Reviews from

in the past

Quick someone make a mod that replaces all the cops with union workers and we'll sell it to Elon Musk. We'll be millionaires by the end of the month trust me.

O jogo com um dos melhores modo online de mundo aberto.
A história de GTA V não fede nem cheira bem na minha opinião, mas a jogabilidade continua muito divertida até hoje, pelo menos até um certo tempo.
Seus gráficos e visuais se mantém excelentes após mais de dez anos desde seu lançamento, com uma atenção incrível aos detalhes.
As missões secundárias são meio chatinhas e repetitivas, principalmente as do modo online.
A maior diversão em GTA V é sair descendo bala em geral fugindo da policia e explorar o vasto mundo aberto num carrão fodástico roubado, coisa que os cariocas chamariam de "quarta-feira", mas para mim, que moro no interior de São Paulo, é bem excitante a correria.
Tempo de jogo: 30+ horas

É complicado escrever uma review sobre um jogo que todo mundo já conhece muito bem e ainda assim ter um ponto de vista que agregue algo para quem vai ler. No entanto, quero tentar, visto que sempre quis zerar esse jogo desde a minha infância, e por conta disso, vivia criando expectativas sobre ele até este momento.

Quando eu era criança, o mundo aberto desse jogo proporcionava uma imersão muito maior, parecia uma outra vida, como se fosse um jogo infinito repleto de mistérios entrelaçados com a história da campanha, tornando-o quase mágico. Talvez aquela comunidade antiga que vivia caçando mistérios e easter eggs tenha me criado essa impressão estupidamente ambiciosa. Agora que eu zerei, o mundo aberto pareceu ser bem menos atrativo, quase como se as missões fossem as únicas coisas que sustentassem esse jogo, já que não me senti instigado nem mesmo a fazer bagunça pela cidade.

Quanto às missões do modo história, eu achava que elas teriam uma conexão muito maior com os mistérios gigatonicos, mas a trama é bem focada naquele núcleo de furtos e agentes do governo. O máximo que se tem são aquelas missões secundarias curtinhas com os doidos espalhados pelo mapa.

A história em si é boa. Os três personagens principais possuem um certo nível de complexidade, ao mesmo tempo em que suas motivações são fáceis de entender. Apesar do Trevor ter sido o meu favorito, o Michael dentre os três é o que me pareceu mais bem trabalhado. Muitas das ações de Michael me fizeram duvidar se Trevor é realmente o personagem mais moralmente errado do jogo, dado o tanto que Michael manipula as pessoas e se faz de coitado.

As missões conseguem ser bem variadas, sendo as de roubo de bancos as melhores e mais épicas, o que me fez ficar bastante decepcionado com a última missão do jogo, que é bem fraca e entrega um final anticlimático para a campanha. Literalmente, matei o que deveria ser um "boss" do jogo atropelando ele e passando reto como se fosse apenas um NPC qualquer na calçada (não teve nem mesmo cutscene).

GTA games excel at world-building and action sequences. Not much else, in my opinion. The characters hardly ever break out from their two-dimensional stereotypes, and when they do it's only briefly. The voice acting is phenomenal btw

Finally got around to playing GTA5 again cause I don't I beat it back around when it came out. Uh yeah, its good. I think the story runs kind of long in the tooth, but the characters are still really enjoyable. The world is very impressive, but I do think its kind of empty, or at least, I felt no reason to do anything outside the missions. The music selection is crazy, but I did often feel I was getting the same shit all the time.

I like the voice acting cause it feels very different from other video games. Good casting and direction. I often feel like Trevor talks like the Joker to people, like how he speaks to others and bounces off them is how The Joker does when he is like toying with them.

"Satire requires a clarity of purpose and target, lest it be mistaken for and contribute to that which it intends to criticize."

Has it's moments, but nothing beats San Andreas.

i totally get the appeal and understand why so many people love this, however there’s a lot of “rockstarisms” that prevent me from loving this as much as others. the constant hand-holding, restrictive controls, mission structure. but i had a good time with it! i thought the characters, while not the most in depth, were entertaining and gave me enough reason to see the story all the way through.

i can’t wait for gta vi.

