Reviews from

in the past

Horrible physics and remarkable slowness even for a children's game.

"Nicktoons Racing" fails to deliver an enjoyable racing experience, despite featuring beloved characters from Nickelodeon cartoons. While the inclusion of iconic characters may initially draw players in, the game ultimately disappoints due to its poor driving mechanics and frustrating power-up system.

On the positive side, "Nicktoons Racing" does offer a roster of familiar Nicktoon characters, allowing fans to race as their favorites. However, this is overshadowed by the game's glaring flaws.

The driving mechanics are subpar, resulting in frustrating and unresponsive controls that detract from the overall experience. Additionally, the power-up system feels unfair and unbalanced, often leading to frustrating moments of gameplay.

Overall, "Nicktoons Racing" falls short of expectations and fails to provide the fun and excitement expected from a racing game. Players are likely to find little enjoyment in this title and may be better off exploring other options for their gaming entertainment.