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So i originally gave Dmc 1 only a 6/10 but replaying it made me change my mind, this game is fricking dope. It's often criticised for not having aged very well, and i can definitely see that, however Dmc 1 is so short, fun, and replayable that i just can't help but love it.

The combat system is basic compared to future entries. Dante only has a few weapons and guns, but i honestly enjoy the simplicity of the combat and how easy it is to learn, defeating enemies and bosses here just doesn't get old to me. Also going ham with the devil trigger is so much fun.

The story itself is nothing too special, and it has a strange plot twist. The few cutscenes that this game has are really goddamn good tho, seriously basically all of them are memorable.

I genuinely have no idea why i didn't like the boss fights in my first playtrough, they're one of my favorite parts of this game. There's a total of 5 unique bosses that you fight multiple times, and most of them are very exciting to take on.
Phantom is pretty easy but he's a great introduction fight.
Nelo angelo is absolutely phenomenal, and his final encounter was raw.
Griffon is an insanely underrated boss who is my 2nd favorite in this game
Nightmare is cool unique, and his final encounter is the toughest fight in the game.
Mundus sucks.

Holy macaroni the music kicks so much ass. There are plenty of great tracks but the best ones for me are:
Ultra violet which is my favorite song in the whole game and also one of my favorite boss themes, flock, red hot juice, lock & load, and public enemy.

Dmc 1 still looks great to this day both graphically and visually, plus i also adore the spooky atmosphere that it has.

I am very glad that i replayed this game because for some reason it just clicked with me more on this 2nd playtrough, and like i said before i just really enjoy the simplicity, short lenght, and unique vibes of Dmc 1.

WOAH! So you're telling me that this awesome ass game only has a 3.3 average rating? In my opinion this is easily the best entry in the sonic advance trilogy.
Sonic advance 3 goes back to the 3 act structure that sonic 1 had, which had me a bit worried but thankfully the game didn't overstay it's welcome.

The levels have great variety like always, and i found all of them to be tons of fun to go through! Every single zone has great level design, beautiful aesthetics, and going fast as shit in every stage was awesome. Yes the game does have some cheap deaths but it doesn't stop me from loving all of the levels.

The bosses really suck in this one ngl. There isn't a single one that stood out to me, and i especially hated the egg chaser fight.

Now the music in this one is pretty damn good! My personal favorite tracks are: route 99 act 1, sunset hill act 2, chaos angel act 3, ocean base act 1, and twinkle snow act 1. I think sonic advance 3's ost is up there with Wario land 4 and Mega man zero 3 for the best gba soundtrack.

Bonus points because you can play as Tails. I love tails :D

Overall sonic advance 3 is an insanely underrated game in my opinion, and i had so much fun playing it. I'll also probably replay this in the future since it isn't very long.

After completing Wario land 4 (amazing game btw) i wanted to check out what the other entries in the series had to offer. I have some mixed feelings about this one... I think it does a few things better than Wario land 1 but it also introduces a few problems.

The most positive thing that i can say about this game is that the levels and the boss fights were improved. They are way more varied and a bit more creative which is nice. Wario also has faster movement this time.

What about the problems that wario land 2 introduces? Well they replaced the power ups with trasformations which is honestly not a bad idea, however the trasformations are barely used throughout the whole game. You can't die in this game.....Why? What the scallop were they thinking? The enemies are basically just there to annoy you and the game doesn't pose any sort of challenge.

There's not much else to say about wario land 2. Similar to the first game it's a very short and simple platformer.

Despite having a few issues i still enjoyed this game, and it makes me appreciate Wario land 4 even more.