Meu Deus que jogo maravilhoso! Esse jogo me surpreendeu muito, pois desde a primeira vez que eu joguei eu só ficava brincando e zuando, nunca tinha ido atrás de concluir a história do jogo. Mas recentemente me deu uma saudade dos momentos que eu tive com ele, por isso fui atrás de terminar história e me divertir assim como nos velhos tempos. E realmente me diverti demais e aproveitei cada segundo do início ao fim da campanha. Agora mais velho e com mais noção das coisas pude conhecer melhor os personagens e entender de fato a trama do jogo. Além de ter sido revolucionário quando lançou a ponto de ser GOTY mesmo a mais de 10 anos de seu lançamento continua sendo um jogo incrível! Amei minha experiência com essa obra prima. Eu super recomendo!

This is both a great sandbox game and a great story game. If you want to hop on and just screw around it's perfect for that but it also has a fun open world and a good story with likeable characters and a good sense of humour. I love this game however it's not perfect. The gameplay, although fun can be quite repetitive at times, A LOT of the missions are just drive to point A, kill people and then it's over. One of my favourite parts of the game were the conversations that the characters had in the car on their way to the mission, if the writing wasn't so funny I would have this game at a much lower score. That's not to say the missions are bad though because even the repetitive ones are still fun and there are some really good unique ones (especially the heists).

pica. zerei pela primeira vez esse ano e da pra entender o porquê de ser considerado um clássico e ter influenciado tanta coisa

eu sou apaixonado na historia desse jogo e estou rejogando pela quarta vez e continua uma otima historia, minha unica tristeza talvez seja alguns pontos da historia não serem bem resolvido mas de resto esse jogo e bom em TUDO que se propoe e isso aqui sim e um jogo blockbuster FODA.

As many problems as the online has, there will never be a greater joy than watching my friends get drilled by oncoming cars as they flail into the sky like a beautiful swan taking wing over our echoing laughter. Also, apparently there are some dumbass heists but I have to watch boring cutscenes of some LA soapbox saying dick and balls and I just want to get back to rocketing into my friend's car at 200 mph.

rejoguei esse jogo pelo menos um terço denovo (vou terminar o resto ainda) e é ainda pior do que eu me lembrava

gta é um jogo muito mais interessante de jogar quando você ignora a história dele, pq a história desse daqui é fraquissima, mas jogar é extremamente gostoso, todas as heists da história, atividades etc. a história desse jogo é extremamente carregada por quão divertido é jogar ele em sí, dar tiro em coisa, dirigir coisa etc,

faz sentido o porque gta online deu tão certo, pq é um lugar onde tu faz tudo que tem de legal pra fazer na história do gta, que é tudo menos ver a história dele

Fica aqui anotado todo o meu ódio pro trevor, eu odeio esse personagem com todas as minhas forças, esse tipo de esteriótipo de personagem "louquinho" não me agrada

A definite achievement. The best in the series and the reason we don't get any new rockstar games lol

Its 2024 and Im still trying to finish GTA V. What is it with this Game ? The driving sucks, the shooting feels like ass and the characters all blow chunks. Franklin is just a boring version of CJ, Trevor is an unlikable homeless crackhead and Micheal is a winy fkn bitch. Do I really wann play as these guys for the next 30 hours ? The answer is clearly No. I really like GTA, I have finishd all the previous games but V just makes me question the absolute state of humanity. Im super pumped for VI and hopefully I will not be gaslight anymore into thinking this is in any shape or form a good game until then.

I originally gave this game a 7 but after thinking about it, this game is lame as shit.

primeiro gta que eu zerei e foi do caralho, a historia é bem loka e cheia de camadas.
os três protagonistas são muito fodas
o michael é literalmente o psicopada amercano
o trevor é um louco crasy, e gosta de milfs
e o Franklin é pau pra toda obra

Deixa eu atropelar uma pessoa aqui rapidinho

Não tem nada muito novo para escrever sobre esse jogo que as pessoas já não tenham lido por aí, mas agora que ele vai sair do Game Pass eu peguei pra zerar mais uma vez e me lembro como se fosse ontem do Gabriel, ainda com seu xbox 360 lá em 2013, descobrindo um novo GTA que não era fake igual os GTA Rio de Janeiro e derivados que só usavam skins no mesmo San Andreas da vida.

Eu acho que já zerei esse jogo umas 3 ou 4 vezes e de fato ele é bom, mas como eu to aqui pra falar sobre algum ponto diferente do que todo mundo já leu ou falou, vamos decretar que a fama dele é pelo modo online e não pela campanha, certo? Que se ele não tivesse o online que tem, estaria bem "apagado" tal qual o seu antecessor com Niko Belic dando rolê para o boliche.

