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I got really excited when I noticed quite a few times that people thought that Ch. 1 of Higurashi was one of, if not the "worst" chapter. Frankly, I was so enthralled by the experience, for all that it is, that I couldn't imagine it gets -that- much better.

Well it does!

And... I can't say I hate the slice of life when I quite literally forgot for maybe 2 hours that I was reading a story that greatly involves grotesque murder, and I think that's pretty neat.

Anyway, I look forward with going full speed ahead with the other chapters!

keiichi maebara is the stupidest motherfucker to ever exist

men should just treat women like goddesses

has some neat moments and learnt more stuff but i thought chapter 1 was wayyy better overall

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If ch. 1 is all about dread and paranoia, ch. 2 is about pure horror and regret. There are moments like the first chapter with a sudden pointed question that destabilises us; some aspects of the plot purposefully misdirect us and throw our sense of reality for a loop. But it doesn't finish off with a sort of inevitability, anxiety; it stops and stops and stops — each new ending in the story just ramping the horror up and asking more and more supernatural questions about the world as a whole. In this story it didn't feel so much like "are we crazy?" as "how true are these outrageous things in every other story?" Nearly the entire cast is dead, and the bleakness of the story and its resigned laughter play better with the world than the last story's ending, I think, which just asked some questions that happened after the events of the story, offscreen...

Between that and the slice of life having a nicer balance (though still somewhat outstaying its welcome...) it executes more strongly than the first chapter, though the first chapter had to introduce these characters; this chapter can just hit the ground running, after all...

I slept with the lights on last night.

i thought i was done with the annoying creepy (bad kind) slice of life stuff after the first chapter but i guess i was wrong... still really enjoyed the 2nd half of this but it wasnt as good at the 1st

its good but i dont feel like it really wowed me after the first chapter


From what I can remember of Higurashi this chapter has always been my least favourite. To me it always just feels like it's trying to reintroduce me to the main characters while also introducing Shion. It also feels like the most confusing chapter with the whole Mion and Shion switching places thing that goes on. I feel they should of kept something as confusing as this for chapter 3. I will say that has grown on me a little though.

genuinely insufferable waste of my time. took me 2 years to read and I didn't enjoy a second of it. only spurned on by "it gets better later" stockholmisms. the ryukishi fans are lying

Overall the weakest higurashi chapter due to how interconnected it is to the superior version of this chapters story ch 5

Holy hell, this took me around 5 tries to finish in the span of several months. One thing of note is that I've read dozens and dozens of VNs, so I'm used to slow starts and a lot of SoL before the true plot begins, but it is the absolute worst here for me.

For me, good slice-of-life in a VN has to be one or more of:
1) funny (ex. Majikoi, Little Busters, Grisaia no Kajitsu)
2) meaningful with characterisation or themes (ex. White Album 2)
3) relaxing/atmospheric (ex. Mahoutsukai no Yoru or slice-of-life anime like Bocchi the Rock)
4) all of the above (ex. Utawarerumono 2 and 3)

And Higurashi 1 and 2's SoL isn't any of these. I can't speedread because I keep expecting some important info, so I end up fully focusing on school club, maid cafe or Satoko classroom prank moments, expecting some kind of reason for that, but getting no payoff. It was a lesser problem in Onikakushi because there were fewer lengthy stretches of it, but in Watanagashi it was so dull and boring that I, who usually has no trouble binging entire VNs where the beginning is a lot of SoL before the true story begins, had to take numerous breaks, eventually finishing this arc. When you're used to people shooting each other into the stratosphere for jokes, having unhinged humour or genuinely relaxing and/or thought-provoking conversations in SoL from the numeous VNs you've read, this is bound to not be very impressive. When you have someone who's read as many VNs as I have, the fact that I struggled to continue this is worth mentioning.

Yes, the last part is good. Yes, the psychological stuff is pretty good (though I'd argue not as good as in Onikakushi, it's often drawn-out). Yes, arc 3 is better than this so far. But it's just less impactful when my enjoyment was impacted this much by other elements of the story. And so I have had Higurashi stalled for a very long time just because of this one arc.

Also, I want to talk about Higurashi's weird lolicon tendencies in this one. If you've seen my profile or know me, you know that I personally dislike sexualisation of characters in media, let alone young-looking ones, and I expected better from Ryukishi after reading Umineko and assuming that this kind of shit was anime-original for the Higurashi anime. It's a big reason why I read the all-ages version of an originally eroge VN if it doesn't impact the story negatively. I'm not 100% on which of these are console arc inclusions (if any), however not only is Irie weird, but there is also a scene where Keiichi is comparing Rika's (an elementary schooler's) chest to another girl's. WTF. It's really weird to see this when When They Cry (and there weren't many occurrences of this in Umineko, Onikakushi and Watanagashi alone have already surpassed it in terms of times this happens), because they're often cited as "non-weird VNs" in some circles, but then you have this, or other instances where you would be fully justified in considering Ryukishi to be a l*licon (I've seen the Higurashi anime years ago, so I know a few other instances, and IIRC they were approved by Ryukishi or in the original novels).

