Reviews from

in the past

It's alright, definitely overhyped. The nostalgia is cool but wears off fast. But it was great seeing classic locations, weapons and especially the vehicles.
The loot was annoying though, and the graphics are also noticeably different (sometimes good, sometimes less than good)

But the game changed for reasons. I love having all this OG content, but changes are good y'know

With more shooter experience behind me I was finally able to appreciate the map that everyone else has nostalgia for. It's probably still not my favourite but stripping back augments was nice. I did find the lack of vehicles and fuel a disappointment but I understand why they did it.


And we're back. And it's gone again.


era divertido mas dps de uma semana ou duas perdeu totalmente a graça, talvez por conta de eu não ser dessa epoca

Fine for a break glass in case of emergency season. Lasted no more than it needed to. Some pretty shallow locations. They got better with this over time but some named locations just felt like they had nothing there. I've seen some of these same locations done better in later seasons. But I will say I enjoyed the more basic loot pools. Just regular ass Assault Rifles and stuff. End of the day, was a fine one-off thing, but I think a full season of it would have drove me crazy. I just have no attachment to any of this so it just read as a mostly uninteresting season. Really this season just made me appreciate how far the game has come at least. Here's hoping they don't fuck Chapter 5 up and have to bring this back for another month next year. That said, for people who liked it I'd be fine with it being some limited time mode.

I did eventually have fun with this when the later season weapons and vehicles started getting added in, but frankly as a whole I'm glad it's over with. If this was as long as a regular season was I would have been a lot more upset but as a one-off single month special I guess it's nice for the incessantly loud crowd of those nostalgic for the original map? The problem is I never had nostalgia for Fortnite back then and while an element of that at the time was because Fortnite was the fun thing to kinda hate on, actually re-experiencing it again with more actual playtime as well as knowing how the modern current version of the game is compared to back then also definitively confirms to me that I wasn't wrong to dislike the game back then.

The OG map is just far too empty and overly spacious with next to nothing to distract or entice you with. The initial two weeks when the game was stuck with the original item spawns also meant that matches would filter out players incredibly quickly not only if you didn't land at a landmark location, but also finding gear and actually surviving that first minute. Being a Zero Build main was thoroughly punished at the start of this season because nothing about the OG map was rebalanced for that particular mode, and while that issue got fixed over time with the addition of later seasonal weapons and the inclusion of more vehicles to get around, the issue for Zero Build was then endgame fights turning into whoever could out-snipe the last players in wide open spaces, or whoever had a vehicle to survive more hits longer. I gave Build mode a try initially just to see how it fared considering the OG map was entirely made around it and while it was kind of fun initially with the people I was matched up with early on, the sweatfest began to show itself pretty quickly afterwards and that was the point I just stopped caring.

I don't care how much that nostalgic group of players seem to keep crying about how things aren't the same as back then and how this was apparently "just the way things should be!", because I stopped finding this season fun very quickly and I don't think I'm alone in that sentiment. If you joined into Fortnite's fray with the more recent seasons and grew used to a gameplay loop that at least gave you multiple goals to go after and a more expansive map that worked for more playstyles, the OG season took away the game you were having fun with for a month. Playercounts were absurdly high at the start of the season but those numbers very quickly dwindled down after the first two weeks, alongside yet another mediocre battle pass and a bafflingly limited item shop that was only fixed towards the end of the season.

I'm not even going to talk about the asinine age restrictions that Epic threw in before very quickly undoing after they realized what a massive shitstorm they were about to unleash when people rightfully called them out on taking away cosmetics that costed real world money to use in a game that might as well be designed around its cosmetics market. Actual brain damage going on over there.

There's very clear design lessons that Epic learned from over the years that the game has been active for and I just thoroughly do not understand what nostalgic fans see in this experience that's so compelling after how many hours of playing the same thing over and over again. I didn't fully hate this season and unlike the last two I did at least complete the pass this time around, but playing the game at this time just kinda felt like mindless brainfood more than usual.

So fun to comeback to things and experience it again with your friends

Fun Season, can't believe Eminem caused the multiverse to fracture and reset.

