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esta si que era una expansion

Not a proper game, per se, but it's the solo adventure I've been spending the past few weeks trying to get through in my free time. If you beat it with all nine classes, you get a special card back for it, and that felt enough to me like beating a game to mark it down here. Dungeon Run is basically a solo arena draft you can do as many times as you want for free! It's a fun little game mode Blizz put in the game for free a little while back, and I'm glad I gave it a shot.

Dungeon Run is basically a rolling draft against 8 semi-randomized AI opponents. You pick one of the nine deck classes and start with a pre-built deck of 10 cards against an opponent picked from a pool of like three starting bosses that you basically can't lose against if you don't just let them win. After that victory, you get to pick one of three randomly given passive cards and then pick from one of three sets of 3 cards set around a certain theme. The passive you pick guides what playable cards you go for, and in addition to the 3 new cards and +5 max HP you get every time you beat a boss, you'll get two special "treasure" cards and another passive item by the time you get to the 8th boss.

The six bosses between the starter and final bosses are picked from a much larger pool of like 30 and appear generally anywhere, but there are technically assigned slots (like A.F.Kay will only ever appear as boss #4). These guys are much more possible to lose against, and I've lost against the 3rd or 4th boss more than once because I either got bad draw and/or they got lucky. All the bosses have a unique hero power and deck make-up that make them an interesting challenge to fight, and there are SO many of them that you really can't build a deck to prepare for just one. You need to build a deck that's just gonna be good, not just good against one guy you'll hope you fight.

Building an overall good deck is particularly important for the pool of eight final bosses you can face. These guys are absolute bastards, and they have some crazy unfair advantages (sometimes outright "cheating") that you're just gonna need to get lucky to overcome. That said, this IS a tcg, and luck and RNG are just part of the game, so faulting it for needing to be lucky to win is a bit hyperbolic. The difficulty is honestly what makes it so much fun.

The passives, themed packs of 3 cards, and treasures are all so great that every run feels different when combined with how the set of bosses you'll be fighting is changing every round. Passives are stuff like, "All your minions that cost 5 or more mana cost 5" or "All of your opponents Minions cost 1 more" or "All your weapons cost 1 mana," the list goes on. The treasures range from game-changing strategy plays to crazy RNG shit like a 0-cost card that randomly reassigns every minion on the board to a certain side of the board, a 3-cost wand that lets you draw 3 cards and makes them cost 0, or a 10-cost wand that randomly keeps casting Pyroblast until a hero dies! There are way more than just 3 themes your packs of 3 cards can be based around as well, so you'll almost never be able to get a whole deck based around just one. This means that games, especially later in the dungeon, can get absolutely crazy with your crazy overpowered crap flying against the AI's and just seeing who comes out on top.

Verdict: Highly recommended. If you like CCG's or Hearthstone at all, Dungeon Run is fantastic fun. It combines all the fun and silliness of the Solo Adventures with the strategic drafting of Arena mode all in a unique new way that's totally free and ready to play right past the tutorial. It's the most fun I've had with Hearthstone or CCG's in a long time, and I barely even care that you can't complete dailies by playing it with just how fun it is.