Reviews from

in the past

Pretty advanced stuff for 1988. This musta been the Gran Turismo of its day...

Extremely ambitious for the Lynx. Sadly a sluggish slog albeit technically impressive.

It tries to replicate an early 3d arcade racer. This unfortunately means it runs about 4fps on the Atari Lynx. Too slow to really control it properly.

Give this one a pass.

A technical marvel and easily the most realistic looking 3D driving game at the time of its release. Once you get the hang of the controls it also drives pretty well and is mostly held back by a lack of much to do.

A fair attempt at the arcade driving game. The problem lies with the fact that this was never a good game to begin with. The 3D graphics are great, as are the replays, but the FPS have been crippled for the home consoles. You can crawl around the track at a snail's pace, and yet there's simply no time to react to anything. There's just not enough enjoyment to be gleaned from this, once you've been around the track once or twice and completed the stunt course there's literally nothing else to do.

A technical marvel for the time but aged worse than most games I've played. Hard to believe Daytona USA was only 5 years later.

This, along with Primal Rage and maybe one other racing game were what comprised the only "arcade" I had around as a kid, so in a way, I love this game to death for that reason and it holds a special place in my heart. But realistically, it's uhh, it's not great.