Reviews from

in the past

Dig up the past, carryout heists in the present, and make enough money to last you a lifetime in the city of angels.

~I'm only speaking to the quality of the single player~
I loved this game from start to finish. It's by far my favorite Grand Theft Auto, and one of my favorite titles ever. Countless hours spent goofing off in Los Santos, beating the story several times over, doing all the side content. Honestly, as weird as it is for a GTA title, this is honestly one of my favorite stories/worlds/sets of characters ever. I'd be shocked if you haven't played this one, but if you haven't, you absolutely should. I've bought this game 4 separate times. It's like the second coming of Skyrim. And the 3rd. And the 4th. You get the idea.

Worth the money. Don't spend money on the online though, it's a cash pit. Or do. I'm not your mom.

I wish the game was only about trevor

The story was a let-down for me. Franklin's car handling passive ability is the best of the three playable characters. I had the "i-fruit" app on my PSVita allowing me to change my license plate and change chopper's collar. Certainly a unique idea.

GTA Online was really fun but I fell off when heists were added. I think the cutscenes and missions felt like worse story missions. Friends all wanted to grind for GTA money rather than play the fun racing/TDM modes.

I do not see myself ever revisiting this one.

One of the best storylines ever to a video game, has a lot of great songs too

Depois do terceiro tiroteio fica meio repetitivo né?

very fun game just got bored after abit in online

after a couple hours of using cheat codes to get to 5 stars and blowing up helicopters its just boring. story is nothing interesting. online is full of 10 year old white boys screaming the hard r.

Fun open world and run over people funny

Only played online with Henry averys

rockstar cooked and the story is really great but like release the damn next one already this shit is on like 4 generations of console

I've played through most of the game, dropping it near the end. Not for any sort of story reason, just cuz I sorta got bored. It's a good game, tells an interesting story with interesting characters, the main problem I have though is that I feel like it would've been better as a movie or TV show rather than a game. The open world aspect thoroughly clashes with the story this game wants to tell.

nao tem mt o que falar é gta bom pra caralho o online poderia ter menos grinding

Açık dünya aksiyon türündeki açık ara en iyi oyun. Grafikler, hikayenin işlenişi, açık dünyanın kalitesi her şekliyle dört dörtlük bir oyun.

I was very hyped for this game and left disappointed. The split into 3 characters has been done better many times before, the odd thing I don’t like any of them. This game tries so hard to be a parody all the time, it misses the punch lines. None of the side activities is fun. The missions are mostly forgettable. The best thing in this game is the music, thats pretty astounding. GTA Online is also a thing but I played it when it was new and got burned out pretty quickly by it. I would rather play Vice City, San Andreas or IV.

I'll never fully complete the story because GTA missions are ass but good game to fuck around in.

GTA 5 is sick as hell, but not much more. i still find myself thinking about the car customization and the heist missions sometimes, and wishing they had made more singleplayer content instead of putting it all into GTA online

I did EVERYTHING in my save, seriously. Game is fire as hell

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whitewashed san andreas
maybe i would like this more if i didn't spend my whole life playing the classic 3d entries. as it stands there is next to nothing redeeming about this overcooked "next-gen" heartless pile of shit.

i like this game so much i've bought it five different times and i still like 4 better

Campaign good online bad

game engine is amazing

ending C is the only good ending

a história gira em torno do michael ser corno

Não tem o que dizer, o jogo é sim bom. Esse jogo transmite nostalgia e é bom, apesar da quantidade enorme e grotesca de bugs e falhas você se diverte e nem liga para isso. A história é boa com alguns pontos que continuam abertos, alguns furos de roteiro, várias viradas de jogo, mas o mais legal a história imersiva e que te prende e diverte ao mesmo tempo, os personagens são carismáticos e você consegue entender o sentimentos deles, além de serem bem desenvolvidos ao longo do jogo. Esse jogo é muito completo e até após terminar sempre vai ter mais e mais coisas a serem feitas e para serem descobertas, mesmo com suas falhas sempre vai ter um carinho enorme.

I started by loving this game, playing through a great story and enjoying the open world, then I went online and it made it so much better, easily one of the best Rockstar games ever (My personal 2013 game of the year)