think ballora is really a nice addition to the cast and yknow it's pretty funny how the faces of these jerks open in 4 pieces does that make sense like they don't open their jaws they open their entire face I have no idea if this makes sense please pleek bear with me

anyway as I was saying being a more story focused entry you're gonna get lore on these characters and also insights on baby's story motives and 1 on 1 talk with her as she helps you out of the auditorium during your night shifts what a nice fella hahahahahah

SPOILER the fuck not if you get to the real ending you're gonna run right into the scooping room just for her to scoop your innards out so that they can wear your skin and run away from the auditorium biggest twist ever I audibly gasped when that happened its fucking insane I was not expecting that like I was really trusting this bitch animatronic who used the power of empathy these AI are getting to clever I fear ariana grande AI and jiafei watch yalls backs anyway that ones a pretty incredible ending but if you want another ending or a joke ending shall I say you can do an extra minigame and you're gonna get into a room resembling the one from fnaf1 and you're gonna do the exact same type of gameplay check security cameras and close vents and thats pretty SICK honestly I loved it

now umh in general this is a fun entry more fun for the story beats and the immersive narrative less fun for the actual gameplay really a missed opportunity to make the character move in purposeful ways chile anyway so

سستر لوكيشن 🤯🤯


It's fine. Not bad at all, I can have a fun time with it, but I'd much rather play other games from the franchise. It changes a lot from the latter installments, and some changes are great, some others aren't. The additions to the lore are great, and for that I give it credit.

FNAF only coincidentally got worse in some sequels. FNAFSL is basically a frustrating point and click with a nonsense story but something about it makes people and myself like it still.

Its fun on the first play but after that its so boooooringggggg

get those little fucking baby things AWAY FROM ME

(EDITED REVIEW, original review was the lyrics to The Beach Boys' 'Ding Dang')

Genuinely such a chore. I didn't think things could get worse than FnaF 3 but I somehow like this one less.

To start things off, this is a glorified visual novel. I really like visual novels, but this game doesn't embrace being one and shoves gameplay in your face that both isn't fun and barely explained most of the time. There are also two in particular that are extremely frustrating and require you to play nearly perfect. At the very least, one could make the argument that Night 5 (the fake ending [more on that in a bit]) is optional, but Night 4 is necessary to progress. The game hardly explains it to you, and even when you finally get it (or, let's be real, look it up) it's frustratingly precise. Even if you play perfectly, you can still lose just because you get bad RNG. It's by far the worst part of any FnaF game I've played so far. Also, I still don't get how Funtime Foxy works!

The story itself isn't anything insanely good or anything (it's FnaF) but it's pretty engaging. I like it. The way it's presented leaves a lot to be desired, though. Instead of piecing things together like in the first 3, or having it told to you in cutscenes after playing the game as in 4, the gameplay itself is the story. Most of this game is just unskippable dialogue that you will hear over and over and over again. The game has a frustrating tendency to have the most recent autosave be way earlier than they aught to be. If the game was more liberal with autosaves and had skippable dialogue I would have a much more positive view of it.

On the topic of the story, I should mention the writing. I don't know if it was Scott Cawthon on his own, or if he had a collaborator(s), but man I hate it. The game really, and I mean really wants to be Portal 2 (even down to the white chrone aesthetic!!). It really wants you to think this sit-com parody is extremely funny. It really wants you to think 'Exotic Butters' and 'Eggs Benedict' are the funniest things you've ever heard. And it really wants to manufacture memes with its jokes. Nigh every joke is groan worthy and horrendously forced, which would be fine if they were a small part of the game, but when every single scene is filled with the same YouTube meme bait jokes, it gets very old very fast. I found myself laughing more at how pathetic most of the "scary" or "unsettling" parts of this entry are. The Minireenas, or whatever they're called, might be some of the unintentionally funniest things I've ever seen in a game.

There are a few things I like about this game! Firstly, it's a huge step up in terms of polish and visuals. The environments are much more detailed, and the animatronics look better then ever! And, as norm for FnaF, the sound design is on point (if only the game had some gameplay that used it...)

The best part of the game, though, is Night 5.

Spoilers from here on!

Once you get the series mandated tedious lore minigame out of the way, you're able to get a secret ending on night 5. This leads to a secret room with gameplay!!! There's only one animatronic to deal with, but they're not a walk in the park by any means. This section was a lot of fun! I also like the little FnaF 4 easter egg :)

This, unfortunately, is almost entirely ruined by two things;

1. The power drains way too fast. You can sit doing absolutely nothing, and you'll have dropped 10% in a matter of maybe a minute or so? The night is nearly 10 minutes, by the way. If you're unlucky and have Ennard stay behind one of the doors for a long time (I had them stand in place for at least 30 seconds on multiple occasions), I'm nearly certain the night becomes impossible due to the power drainage.