GTA V é bom, tem bons protagonistas, ótimos antagonistas, mas rejogando agora mais uma vez, veio a perspectiva de que ele poderia ser melhor aprofundado se não desse tanta ênfase em dividir a história em 3, que por mais que ela seja dividida, funcionou muito bem e isso não é uma crítica ferrenha. Mas basta vc olhar para o Franklin por exemplo que já no começo parece que trará um contexto bem atrelado as gangues, mas isso fica beeeem esquecido no decorrer do game. O Michael e o Trevor que tem suas história e background mais desenvolvidos, mas mesmo assim é notório o espaço de que caberia mais desenvolvimento ali. Outro exemplo: o envolvimento do Michael com o Madrazo poderia ser mais explorado e não só voltar do modo como volta com o Trevor sequestrando a mulher dele (isso é mt bom inclusive, mas poderia ter mais além disso). As missões para o FIB não são tãaaao legais, pelo contrário, elas são mais enfadonhas do que qualquer outra coisa.

Por falar em missão chata, outras várias tanto das principais quanto das secundárias estão presentes no jogo, como as de caça, salto e a marcha da maconha são exemplos. Por fim, acho que é isso que eu poderia trazer de "novo" por hora. Não lembro dos GTA 3, Vice City, Libert City e por aí vai, mas no retrospecto dos 3 últimos que estão mais frescos na minha memória, San Andreas e o 4 estão BEM a frente do V em questão de história e desenvolvimento dos personagens. Aqui muito coisa parece superficial e sem um maior aprofundamento, o que torna uma pena por 3 personagens que mereciam um jogo completo e não uma divisão como foi feita.

Modo online, que embora eu quase não tenha jogado, não terá minha atenção e não influênciara na minha nota. Aqui é única e exclusivamente atrelada a campanha que é boa, mas cheia de nuances que faz inclusive uma revisita se tornar bem cansativa.

Grand Theft Auto V's map is big and highly detailed. The sky is really beautiful and the world is gorgeous. When playing, I could feel how massive the game is, it always felt like there was always something to do or a new place to go to, I still feel like I haven't even seen the full map yet. These feelings are something only a company with no hesitation to crunch the dev team like Rockstar could achieve, but the façade falls off when you try to look into what the world really has to offer. The open-world is split in three:

-Driving around and murdering people

-Side missions and activities

-Scripted events

This is what's there to do in Los Santos and the surrounding areas. Driving around and running over people is fun when it's the mean to an end, the end usually being starting a mission or going to some place. If your whole purpose is to recklessly drive around town you'll get bored in a few minutes as the driving is “realistic”, although it's not actually realistic driving. Cars don't crash in real life as they do here, realism is the excuse they give for having cumbersome driving. Look, no matter how hard the guys over at Rockstar try, a true realistic driving simulation simply does not work when realistic driving is not the core of the experience, and it definitely isn't for a GTA game. After all, Auto is just ⅓ of Grand Theft Auto. The other stuff is minor content which might lead to some interesting or even funny situations, but just exist to have the world bloated with side missions that feel like filler episodes of a larger TV show and side activities that feel like they don't belong here. I mean, when someone says the words Grand Theft Auto, tennis and golf aren't the things that come to mind, right?

The scripted events usually happen while driving somewhere in the middle of the way so it's up to you if you want to go over and get yourself into whatever is going on, which most likely is someone getting robbed or in some cases you might get a unique event depending on the character you're playing as. I remember driving around the north coast and finding a couple of guys who were pulling a Goodfellas on the daughter of some mafia boss who later paid me some great cash for saving her. I wouldn't mind playing this game again some time in the future just to see what new stuff I can find, but as I've been saying, apart from small situations like these, I don't think there's really much else that is rewarding enough.

The world is empty, is what I'm trying to get to. Quite pretty and impressive when looked from afar, but empty when looked closely. The city serves the one and only purpose of giving context to the main story, and everything else is a distraction to make the player feel like the game is huge when in reality there's not much to it. One thing I'll give it is that, even if it's not something meaningful in the long run, navigating its architecture is quite good, maybe even just a little bit fun. Running away from the cops on rooftops, driving a bike downhill in Mountain Chiliad and parachuting from above the clouds to fall on the pool of a mansion are just examples of what can be done with such freedom of movement. I really like doing this sort of stuff, getting lost in the world and messing around is pretty fun. The world is big and there's like a shit ton of mechanics for the player to express itself, even more on the online, so it's easy to understand why a game like this has so many online roleplaying servers.

