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in the past

Simular to GTA 3 but overall just a better game, story actually feels more like an actual main part of the game unlike GTA 3. Will 100% evantually

Jogo do Scarface melhor que o jogo do Scarface.

Despite many improvements from GTA 3, the game still has some very annoying missions. The game also gets very grindy at the end before you can do the final missions so I wish it was shorter.

All the characters look like they have kidney failure. The radios are missing music from the original version of the game. Flying controls are atrocious on M/KB. Vertical axis camera movement in a vehicle is impossible. Lighting is also different and somehow worse than the original version too.

Aside from the downsides of the definitive editions I’m just gonna look at base story and game which is all pretty amazing. Tommy actually having a personality with goals makes this game way better than 3 😭

OH, I JUST DIED IN YOUR ARMS TONIGHT (jogo bugado do carai, versão original é melhor)

This game in my opinion has nothing to add to the trilogy, I reached halfway through the game and couldn't play it because it was so boring with almost no new mechanics from GTA III to this one, the only good thing about this game is the atmosphere and music.

It took me six months to complete this purely because I kept quitting and I made myself endure this trilogy twice purely for the trophies. Once when it first came out on PS4 and then on PS5.

Really Enjoyed the modern controls. Allowed me to finally beat this classic

me diverti mais do que eu gostaria de admitir

dito isso, estou pronta, gta VI

No Billie Jean = No money for rockstar

Short story, but strong. Would play again.

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Definitive Edition, the latest remaster of the beloved classic from Rockstar Games, is a thrilling reimagining of the iconic 2002 title that defined a generation of gamers. Released with updated graphics, enhanced gameplay mechanics, and a host of new features, Vice City Definitive Edition offers both longtime fans and newcomers alike a chance to experience the magic of Vice City like never before.

Set in the neon-soaked, sun-drenched streets of 1980s Miami, Vice City tells the story of Tommy Vercetti, a former convict who is thrust into a world of crime, corruption, and betrayal. As players navigate Tommy's journey from small-time crook to criminal kingpin, they'll encounter a colorful cast of characters, engage in heart-pounding missions, and explore every corner of the sprawling cityscape.

One of the most striking aspects of Vice City Definitive Edition is its visual overhaul, which brings the vibrant world of Vice City to life in stunning detail. From the glittering skyscrapers of Downtown to the seedy back alleys of Little Havana, every inch of the city has been lovingly recreated with breathtaking fidelity, immersing players in a living, breathing metropolis that feels more alive than ever before.

But it's not just the visuals that have received a makeover; Vice City Definitive Edition also boasts a range of gameplay enhancements and quality-of-life improvements that make it the definitive way to experience the game. From improved controls and updated vehicle handling to modernized UI elements and customizable settings, every aspect of the game has been refined to offer the smoothest, most immersive gameplay experience possible.

Of course, no discussion of Vice City would be complete without mentioning its legendary soundtrack, and Vice City Definitive Edition does not disappoint in this regard. Featuring an eclectic mix of 1980s hits from artists like Michael Jackson, Toto, and Kool & the Gang, the game's radio stations are a joy to listen to and help to capture the essence of the era in a way that few other games can match.

In conclusion, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Definitive Edition is a lovingly crafted remaster that pays homage to the original while also bringing new life to a beloved classic. With its stunning visuals, enhanced gameplay mechanics, and unforgettable soundtrack, it's a must-play for fans of the series and newcomers alike. Whether you're revisiting Vice City for the umpteenth time or experiencing it for the first time, Vice City Definitive Edition is a journey worth taking.

Rating: ★★★★★★★★☆☆ (9/10 stars)

abicim bu npcler robot gibi tak tak vurması cok komik amk elinde hele combat shotgun varsa yanına gitmeyi bırak uzakta dursan bile saniye içerisinde gebertiyor aynı kanserlik devam ediyor

bu definitive edition tam mobil oyun olmuş yalnız pcde falan bile mobil havası veriyor mobilde oynayınca tam telefonluk oyunmuş dedim rockstar eski oyunları artık mobile taşımaya karar vermiş bundan dolayı bu definitive edition kalitesi mobil kalitede olmus bence yanlış bir karar değil güzel bir karar olmuş grafikler atmosfer cart curt her şey güzel duruyor oyunun oynaması da kolay güzel ayarlamışlar zorlandığım 2 3 yer oldu onun haricinde keyifli vakit geçirdim, oyun her ne kadar eski kalsa bile benim için özel bir yere sahip

Taking one point off of this game just because of various quality problems (character models look like shit, their expressions too, some bugs but nothing too crazy like on launch)

would still not recommend playing this version. the og is way better. not many qol features other than the weapon circle, which i don't even like, and the weapon mouse cycling is weird as fuck

still vice city tho. goated.

play the og w/ mods instead. that's what i'm gonna do

Çocukluğumun oyunuydu. O son görevi açmak için dondurma satma görevi ekleme fikri kimin aklına geldiyse onun ben anasını avradını

El port es bastante malo, da muchos problemas. En Steam Deck conseguir que funcione es una aventura, tienes que forzar compatibilidad y aún así da problemas. En PC da problemas de memoria gráfica y te tuesta el pc por completo. El juego es un juegazo pero este port, si lo compras por más de 10 euros no merece la pena.

Pedrada braba, Apesar de ter alguns problemas de gameplay é uma boa experiência pra quem não teve contato com o original.

GTA Vice City Definitive Edition marks my second venture into the Grand Theft Auto series, having previously completed GTA V. This iteration, played on Android via Netflix's gaming platform, showcases a remaster that appears more cosmetic than transformative, resembling a new coat of paint.