Gameplay - Fine at the beginning of season, towards the latter half got a bit more stale with disappointing map updates.
Battle Pass - Boring cosmetics. Only ones that interested me are the Spectra Knight Set and the Flashback Breakdown emote
Item Shop - Some cool new skins. Raven Team Leader and Saura come to mind immediately.
Crossovers - Invincible and Eminem were cool, didn't really care for Stranger Things or Lewis Hamilton.
Events - Was mid.

essa temporada só existiu pra trazer a galera da antiga de volta ao jogo e finalmente curtir os bons momentos no mapa antigo do jogo
e farmar por cima de nostalgia
como uma pessoa que mal jogou no capítulo 1, eu achei bem ok

a loot pool foi extremamente divertida, toda partida eu utilizava algo diferente, os itens antigos são realmente irados, e a dificuldade pra achar armas de raridade alta fez isso ficar melhor ainda, faz você sentir um valor na conhecida ''scarlaiti de orr'', ou qualquer outra arma de raridade roxa pra cima. Mas a DROGA DA SHOTGUN DE TAMBOR TAVA NESSA MERDA ENT TERRÍVEL

sobre o mapa antigo, eu realmente não gosto tanto dele; Ele várias cidades marcantes? Tem, mas como um jogador de zero construção, esse mapa só não presta nem um pouco pra esse modo, eu tive que jogar essa temporada inteira no modo construção pq eu n aguentava mais um desgraçado de jetpack e shotgun de tambor me socando de tiro a cada 1 minuto
e o modo construção... eu tenho pesadelos sobre ele
mas eu to aprendendo um pouquinho

e o passe de batalha, eu sinceramente gostei bastante desse esquema do nível máximo ser apenas 50 (falo isso como uma pessoa que não gosta de grindar tanto nesse jogo), mas com a temporada durando apenas 1 mês, eu realmente apoiaria ter mais desse tipos de passe. Sobre os cosméticos, teve uns emotes que se salvam, todas as skins são maneiras, mas o resto é bem esquecível

mas agora o evento ao vivo... meu Deus cara, que broxante
esse jogo ficou sem evento ao vivo por quase 1 ano, e quando finalmente ter um evento, de VIRADA DE CAPÍTULO, eles decepcionam bastante, principalmente na parte do Eminem, o mano cantou 2 músicas na metade e é isso??? Todo mundo achou que ia ser um concerto fodão, mas os manos da Jogos Épicos metem essa, foi realmente bem broxante
Pelo menos os fãs de LEGO ficaram feliz que vão ganhar um modo no jogo? sei la

conclusões finais:
+ reuniu um monte de gente de volta para o jogo
+ loot pool muito daora
+ item shop com itens que realmente prestam
+- passe de batalha
- shotgun de tambor
- evento broxa
- mapa terrível no modo sem construção e te forçar jogar o modo com construção

the first two weeks were truly amazing for someone like me who started right around season 6, but as someone who loved 7-X more I felt kinda cheated. they didn't update the map or give us any of the gimmicks in full. felt hollow. finished the battle pass and all the quests and milestones though. sorry

One of the best Fortnite seasons in a long time for obvious reasons. The first couple of updates were cool, but it felt like during the final couple of weeks of the season, Epic got lazy with the updates and had to rush it so they can release chapter 5. It felt like seasons 8 and 9 had barely any content coming back to the OG season. especially season 9, there was literally nothing.

TBH tho this was the most fun I have ever had playing Fortnite and I do wish they could bring this back permanently or as its own permanent mode just like Zero Build. I had a lot of fun.

La verdad extrañé demasiado la movilidad de las capítulos actuales y sí me apareció medio tediosito el regreso, pero pues estuvo amena la mini temporada.

they took everything that made the game good out the game for nostalgia sake, it got players back but a month was too long even for this

Growing up is realizing that the OG days of Fortnite was carried by nostalgia and nostalgia only

started out amazingly ended amazingly what can i say

Classic Fortnite was always mid, it wasn't until Chapter 2 when it was actually fun. I'm finally glad people can see the light and move the fuck on.

I usually play with vc off because sometimes randoms can be annoying but at the start of this season I decided to actually turn on vc and managed to find a chill group of randoms who are now my good buddies. We basically played everyday together, so If I have anything to thank this season for it's that.

Old Fortnite was fun, but this helped remind me that what we had right before Season OG was still a step up in a lot of ways. I don't really care if they keep this map vaulted forever anymore, this season was a good send off. Time to move on.

I don't care how blatant of an attempt this was to cash in on the nostalgia of those seeking the old glory days of the Chapter 1 map. I mean, you must have done something right to have brought back the millions of players this one Season did. And the fact that Epic plans on bringing it back again in 2024 speaks volumes for how amazing this experience was and still can be.