2. Every time you die, you have to redo just about everything you did prior that night, outside of the elevator ride and checking the lights. Run through Funtime Auditorium. Listen to the unskippable dialogue. Wait 10 or so seconds until you can press a button. Do a puzzle that has a randomized result every time. Press a thing. Press another thing. Sit through an unskippable cutscene. Leave. Go back through Funtime Auditorium. Enter the secret room and listen to the unskippable dialogue. And now, and ONLY now has the actual game started.

Both of these paired together make this otherwise super cool and genuinely fun Fnaf 1 callback an absolute nightmare to actually play. When I finally won, after what I think was 3 hours, which is about half of my total playtime, it was only when the power had run out. This is without Ennard being particularly still, decent RNG, and minimal mistakes. Instead of feeling accomplished, I only felt relief. Relief that I would never have to do that again. And the reward? Another Dracula cutscene! YAY!

Fun to watch YouTubers play, not fun to play

This review contains spoilers

Serinin en iyi oyunu net, net bir şekilde efsane ama sonu bioschock infinite sonu ile aynı. Scoot senin amacın ne. Bu arada yarım puan i can't Fix you'dan

noite 1 - porra nenhuma
noite 2 - aquela porra dos bidybab - esqueciveis de tão fáceis q são, balloras gallery - a mecanica é realmente funcional, mas acaba sendo muito fácil e simples, breaker room - de longe a melhor parte das 5 noites, ela realmente é tensa mas acaba sendo só por isso mesmo pq qnd tu pega o jeito fica facil
noite 3 - funtime auditorium - literalmente a mesma opinião q a balloras gallery, reparo no f freddy - meio merda, vc só é guiado e só fica interessante na parte final do bon bon
noite 4 - minireenas - literal a pior parte do jogo, o jogo q tava facil do nada começa a ficar dificil pra krl e essa parte é mto quebrada e horrível vai toma no cu odeio essa parte
noite 5 - reparo na baby - mesma coisa q o do f freddy, fica uma merda no inicio mas no final fica interessante na parte do codigo, ennard night - meio merda, vc fica mais preocupado cm a porra da bateria doq no proprio ennard tentando te matar

essas 5 noites pra mim n interessam, só a custom night dessa porra já faz o jogo inteiro pq pqp, q custom night perfeita

dá aulas em fnaf 2 em saber usar os 10 animatronicos direito, sério, todos os 10 animatronicos possuem funcionalidades proprias e vc precisa evitar eles de maneira diferente, vc realmente precisa prestar atenção em tudo, câmera, porta, vent, oxigenio. a 10/20 desse jogo é dolorosa, mas n é no sentido ruim, ela é difícil pra krl por ser realmente difícil, n tem RNG, tu precisa prestar atenção em coisa pra krl e é assim q fnaf principalmente tem q ser, um jogo multitask

se o jogo ainda só tivesse as 5 primeiras noites ele seria com certeza um dos piores, quase nada dessa parte presta, ainda bem q o update da cn veio e deu um boost fudido nesse jogo, a cn é praticamente um outro jogo e é graças a ela q sl é o melhor fnaf na minha opinião (tirando hw)

I absolutely hate Sister Location. 90% cutscenes, and most of them were a black screen.

you have to unlock the secret ending in order for this game to be truly worth it.
(Look up a video tutorial).

It's okay. Probably the middle ranked classic FNAF game.

Fuck funtime, welcome to shittime as you struggle to wind up some stupid circles! Worse than osu!

el juego empieza muy bien pero solo va en decaída después de la noche 2

I love that this game tries something new and tries different mechanics, some work but some others (springlock suit) don't.

I know you're here, Dracula, you big fucking nerd. Where's my goddamn child support?

Fucking phenomenal.
A absolute masterclass in atmosphere, story, and acting.
This is an underrated masterpiece and is my favorite fnaf game by far.
Now yes, I may have some sentimental feelings toward this game because I played this game so much in my childhood, and I thought it was the coolest shit ever. It was my first fnaf game, and god I’m so glad it was.
Now okay, there are problems, and I’m not going to ignore that. I understand that the gameplay is less than stimulating, and is nothing like the traditional fnaf formula, but in my opinion sister location is not a game. It is an experience. The gameplay is nothing but an interactive element to it, and yes, it can be annoying at times, but you have to admit that it still crafts a perfect chilling atmosphere. This is a scary game, the voice acting is chilling, the color palette, and the limited vision is all really great stuff. But not only that, the game is also funny as HELL. Scott has a genuinely great sense of humor, and this film balances its tone perfectly.
The lore behind sister location is frightening stuff, and it is genius. The scooper ending is absolute perfection. Its tension goes so fucking hard and Ennard in the background is the scariest thing in the world. When the scooper finally scoops you, it is the biggest jump scare in the world, and is shocking. All the endings are fantastic, but this and the spring trap ending are the best.
Also the piano in the background in the spring trap ending is actually fantastic. Genuinely brilliant.
I could rant about how this is a masterpiece in every way, but I feel I’ve written enough. I understand why people hate this game (the gameplay isn’t the best ik) but everything else is a masterclass.

Fuck this game, at least the custom night is good

Cool? Idk mane all five nights games are kinda on the same level to me