Reviews from

in the past

Billy and Juji are fucking awesome

how did they fuck up Gungrave dude

What could’ve possibly have happened for the balancing to be this horrendous. Not only that but the charm of the original has been significantly dumbed down. It’s at least stylish and keeps the gameplay somewhat so I still think it’s fine, but it’s a pretty big downgrade.


A total downgrade from the first game despite an improvement to the shooting in some ways, I feel it's important to mention that because everything else about this game is terrible and makes those changes practically irrelevant. We went from a 2-hour long arcade style shooter to a boring, 6 hour long slog of a game with terrible presentation, dead silence in levels except for all the gunshots, levels that drag on far too long, cheap as hell difficulty, and god awful voice acting. I could go on more about how bad this game is, but I at least want to mention the entire final boss sequence is honestly pretty amazing and absolutely hilarious that everybody needs to see for themselves. I'm still laughing about it whenever it comes to mind and that alone saves it from giving me the lowest possible score.

I was having fun with this until I reached a point where there is just no way to advance due to the sheer number of enemies and firepower. The lack of proper balance, the clunky camera and other choice regarding gameplay are very questionable and can kill the shoot em up experience. It seems that the previous game is better, so I'll have to try it at one point.

genuinelt had no problem with difficulty in the game, I HESITATE to say skill issue... HOWEVER...