Reviews from

in the past

i have no memory of this game

Last Day of Spring is about a friend simply trying to enjoy her newest friends birthday, and the struggles that comes with it. What starts off as a rather wholesome plan to get together turns into a lesson of empathy and understanding the struggles of trans folk.

Not going to lie, this might be the weaker story of the bunch, but only for the fact that we aren't exactly doing much here. The majority of the time we are planning a party, and when we finally get to the party the game is almost over. It's basically a story to hand hold people into the struggles of being trans, and while I don't think that's a bad thing, I do wish we got a little more time and interaction with Erika and Haru. All the characters are absolutely charming and cute, but it doesn't exactly translate when they are texting on the phone. The story honestly just needed a little more interaction, but beyond that I do think it properly hits the beats it needs to in order to work as a connected story with the other games it's attached too. Honestly, it just needed a little more story is all.

Erika may not be the best protag of the Springs crew, but all 3 of them are absolutely friend shaped and feel like a proper friend group trying to help support each other and make life suck less. The music is cutesy, the character design is charming, and the backgrounds are simple yet sweet. If you enjoyed One Night, Hot Springs, you'll have a good time here, but aside from a positive outlook and LGBT friendly vibes, I don't see much here to make people interested. This game is enough for me though, and I really did enjoy seeing more of this friends hanging out.

damn this one hit home more

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