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Huh... so people weren't exaggerating how bad ds2 was. This has been said a million times now but what the hell was fromsoft trying to do with this shit? The bosses are horrible half the time, the level design is just not cutting it, and the enemy placement was seriously missing me off sometimes. Let's start with the bosses, most of the bosses in ds2 are either guy in armour or big enemy that lack any love or care in their design and move set making all of them extremely forgetful. You know what's worse than this though? The level design, every single area is EXTREMELY mediocre or just straight up garbage specifically no mans wharf, iron keep, black gulch, and last bur certainly not least SHRINE OF AMANA. All of these locations have very bad level design, which when mixed with long distances between bonfires, and horrible enemy placement make these locations the worst things I've ever experienced. There's a difference between fun difficult and spamming 6 enemies to come through the same door difficult. Another thing I just don't like is the hollowing mechanic in this game, the thought of you losing a chunck of your TOTAL health bar each time you die in a game that encourages you to die to become better at said game is just so stupid. It's also even more annoying that the items you need to reverse this effect are really hard to come by and there's no way of farming them due to ds2's other mechanic to prevent farming souls where after you kill an enemy a couple times it just despawns. This is the most idiotic idea ever, and then the only way to make the enemy respawn is to use a bonfire ascetic which is another item that's stupidly hard to obtain. The only nice thing I can say about ds2 is that every new area is beautiful, fromsoft didn't miss the mark on the world building and environment of this game. I will sadly be playing the dlcs for ds2 now which I only hear the most greatest of things about like the main game. I can't wait to finish them though because then I can start to play ds3 which I actually hear great things about and I'm looking forward to. I'm going to be dead serious now for a sec, once I finish the 3 dlcs I will NEVER in my entire life EVER again touch this game. Ever. Seriously ever.
(Edit: I'm just going to move onto ds3 because I physically can't do this shit anymore the ds2 dlc is so horrendous)

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Wow. Just wow. I'm not sure if you knew this or not but dark souls is a pretty good game. The storytelling and world building are both SOOOO good. In each new area you explore you really feel like that place is alive and full of things to do. Which since this is a fromsoft game is absolutely true. I would like to talk about the music for a second, specifically the great wolf sif theme and the gwyn theme. These two songs are the greatest pieces of music I've ever heard in a videogame. Words can not describe how much I LOVE these songs. Now, I don't know if this is because I've just come off of shadow of the erdtree but the bosses in ds1 felt super easy to me, every boss at most took me like 3 or 4 tries.... except for gwyn the lord of cinder. This boss was the hardest one in the game by a landslide, he's fast, he's a tank, and he does crazy damage while leaving you little to no time to heal. He was PAINFULL but then I started hitting my parries and bang! I got him. This fight took me at least 20 tries, which is nothing compared to shadow of the erdtree but in this game that was drastically higher than any of the other fights. Now this isn't to say it doesn't have flaws though because it certainly does, the main one being the 4 directional rolling. After I've just come from elden ring this games movement just felt clunky sometimes which is annoying in areas where you need to parkour. Also I'm the 5 billionth person to say this but the second half of the game is just not very good, the areas are all not laid out very well making them hard to traverse and look around. I do definitely feel like I didn't hate them as much as other people did though, I still enjoyed everyone area quite a bit.... except for blightown that place can rot in the deepest depths of hell. I don't know if I'll play the dlc or not right now, largely because I don't really want to replay the game at the moment because my dumbass forgot to do it before the final boss. It's definitely something I will do in the future though. I hear not great things about ds2 so I hope i like it? I don't really know what else that i can say that hasn't already been said. Dark souls is good... duh.

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Shadow of the erdtree is the single greatest dlc I've ever played. The first thing I'd like to address is how miyazaki just straight up lied to us, "size of limgrave" my ass this map is the size of limgrave, caelid, and part of liurnia COMBINED. Now... a certain few people (who are bad at the game) say that this dlc is TOO hard, which I don't believe is true. Don't get me wrong i DEFINITELY struggled throughout this dlc, every enemy would basically 2 shot me at level 220 but I wouldn't say the game is TOO hard. I killed all the rememberence bosses (and bayle) before I killed radahn, and I thought they were all great, each boss had sooooo much thought put into it and they were all really fun challenging fights. The best example of this was Mesmer the impaler, I REALLY struggled on him (for like 5 hours) but I loved every second of it because he was designed so well. The music in shadow of the erdtree is also super good which isn't a surprise, as well as the map design as a whole. There's tons of castles, dungeons, catacombs, open fields, and caves to explore which makes for a very fun time never knowing what you could discover next. The hardest boss in the whole game, let alone the dlc is 100% radahn, consort of miquella. This boss makes malenia look like actual child's play, even with my crazy good build and my fairly decent skillset he still took me over 70 tries at least. Words can not even begin to describe how fantastic this dlc truly is, everything is so perfect and its clear a lot of thought went into even the most minuscule of details. It's super funny to me that the best game I've played that's come out this year has been a dlc. Shadow of the erdtree, more like shadow of the gotytree.