Reviews from

in the past

It is a fun time with plenty of choices. The puzzles aren't particularly difficult but I liked getting the perks and advancing through different characters' stories. I've made it through multiple times and only have about 7 characters left to get to 100%.

This game was oddly entertaining. It kept me occupied for the entire day. I really enjoyed the brain map portion. I only wish that the game continued after high school. You can keep playing after you grow up and your offspring will become the next generation, but at that point, it’s basically the same thing over again, so not as interesting. The achievements for the game require you to complete the stories of several different side characters, but I’m not sure there is any way to make sure that you get to interact with certain characters or not.

it's a really nice game but it's a little bit complicated for me to really enjoy

No fue lo que esperaba, es bastante lento y los créditos fueron eternos. La música ambiente no está mal, pero le falta cierto dinamismo a la historia. Era como ver una serie, donde lo que hagas realmente no tiene mucho impacto en cómo se desarrollan las historias.

It doesn't do anything exceptional but strangely addicting. I was a little overwhelmed with everything it throws at you in the tutorial; however it does stay at a slow pace and easy to learn.

It's not indepth with the stat management or storytelling. Easy to pick up but also easy to become repetitive once you meet the characters.

It seems like a couple of the achievements are bugged so instead of spending more time repeating stories in hope they pop, I'll move on.

Had fun chilling for one playthough. I wouldn't consider playing more of it though.

This review is based off of 2 playthroughs I've done so far. I plan to do more so I may edit.

It's a pretty simple yet nostalgic feeling game covering your character's life from when they're a baby to when they graduate from high school.

The gameplay loop is simple yet addicting, as it doesn't take too long to figure out the best ways to efficiently use the systems to max out your skills and stats, while keeping your mental health and parent's satisfaction meters at decent levels. Inbetween all this you get to meet and interact with different characters, and depending on what you do you can finish their storylines.

The writing is pretty decent. It's generally pretty lighthearted but effectively transitions to more serious topics or moodier tones when needed. The career related characters mostly discuss the fields they're in with you and are generally likeable; the writing really shines with the characters of your age group however, as you grow up with said characters and find out about them and their lives, befriending them and possibly even romancing them (or in worst cases, breaking off your friendship with them). The situations these characters tend to be in I either found relateable or at least knew people in real life that went through similar issues during my school years. Couple that with all the activites and figuring out your career path, it's pretty nostalgic, but at the same time kind of terrifying or dreadful. Though I guess that depends on what your school life was like.

Biggest flaw is probably the parents. The way the game handles them just makes them feel too controlling and there's hardly much noteworthy conversations with them; constantly having to meet their expectations is frustrating. It's not really hard to fulfill said expectations, but being forced to meet high expectations for most of my actual school life just made me despite this mechanic of the game lol. It's a little more disappointing too knowing that every playthrough after your first one, your parents can be the protag and who they married in your previous playthrough. Kinda just sucks the character out of them for the most part.

Overall, its a fine game. I liked it, might do some more replays for 100% completion. I loved the music and art, very much fits with that aesthetic of nostalgia it goes for.

bagulhinho desgraçado de difícil viu pqp

I quite enjoyed this game. I played a girl named Tina. I managed to de-friend a boy obviously headed towards trouble. Then, I befriended another boy that was made to look like the "bad boy," but was dealing with his parents' divorce where he thought he was the cause.

copy/pasting my steam review lmao:
it's fun and the art is cute, but the novelty wears off pretty quickly. the gameplay loop becomes irritating after you've gotten used to the mechanics. i've spent at least half of my logged game time just trying to get all of the achievements, only to find out that the one i have left is bugged. i doubt this and other bugs will be fixed, since the game hasn't been updated since 2021 as of writing this.

f in the chat for me; this game will permanently be sitting in my library at 98% complete since i no longer have the willpower to try to get that last achievement :(

It's a pretty cute life simulator with good art and decent writing. It just slightly fails to fully stay novel and interesting throughout a full playthrough. You'll be doing a lot of the same thing and some game systems are more akin to a chore. But it's still a pretty wholesome game.

Chill cosy game for days you want to play something but don't want to dedicate too much time and effort. Quick playthrough and fun to make decisions kinda in a a butterfly effect way, does get boring after a while tho.

Pretty cute Life Sim, but there isn't much of a reason to go very deep into the game.