Reviews from

in the past

(Midway Arcade Treasures)
Mechanically this is definitely solid but I don't like how the blocks sound

Solid, fun puzzle game.

Plays in vertical mode on the Lynx, so be prepared to tilt your console (or whatever you're playing it on). Starts off quite simple but explains the additional scoring you can do rather than just stacking vertically. Simple but challenging, the level goals help to mix it up as well. Worth a try (it's on many platforms so take a look!).

It sure was the 90s.

I miss it :(

Over-designed in a good way. Most maximalist puzzle games have simple gameplay with wacky aesthetics — Klax has wacky everything.

A fun block stacking puzzle game. It wouldn't surprise me if someone at Harmonix played this in their youth and it partially inspired Guitar Hero.