Still, all of this is just a mere distraction from the main content, and I found more enjoyment in doing all of this with a friend on a private online game. But enough talk already, let's talk about more interesting stuff.

The side content, the open-world and the main story aren't that disconnected at all. All three are about doing whatever you want without giving a fuck about anything. Grand Theft Auto V pictures a world where everyone is an egotistical douchebag who only looks after themselves and life and death are treated like they hold no meaning. Early in the game there's a mission where you torture someone and potentially ruin their life, only to later turn out this wasn't the right guy, and nobody gives a crap about this whole situation. This thing that I just described is basically the whole game. You can watch someone get crushed into pieces in an airplane turbine and all Michael has to say is “whoops”. I've read around people say GTA V is sexist, in that every woman is portrayed as a disgusting and pathetic person, but this isn't exclusive to women as every person you ever meet in this game is either that, a crazy psycho, a selfish idiot or anything in-between.

Out of the main trio, Michael is the real main character of the game I'd say, as he's the only one who has any kind of actual development. Franklin is a dude who has no direction and has no greater goals in mind, who exists to help the other two in whatever they're doing, and whatever Franklin achieves is by pure chance. A bit later after starting the game he's gifted a mansion from Hollywood Hills for whatever reason. Trevor is a guy whose only personality trait is that he's bat-shit insane. That's it. The game disguises its poorly-written characters under minutes-long conversations while driving to make them look like they have more going on and, more specifically, to make them look cool. GTA V wants to look cool. Why is there a mission where you assault an actor to take their costume and steal a 007-esque car from a movie set? Because it looks cool. Why does Trevor torture some random worker in the most horrible way possible? Because it looks cool. Why does Michael beats the fuck out of the contract negotiator of an underpaid actor and threatens the same actor? Because it looks cool. It wants to make the player feel like they're cool. This is the most straight-out-of-2013 game made, probably ever.

GTA V believes the world is full of freaks and has no salvation, so all you can do is have fun while the world is rotting all around you. Nobody has good intentions because why would anyone even care about anything in this God-forsaken world? GTA V is the embodiment in videogame form of THIS image. The writing is childish, it feels like it was written by a group of depressed teenagers who skimmed over the Wikipedia articles about nihilism and cynicism. But you guys wanna know what GTA V is actually about? Grand Theft Auto V is about finding meaning to your life. This is the level we're at. And of course the characters find the meaning to their lives in crime. Heists and murder more specifically. I always believed GTA, since San Andreas, treated the criminal life as something that is never good to aspire to and that these games weren't just a glorification of crime as a way of life. Although I'll admit my favourite GTA is Vice City, a game that thinks Scarface is just cool looking mafia guy Antonio Fontono gets da big money. In Vice City, Tommy Vercetti wants to rise to the top, no matter how many people he needs to take out in the way, with not many moral conflicts and little to no hesitation to pull the trigger.

But Grand Theft Auto V on the other hand has Michael conflicted on if he should leave this life of crime and start taking care of his family while he does a lot of missions where they kill an absurd amount of cops, private military forces and street thugs just for money or whatever selfish reasons. A moral conflict as deep as a puddle. Later on in the game he gets the opportunity to be a movie producer, something he's really enthusiastic about since he keeps saying he's “a movie guy”, but still doesn't give up on robbing the biggest bank in L.A. And by the way, now that I mention heists and movies, GTA V is an homage to heist films. In a way it's a really, really dumbed down reinterpretation of Heat. And I mean that literally, they even straight up recreate Heat’s first robbery in one mission. It's similar to Vice City in that they both are inspired by crime movies in premise but not in spirit. Scarface and Heat end with a message about how criminal life is never a good thing, but VC and GTA V have the exact opposite message. However, GTA V differs from VC in that it tries to give Michael, the only character with something resembling an arc, some sort of moral conflict about his family, although he doesn't care or think about how the things he does affect his family, he doesn't really care about anyone, he just says everything’s going to be okay and go on with the mass murders. This conflict is ultimately pointless.

After losing his family and later having them come back, after being at the verge of death more than twice, after almost getting his family killed, all he does is putting the bad guy inside of a car trunk and throwing the car off a cliff to blow it up. If problems come to you, all you have to do is to kill the problems, no need to try and be a better person. Extra points if it looks cool when you do it. The game ends and nobody has learned a single lesson from all this.