Overall, I think I would think more highly of this if it wasn't dragged down by the issues I mentioned.

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Accompaniment: Televisions by Current Joys

It's becoming more clear that attempting to treat these chapters as if they were their own self-contained entity is folly, but I think I'm still able to say a few words on it as its own story.

For one thing, it's obvious that you should be playing Chapter 1 first to get introduced to all the characters and put you in the right mindset, but besides that I found Chapter 2 to be a heartbreakingly sorrowful tale of a best friend losing her state of mind to a powerful demon. While Chapter 1 is meant to make the reader feel paranoid, Chapter 2 sends them in a state of denial with you learning so much about one particular character and just how deep their emotions and sins go.

Watanagashi stands head-and-shoulders above Onikakushi for me, and earns the oh-so coveted title of Alliecore for one particular reason, and that's Mion's struggle with identity. When Mion first mentioned that sometimes she wonders why she wasn't born as a boy, I joked about it with my friend going like "Mion trans arc??? Based Ryukishi07???" But then the story went on. And as it went on, her struggles with femininity became more than just a simple line and I found myself relating heavily to that.

Mion is for the most part a tomboy, but as Rena mentions, she has an unseen feminine side. I may be different in that I am a trans woman, but I have trouble expressing that I am that. I myself do prefer androgynous clothing simply because it's easy to wear and comfortable, but that means that my identity is invisible to the naked eye of the random observer. The pain I feel in never getting to be called miss or ma'am is enough to break me into tears at night. Especially when my own family thinks I don't make sense. That pain rivals what Mion feels when Keiichi treats her as a boy. While she has different reasons for feeling pain (namely, romantic interest), the message is the same. It's not that she's blaming Keiichi for not treating her the way she wanted, but it doesn't take away from the fact that she's hurt and she wants him to know the pain she feels. I don't want to blame anybody either for their ignorance, but sometimes it's a bit hard when I give clues like my trans-designed sweatshirt or a pin showing my pronouns.

Another point of emotional pain I sustained within this scenario was Keiichi trying to give the doll to Mion after she was fully consumed by her demon. After finally recognizing her and him trying to make up for his blindness, it's too late. Mion stabs him and he drops the doll, soaking it in a pool of its own blood. The doll is a representation of Keiichi seeing Mion for what she is, and it being ruined by blood is a ruin of that perception, the beauty of caring for a best friend marred by the blood of a relentless evil.

I compare that scene to my current state of mind, my deep desires to cut contact off from my non-understanding family and friends that have greatly hurt me clashing against my meek and forgiving personality not wanting to go through with it. I fear that Watanagashi is a reflection of my intrusive thoughts and what happens when they fester. In my case, it is the desire to hurt with words, and with the intensity of hammering 30 nails into one's fingers.

I'll talk real quick about the horror. Definitely not as unsettling as Chapter 1, maybe because I could sort of expect what was to come this time around but the CGs of Mion going insane are going to keep me up at night lmaooo.

Everything just made me yearn much more to want to have a good ending for everyone. But at the same time, I'm also hoping the Chapters 3 and 4 live up to the attachment that Watanagashi had for me towards Mion. I'm also hoping, like, the ending isn't terrible either because this is a goddamn 60 hour time investment and I would be FURIOUS if the ending sucked lmao. Also I find Keiichi to be a massive shithead. I hope future chapters show him growing as a character. But, overall, still very much into this series and I can't wait to finish it!

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The final hours of Watanagashi are my favourite part of the question arcs. Keiichi’s character in this episode is like a foil to himself in Onikakushi. In that chapter he is consistently paranoid and mistrusting of his friends, while Watanagashi shows a Keiichi who is intensely trusting and loving. Throughout the chapter he prioritizes the other over the self, experiencing intense guilt over what is essentially a silly action. It’s easy to look at Keiichi’s decisions in this chapter and make fun of his stupidity as many have, but I think this is missing the climax’s point. Keiichi’s decisions are questionable when looked at with reason, but Keiichi is operating on the principle of faith. One of the themes in Higurashi is applying this religious faith in the secular worlds of love and friendship, and from my memory this finale is the first time where it becomes especially evident. Keiichi’s journey with Mion into the basement of the Sonozaki house is a leap of faith, and Keiichi maintains this faith even when he is confronted with what appears to be pure evil. Even when he is told that he is being deceived he continues to have faith in his friend, outright denying the murderer in front of him as Mion. The whole climax is basically Keiichi being tested to maintain his love. Higurashi creates a really interesting mix of childish innocence and total bleakness. They’re often viewed as separate, but the series’ best moments are when these two modes synthesise into one.