It was awesome to go back. Season X wasn't season X though but everything else was perfect. It was the most fun I had playing fortnite in a long time.

lazy haphazardly done cashgrab of a season with close to zero coherence or thought done for how it plays and only rides off of players nostalgia to make the game "fun." It can be enjoyable when playing with friends but it gets old fast, also the battle pass was a scam lol

I don't know if I like it, but either way, it isn't very far from average. I felt like the more I played, the less I enjoyed it. But let's be real, this was a smart move, return the old map so Chapter 5 can be worked on more often, and make it only 1 month so it doesn't feel too long, which was the perfect duration.
It is what you would expect from the OG map, except less, so many lacking details here and there, where is the snow and jungle biome? where are the Season 7 - X locations and The Block? Why start at season 5 and not 3? Where is that house from Fatal Fields? Why can't I interact with Kevin the Cube and the Zero Point, why did the Combat Shotgun leave the game... ON THE UPDATE WHERE IT GOT ADDED ORIGINALLY? (as well as other guns). It is not truly OG, but recreating every little detail would be near impossible, fortunately, the movement and reboot vans are still here, as well as new rifts and ziplines. but the guns also remain the same and feel a lot weaker than the actual OG guns, (except for the pistol which is now auto, and the Scoped Assult Rifle is still as shit as the OG one), any other gun is far from being as good as the OG, Assault Rifle bullets spread more than those times you go to the bathroom, the OG pump and Tat used to hit hard even being 2 or 3 times farther away than the modern ones where it has to kiss the enemy.
It was good for build mode but kinda sucked in Zero Build even with extra ziplines because the OG map was designed for the building mechanic, it is very open and empty which works in that mode, I liked the slow and more strategic playstyle this season had, instead of rushing everyone, having heals everywhere, and infinite movement items (as well as Epic and Legendary weapons actually being rare), you had to worry about preserving shit this season. Shame it got annoying to hide, rush a fight, kill them when they're weak, then someone else rushes, you get killed while you're weak, then they get rushed and killed afterwards, you know the rest. And good luck with vans, since the map is empty, vans are either in named locations where everyone is or in the open where someone might be hiding near, I spent the whole game once, trying to revive someone but I kept getting jumped every time, 73 - 12 players and I was still trying to revive. oh, and the event was average.
I played the OG seasons, and it was nice to be somewhat back, but the OG map isn't the peak of the game like the people who played Chapter 1 for a week say, the peak of the game was the first moments, not knowing how to play, getting your first win and the anxiety of having to win against 99 more players, heck, it felt more intimidating back in the day than rn. If you think chapter 1 was the peak of the game, you're probably blinded by your nostalgia, no offense, they could perfectly recreate OG with every single little detail possible and you will never enjoy it as much as back in the day because you already know everything and winning a 129th time doesn't as special as your first wins, if you want to recreate those never coming back memories, just play another game. It is pretty much like your first memories with Minecraft or Dark Souls or any other game you wish u could forget and go back just to play blind again.
Probably a 4/10 with Zero Build and an 8/10 with build.

had a reaaaaaally fun time playing this with my friends, but it kinda shocked me that it wasn't all nostalgia... anyways this seasons in general were amazing.

The drum shotgun was here so that makes the season terrible by default

This was a really fun season that brought things back to simpler times. The haters are WEAK!

would’ve gave this a 5/5 if it weren’t for that end event 💀💀💀 way too short and was essentially just a giant ad with no substance, eminem should’ve had like 10 minutes of time in the event at least imo. server issues that epic can never seem to fix for some reason made it even worse.

anyways this season was really great. it’s no surprise that i didn’t like chapter 4 that much at all so getting to go back to the map that i made some of the best memories on during late elementary/middle school was awesome. think this was the most fortnite i’ve played in years. og pass was really great, just wish it was cheaper instead of normal price since it was like half the size of a regular pass. og loot pool still the best in the whole game i think

A pretty good return to form. After the previous seasons seemed to complicate the formula a little bit too much, having a back to basics approach for this season was a breath of fresh air. I kinda wished the season added a lil bit more but for what we got, I’m satisfied.

mapa feo ojala no vuelvas(epic ya dijo que volveria idk)

i wasnt a child when the original run of chapter 1 was happening so im not too nostalgic for anything here, battlepass was nice tho