My hottest take in the gaming world is that I've never understood the hype around Rockstar games. To be fair, it's a small piece of my grander opinion of "Some open worlds are just too open for me." Games like Grand Theft Auto, Skyrim, etc. throw you out into a world where there's endless possibilities, but that means I'm endlessly distracted from the content they want you to partake. I never unlocked any of the map in GTA IV when I was kid because I just kept driving around and killing people. Decades later, Red Dead Redemption 2 sweeps the nation. People praise the story so I sat myself down and forced myself to not get distracted, but when I go in I find the plot gratingly repetitive despite a great ending. Now GTA VI is on the horizon with people freaking out, so I've downloaded GTA V to see if something will finally click.

...It didn't.

Even less so than Red Dead Redemption, because there's so much I can do but is any of it really entertaining? Do I really want to figure out investing in the stock market, playing tennis, or doing yoga in my backyard? And then the plot is even less intriguing than Red Dead 2. I hardly care about what's going on past Trevor being a hilarious weirdo and wanting to see what he does next.

Aside from that I also just absolutely hate anything to do with planes or more specifically helicopters in GTA. The controls are awful, and while yes they may be difficult to control in game because they're difficult to control in real life, I ask again is it fun? And on top of that they ask for near pinpoint accuracy with this jank. One mission tasked me with picking up train cars via helicopter. It probably took me 6 minutes to properly align my helicopter with each pickup. Just fucking streamline it. Literally any other open world helicopter is more fun. Just Cause or Saints Row do this so much better.

Is there any good here? Yes. I really enjoy the heists. It is fun to plan out and prepare for these high stakes adventures. Also a lot of the side characters/missions are hilarious. Past that though I'm still indifferent about Rockstar, and most likely will not be getting GTA VI.

This game while Still amazing can get a bit forgettable in my opinion, all the side stuff and characters are brilliant, psychopathic and hilarious.
Still think GTA4 is better though ;)
Online I will choose to leave out of this as I will rate this 2 and a half

Zerei no X360 em 2017 e novamente em 2023 no gamepass, agr entendi mais sobre a história e é bem boa mas ainda fica atrás do San Andreas.
O mapa da nova Los Santos é perfeito e os 3 protagonistas são todos bons. Fora q os gráficos são incriveis tanto na versão original de 2013 quanto nos atuais da nova geração.

>> Prós
- MAPA : O mapa é gigante ent n dá pra reclamar.
• JOGABILIDADE : Talvez o gta q tem os controles mais fáceis de se aprender.
• HISTÓRIA : A história do jogo é bem legal, parece um filme de ação. Michael e Franklin se juntando pra conseguir uma grana extra e dps o maluco do Trevor aparecendo pra tacar terror em geral, foi um belo game.
• MISSÕES SECUNDÁRIAS : Tem umas mt boas e outras bem aleatórias.

>> Contras
• GANGUES : Pra um gta em Los Santos eles podiam ter aproveitado melhor os Ballas e a Grove Street na história.

>> Perso Favorito = Franklin.

Go to place
Shoot people
Trevor say some Redditor shit
Go back home

Somehow the biggest game of all time.

Absolutely astonishing. IDK how I stomached this when I was younger (perhaps lack of income and better games) but this really wore thin quickly.

10 years after beating the game for the first time, I actually find the game to have aged better then I was expecting, the characters are not THAT charismatic like previous installments but the mission structure and the side missions are pretty much the top tier of the franchise, although it suffers from bad game design things like "no you can't land the heli in the helipad, you have to do it in front of a dirt patch to complete the mission"

Eu esperei 10 anos pra conseguir terminar esse jogo, e cada segundo dessa espera valeu a pena. GTA V oferece realmente uma das melhores experiências de ação sandbox e uma narrativa surpreendentemente boa pra um jogo que não se leva a sério em momento algum. As missões são interessantes, quase nunca senti que estava fazendo algo repetitivo e as Heists em particular são todas muito únicas. Que jogo, colegas. Que jogo.

(btw i beat this on ps5, but they don't have the option to pick that for some reason)

It's honestly just one of the most fun games of all time. It doesn't necessarily have the deepest story but it feels like it's going for a different story structure, slice of life kind of vibe. And in that sense it just works. Mission variety is great and I loved all 3 protagonists. I can definitely see myself trying Online honestly. Also what a great ending.

Omg I tried obeying all traffic laws while driving in GTA im so quirky right guys

This game was released 10 years ago already? Geez.