While the climax is the standout, the rest of the chapter is also great. I don’t think it’s quite as gripping as Onikakushi’s second half is, which comes down to Keiichi having a much-needed ally in Rena this time around. That doesn’t mean it’s worse though - this chapter is where I really began to love Rena as a character. Here she continues to get more complex than her cutesy “hauuuu!” persona without ever betraying Keiichi like in Onikakushi. She’s also really fun in the detective mode, especially when she basically pulls a Columbo bit on Mion near the end. One thing I love about Higurashi’s time loop setup is how we learn more about the characters in their different variations, and how these variations suggest that the characters’ actions are driven by circumstance rather than anything innate to them. The paranoid Keiichi of Onikakushi and the trusting Keiichi of Watanagashi are not two different people, despite the apparent contradiction. For a first time reader I think the most key thing to pay attention to is the differences in characterisation between chapters. I think the most important thing to ask is what circumstances could resolve these contradictions.

After spending hours sitting through various slice-of-life hijinks those final moments near/at the very end make all those hours worth it.

Puedes amar a un personaje y aún así admitir cuando está equivocado. Amo a Mion Sonozaki pero puedo reconocer sus defectos (no tiene ninguno), puedo responsabilizarlo por sus fechorías (nunca ha hecho nada malo en su vida) y llamarlo por sus acciones (que siempre son correctas).

Unlike episode 1, Watanagashi manages to remain consistently interesting from start to finish. The SoL elements actually enhance your appreciation for the characters and introduces vital story elements that are immediately expanded upon. While I didn't feel the story had any spectacular heights, it also didn't have any dismal lows. It's just a consistently engaging story. It's pretty good, lol

the fact that a real person made this and thought it was good enough to release to the public is reason enough to not play this series

This chapter felt reaaaaaally long but overall it actually had its cool stuff here and there, even though I still think that atmosphere wise it's definitely not as good as the first chapter.

Didn't like the ending very much, but oherwise I liked it, especially this first half slice of life which felt definitely better than in the first chapter. However, I still prefer the first chapter because of this ending.

The anime version of this arc was really brutalized, the original VN version is significantly better. This is easily one of the slowest question arc though, and I think the SOL scenes are just alright considering how long they last here. I'd say the point where they start investigating Rika's house is where this arc gets really good, but until then it's definitely sluggish (though I still liked it). This is one of Keiichi's dumbest arcs as well, but I give him some leeway. The phonecall with Shion towards the end is the first really great WTC scene, imo, and it stays pretty strong throughout the rest of it. The ending is really interesting for theorizing if you know nothing about the series yet.

A step up from the previous one. Some of the humor is still either a bad transcription of a comic book sight gag or else a valid pretext for a law enforcement search of the author's hard drive.

This time around there are fun little mysteries both before and after the midpoint tonal shift. The MC's transgression is also (seemingly) clearer in Watanagashi, while the others' reaction to it is surprising enough to sustain reader interest.

Before ever playing any of these, I was a little bit skeptical that a visual novel/interactive fiction game without branches was going to be worthwhile. This format allows for stories that branch without specifying a single clear point of divergence or requiring the player to fastforward through an introductory section over and over again for each branch after the first.

the SoL sections arent as bad as ch 1, however there is still room for improvement. the horror is much better since we are already familiar with the setting/characters, allowing for the horror to be more developed and focused. looking forward to ch 3.

A weaker opening act than chapter 1, because it feels like it needlessly reintroduces some elements. But a stronger closing act due to the ability for a second chapter to pick a more central character/focus. Though I prefer chapter 1 more as it can serve as a standalone narrative. Whereas this chapter definitely leaves some stuff that will probably be tackled later. I will probably put my overall thoughts down in my review for the final chapter.

Unless I'm mistaken, I don't believe Gear and Fascism were in chapter 1 though. And those are wonderfully crafted songs. Without this soundtrack as its backdrop, some of the scenes would not evoke the emotion it would have otherwise. I'm curious to see if and how the soundtrack expands in the future.

Um capítulo foda de se reler e perceber como tudo é tão doloroso nos dois POV existentes pra esse arco.

Todo pq el padre de Keiichi es un pajas

Peak theorising arc for the series imo