Despite visual updates, the game retains a somewhat dated feel, with modest quality of life improvements scattered throughout. The narrative unfolds in the 80s, offering a distinct departure from GTAV. Missions maintain a straightforward structure, save for the persistently challenging RC missions.

Character development is primarily centered around the protagonist, Tommy, with the supporting cast lacking in-depth exploration. Various characters join Tommy's gang, yet their stories remain underdeveloped, providing limited insight into their roles.

With 15 hours invested in completing side missions and acquiring most buildings, the game offers a comprehensive experience. It's worth noting that my choice to engage with the title was influenced by its availability as a complimentary offering for Netflix subscribers; otherwise, I might not have opted for this particular game.

Gameplay 5/10
Music and sound 8/10
Screenplay 7/10
Technical 4/10

A ambientação desse jogo é impressionante, especialmente pra época. Gosto da jornada do Tommy, e é muito maneiro ver ele construindo o próprio império dele do zero, porém, tenho que admitir que a segunda metade do jogo é super maçante. A mecânica de ter que ficar comprando vários businesses diferentes, apesar de fazer sentido pra história, fica chata muito rápida. Porém, eles concluem muito bem nas missões finais, então o saldo é positivo.
P.S. Gosto muito da forte inspiração que Scarface tem nesse jogo! A vibe de máfia é muito imersiva e única na franquia.

"I just wanted to piss you off before I kill you."

Wasn't actually expecting Grand Theft Auto: Vice City to more-than-slightly improve upon Grand Theft Auto III, because I genuinely enjoyed this one much more.

Yes, I did notice that Vice City is noticeably smaller than Liberty City, but I personally see that as an improvement, considering I learned the whole layout by memory much quicker that way. You can even enter more buildings this time, which surprised me. This obviously feels more like a spin-off than a direct sequel, especially when you begin to uncover certain changes that alter the traditional linear progression from GTA III. I was quite amazed how fast the first half flew by, until I realized the latter portion of the game involves managing assets and selecting the people you want to do missions for. An interesting change that I found to be more engaging. Feels like an open-world management sim, at times.
Also, the addition of motorcycles is a welcome one.

More variety in missions, plus some hilarious writing with a memorable cast of characters this time. (Moving from a silent protagonist to Ray Liotta is an incredible move!) A much more comedic, crime boss story that follows the rise of Tommy Vercetti; I enjoyed it way more than the last game's gritty, mafia-focused plot.

Vice City is my favorite Grand Theft Auto game thus far, and I'm curious to see just exactly what San Andreas did after this that got its praise. A lovely open-world experience.

Herkesin küçüklüğünde oynadığı bir klasik. Ama oynayanlarının da %90'ından fazlası bitirememiştir. Çünkü bu oyun bizim zamanımızda insan katletme oyunuydu hikayesine çok giren olmazdı. Ama artık zamanı geldi ve bu oyunun hikayesine el attım bu sefer. Ve iyi ki de atmışım. Çok korkuyordum , efsanevi GTA oyununun hatta özellikle benim favori GTA oyunum olan Vice City'nin sadece bir çocukluk takıntısı olma ihtimali karşısında. Ama hiç de öyle değilmiş. Mükemmel bir oyun. Her görevi birbirinden güzel hazırlanmış , kendi içerisinde her birinin değindiği bir şey var ve bunu kendisine özel olan mizahi tonuyla yapıyor. Küçükken bilmezdik tabi bunu. Dondurma fabrikası aldığımızı hatırlardım ama nereden bileyim o araçta aslında uyuşturucu sattığımızı felan. Kendi içerisinde bunun gibi her görevin bir setting'i var ki çok güzel. Neyse , definitive Edition getirdiği faklara bakmak gerekirse ; oynanış oldukça modernize , genel grafikleri bu zamana göre iyi hale gelmemiş hatta tercih edilen tarz olarak kötü gittiği bile söylenebilir , hikaye ve görevler aynı kalmış içine edilmemiş. Kısacası Remake seviyesinde bir iş yok bu oyunda. Sadece modernize edilmiş ve üstüne en küçük ekleme yapılmamış yavan bir iş olarak kalmış. Buna rağmen efsanevi Rockstar'ımızın tam para istemesi biraz üzücü. Yani hala müthiş bir oyun ama bir Türk gencinin bu parayı vermesini istemem. Kısacası oyun hala taş gibi ama almayın. Öneriyorum ama aynı zamanda önermiyorum.


GTA VICE CITY o brabo, diferente do GTA 3 que é todo cagado em jogabilidade e mecânicas, esse aqui recebeu um grande UP levando em considerável que ele foi lançado um ano depois, as missões são bem dinâmicas tirando as finais, a história é bem interessante e engraçada com algumas piadas bem encaixadas, personagens com personalidade própria, e uma gameplay bem OK, a unica coisa que me fez quase quitar do game foi um bug que ocorreu na missão Cop Land, onde o seu amigo tinha um clone e logo a pos o termino a missão dava como concluída e 10 sec depois aparecia que você fracassou e o Save simplesmente não abre mais a partir dai, sorte que eu tinha criado um Save manual 3 missões antes e conseguir recuperar o meu progresso até ali, tirando isso eu indico totalmente esse game pela sua história e gameplay.
Nota 8/10

honestly? even though it looks like shit, runs like shit, buggy, it's suprisingly playable with mods, and it's still the same good gta vice city. also i prefer shakedown in this version because it's easier

Not as good as the original, same issues as the other "Definitive" edition, lost songs, buggy etc... BUT this did seem to get the best treatment out of all 3 Remasters. Suits the new visuals more and I didn't encounter as many game breaking bugs as I did in the GTA III Definitive Edition.

Still would pick the original version to play most times but pretty good.