Reviews from

in the past

SCENE: Local Gamestop. CLERK is processing a pile of games from CHILD, looking to sell them but really in a sense more looking to get them out of his house forever. Especially this MISERABLE POS.

CLERK: "OK, last one...

CLERK sets aside some licensed game to reveal MISERABLE POS.


CHILD: "Nooooo! No-no-no-no-no. I quit."

CLERK: "Goddamn man, I was gonna say 'let me shake your hand'."

CHILD and CLERK share a knowing laugh at the MISERABLE POS. Neither will ever believe that anyone could willfully finish this game, even though one day a video website will exist where multiple people will upload full clears of it. It will not look any better in this future than it did back in the day.

(NOTE: in my scale a 3 means "I don't regret this," and I do not regret playing this game because it let me see the awed horror in this grown man's face at the thought that it was possible to get past the second dog level.)

Elated to inform everyone I've made toast!

Skill and stealth! Gatling guns akimbo! Atomic toast! These are your greatest weapons against the alien invasion of Earth in this hilarious action title. You play as three distinct characters, the sniper scope-wielding Kurt; the gun-happy, robotic six-legged dog Max; and the eccentric Dr. Hawkins, who does, in fact, wield an atomic toaster and other unique inventions. The humor is reminiscent of games like Earthworm Jim and cartoons from the 90s, with goofy aliens, smarmy wisecracking, and even potty humor. It also has the MOST year 2000 soundtrack, and it absolutely rocks. If you're looking for a fun, action shooter romp that's a little bit silly, this is your game.

i pirated this off some site back in the day that was literally called like or something and it was broken up into 16 parts. waiting for my 56k modem to download all that was so exciting and then i played it and i dont remember aynthing about it i think you can be a dog or something at one point??

call me nuts, call me a fucking dumb dumb, but this game is the perfect ying and yang of love and hating for me. ive said b4 that wind waker was a game i loved but couldnt beat due to the frustration of the tri force maps, but this... i love mdk2, the characters, humour, bopping music, dark n cold enviornment and overall silliness of the entire game. i even forgive its HUGE amount of jank level design. however, there is a certain part in the late game where you have to step on certain puzzle platforms to progress. and let me tell you, this puzzle is the worst goddamn thing to ever grace humanity, whoever implemented this so late in the game needs to be thrown into prison life without parole, fuck you i loved this game but you made it IMPOSSIBLE TO BEAT. back of the box says ''by gamers, for gamers'' WHAT THE FUCK MAN WHAT A SHIT LOAD OF FUCK SOMEONE ON THIS GAME WAS EVIL! FUCK YOU. stupid bastard

The controls for this game should be a war crime